Smart Substation Transport Services for the Distribution Grid Operator Josco C.P. Kester
Introduction TNO connects people and knowledge to create innovations that boost the sustainable competitive strength of industry and well-being of society public / private independent industrial innovation information society ICT energy mobility research and development The Netherlands turnover 600M€ applied physics measurements & control technology hiking Energie Delfland electric power systems consultancy research & development ECN 2 power electronic technology
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 3 Smart Substation A 10/0.4 kV distribution substation that supports LV grids with distributed generation and demand peaks 3
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 4 How will our energy supply look in 2050? 4 Power grid operators face new requirements
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 5 Smart Substation Requirements Functional Design Detailed Design Prototype Assembly Laboratory tests Field demonstration (May December 2010) 5
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 6 Inside the prototype LV Cabinet 6 MV Cabinet
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 7 LV cabinet 7 3. Monitoring and control 2. Sensors 1. Electric energy storage
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 8 MV cabinet 8 Switchgear indicators Smart Trafo - trafo Smart Trafo – control unit
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 9 Smart Substation by improving load profile reliability power quality A 10/0.4 kV distribution substation that supports LV grids with distributed generation and demand peaks 9
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 10 Lab tests in FPG-Lab May 2009 – February
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 11 Field demonstration Apeldoorn, Het Kasteel (Jun ) 11
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 12 Load profile Peak load: - 30% (simulation) PowerMatcher Supply Demand Matching 12
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 13 Reliability Decrease peak loads Coordination of local supply* Intentional islanding* * not yet fully tested 13
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 14 FPG-Lab: islanding ESI System operating in islanding mode after removal of MV supply (passive resistive load of 20kW applied) 14
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 15 Power Quality Resonances: - 70% (simulation) Harmonic Compensation with Virtual Resistive Harmonic Dampening (VRHD) 15
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 16 Smart Substation: results field demonstration Tested in an operational grid (‘easy’ circumstances) stable operation harmonic compensation voltage stability flicker reduction Not yet tested controlling microCHPs active power control (in preparation) ‘rough’ conditions Duration test ongoing 16
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 17 Field demo: Reference harmonics (wk20) THD 3rd 5th 7th 11th 13th All PQ characteristics within limits 17 very good sufficient very bad
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 18 Field demo: THD (May - October 2010) THD3rd 5th 7th 11th 13th prep 20 ref V 29 harm 30 ref V flicker 18
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 19 Field demo: Harmonic Compensation (THD) Off On THD reduced by 15%
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 20 Field demo: Harmonic Compensation (5th) Off On 5th harmonic reduced by 20%
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 21 Field demo: Reference PQ (wk20) V (dips) freq flicker THD unbalance Not applicable Connection. error 21 very good sufficient very bad
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 22 Field demo: PQ (May - October 2010) V(dips) freq. Flicker THD Unb prep 20 ref V 29 harm 30 ref V flicker 22 Not applicable Connection. error
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 23 Field demonstration: Flicker reduction OffOn Flicker reduced from max 0.4 to max
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 24 Field demonstration: Voltage stability OffOn Voltage excursions reduced from +/- 4 V to +/- 0.8 V 24
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 25 Smart Trafo Voltage distribution at input Voltage distribution at output 25
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station Flex Power Grid Lab (FPGLab) offers services for development and testing of SmartGrids and power electronics for industrial high voltage (24kV), power up to 1MVA by offering a predefined “bad” grid or load independent laboratory, operated by KEMA, Arnhem (Netherlands) Applications
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station Key figures make test facility unique Voltage level up to 24 kV DC to 75 Hz frequency range Continuous power up to 1 MVA Up to >25 th harmonics 4 Quadrant operation Synchronization with other source Controllable power exchange Adjustable loads (0.5MW, 1MVAr) A freely programmable “nightmare” grid 1 MVA 2.4 kHz 24 kV 1 MVA
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 28 Spin-off Alfen: ESI Imtech: Smart Trafo 2.0 KEMA: FPG-Lab Alliander: test environment TNO : PowerMatcher Eaton: equipment for sustainable electricity supply, home automation 28
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 29 Recommendations Continue monitoring Test active power control Perform test including microCHPs Demonstrations take more time than one expects – even when one takes that into account Significant cost reduction possible Significant volume reduction possible Consider mobile applications 29
IOP-EMVT intelligent distributie station 30 Conclusions Lab tests anti-islanding and islanding tested and approved specifications tested and documented approved for field operation Field demonstration tests with microCHPs not possible active power control not yet working smart substation has operated without incidents since June 2010 voltage stability improved THD improved flicker improved International interest in Smart Substation 30 Questions?