How to build a (basic) website at MUSC Elizabeth Garrett-Mayer April 28, 2014
Homeroom You must map the ‘homeroom’ network drive to your computer. The name of the drive is (but replace “netid” with your netid: \\\netid
Go to homeroom Notice the ‘public_html’ folder Everything in it is “public” – Can be seen be anyone, even if it isn’t created as a specific hyperlink Open the public_html folder
index.html In public_html, open or create an index.html file using a word processing program (e.g. Word, Emacs, WinEdt) Be sure to save it as a.htm or.html file. This file is your ‘homepage’
Creating your home page Should be clean and easy to navigate Make links to relevant content – CV – Papers – Photos album Don’t try to put too much on the home page
Using templates You can easily organize using a table with hidden gridlines (my strategy) Find other peoples pages and save the source code: edit it to make it yours. Some examples: – – – –
Adding in links Right click, add hyperlink Create a new page Add in a photo