oneone CS-8A Objective: To explore the initial steps of the scientific process in order to identify experimental variables and analyze procedures. CSI Note: What is the difference between the independent variable and the dependent variable? Drill: 1. Write your name on the back of each data chart. 2. Get a new lab from the SET. 3. Read the CSI Note and the Objective.
oneone CS-8A Every Experiment begins with a research question. Research Question What is the effect of the volume of a substance on the mass of the same substance?
oneone CS-8A The research question includes variables that can change during the investigation. These variables are called the independent variable and dependent variable. The independent variable is the variable that is being controlled or manipulated. The dependent variable is the variable that reacts to the independent variable. It is often measured during the experiment or calculated from measured data.
oneone CS-8A Ex. Problem Question: How does the angle of light affect the growth of plants? Independent Variable: the angle of light (This is what the scientist is controlling.) Dependent Variable: the growth of plant (This is what is being measured or calculated, and is based on the independent variable.)
oneone CS-8A Identify the independent variable in the research question. The volume of a substance.
oneone CS-8A Identify the dependent variable in the research question. The mass of the same substance.
oneone CS-8A Writing the Hypothesis A hypothesis is a possible answer to the research question. The hypothesis should include the predicted change that will occur when testing each variable. The hypothesis is written as follows. If ________________, then _______________ (The change the scientist controls (The change that results - the independent variable) -the dependent variable) because ______________________________.
oneone CS-4A Look at the problem question and write a hypothesis for this investigation. If the volume of a substance is (increased/decreased), then the mass of that substance will ____________, because _______________________.
oneone CS-8A Procedures include the steps you will take to test the variables and complete the investigation.
oneone CS-8A..\Luanne Cartoon - Ordering procedures.doc
oneone CS-4A Explain why it is important to create procedures that are listed chronologically (in order according to time). Support your answer using prior knowledge of performing tasks. There is a natural order for things. If you don’t follow a proper order, things won’t work out correctly.
oneone CS-8A Lab Procedures Set 1 a. Mass the empty graduated cylinder. b. Record the mass of the empty graduated cylinder In Chart 1, “The Effect of Volume on Mass of An Unknown Liquid.” c. Pour a volume of about 10 mL of mystery liquid into the graduated cylinder. Read and record the volume in Chart 1. d. Mass the graduated cylinder and the mystery liquid. e. Record the mass in Chart 1. f. Calculate the mass of just the liquid, and record the mass in Chart 1. (Subtract cylinder mass.) g. Repeat steps C-F for about 20, 30, 40, and 50 mL of mystery liquid.
oneone CS-8A Lab Procedures Set 2 First I should mass the empty graduated cylinder and recorded the information in Chart 1, “The Effect of Volume on Mass Of An Unknown Liquid.” Then, I poured a volume of about 10 mL into the graduated cylinder. Next, I massed the filled cylinder. After that I calculated the mass of just the liquid and recorded that mass on the chart. I repeated these steps for about 20, 30, 40, and 50 mL of liquid.
oneone CS-8A Which set of procedures do you like the best? Justify your response.
oneone CS-8A EXIT SLIP Variables
oneone CS-8A Homework Finish anything not completed in class.