Chapters 1-3
Setting Goals and Objectives for Students ◦ Learning objectives – be specific, yet flexible ◦ Students set some learning goals/objectives – motivation increases with student involvement ◦ Learning objectives are communicated to students and parents ◦ Student contracts designed with specific learning objectives/goals
Word Processing Applications ◦ KWHL Chart – activates prior knowledge/personalizes learning goals ◦ Word Document – can be saved as a Web page – communication students and parents ◦ Document Template – design contracts that require the student to save contracts as a new document, once they have completed the information on the template
Kidspiration (Grades preK-5) ◦ Organizing templates (inc. webs) – present broad learning objective/benchmark, include learning goals ◦ KWHL Template Inspiration (Intermediate-older) ◦ Records sounds ◦ Goal Plan template ◦ Goal Setting template
Online Survey ◦ include background info., open ended questions, limit length, completion credit Free/Inexpensive Online Web Survey Sites ◦ Survey Monkey - ◦ Policat - ◦ Web Surveyor – tools.asp Link to RSVME – free application integrating Microsoft Outlook and other (create questionnaires easily) ◦ Profiler Pro –
Locate Standards Online - objectives based on standards; either district, state, or national ◦ McREL’s Compendium of Standards: Content Knowledge ◦ Developing Educational Standards ◦ Council of Chief State School Officers y_State_Education_Policies/3160.cfm y_State_Education_Policies/3160.cfm
Creating Rubrics ◦ Rubrics for Web Lessons ◦ RubiStar – (generic rubrics to modify) ◦ Landmark Project Rubric Machine ◦ TeAchnology Web Portal for Educators ◦ Northwest Regional Education Laboratory: Science Inquiry Model
Blogs ◦ Web-based journals ◦ Easier to maintain than a regular webpage ◦ Online examples
◦ Written communication between teacher and students ◦ Messages can be stored and recorded for future use. ◦ Examples of application: Newsletter Group Newsletter from grade level team Single parent contacts
Providing Feedback ◦ Corrective Feedback ◦ Timely Feedback ◦ Specific Feedback related to topic or criteria ◦ Students provide some feedback
Tools for writing ◦ Track changes and insert comments ◦ Flesch-Kincaid Readability Scale Helps students revise: pay attention to word choice and variation
Classroom Response Systems ◦ Collects data through the use of clickers ◦ Relies on multiple choice questions ◦ Evaluates using all levels of skill with Bloom’s Taxonomy Grading Software ◦ Computer assisted assessment and grading
Web Resources for Games and Simulations ◦ Math Playground (Grades K-6) ◦ ExploreLearning (Middle/High School) Students use “gizmos”/virtual manipulatives Subscription needed ◦ Cut the Knot (Mathematics) 700 applets of mathematical concepts ◦ Brain POP Short Flash movies - science, social studies, mathematics, English, health, and technology ◦ BBC Skillswise (K-6) Fact sheets, interactive applets, games and quizzes in Mathmatics and Language Skills
Classroom Blogs Wikis Instant messaging (IM) Video Conferencing
Providing Recognition ◦ Rewards not necessarily negative ◦ Rewards are most effective when linked to performance ◦ Abstract recognition is better than tangible rewards
Web-based Surveys Classroom Response Systems
Certificates of Recognition ◦
Web Showcases and Picture Galleries ◦ Post exceptional student work on the internet ◦ Flickr Photo Gallery Service ◦ Mrs. McGowan’s Student Showcase grade/student_showcase.htm grade/student_showcase.htm ◦ Greenville Middle School – Celebrations ◦ Kids’ Space - Kids” Gallery ◦ Certificates Microsoft Office Education Resources Education Oasis AAA Certicates
Audio Video Conferencing ◦ Global WRITeS ◦ Dream Yard