Bilbao´s Flood Julen & Ioritz
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Information Flood in Bilbao were in August 1983, this month, it rained a lot. This flood afected Basque Country, Cantabria, Burgos and Navarra.
Damages 39 people dead, 34 of them in Basque Country, and there were 5 disappeared too. All old city of Bilbao was flood and it cost 1200 milion€, 1/3 were in Bilbao. Some famous buildings were destroyed, for example, Arriaga. Hundreds of people were rescued by helicopter people helped :spanish army, police and firefighters in Bilbao. Arriaga
Nowadays Nowadays Bilbao is completely recovered of flood, and it has evolved like town, a mark of that is Guggenheim museum and Arriaga teather that has been reconstructed, Bilbao is now a famous city because of his new constructions.
It rained 1500 tons of water, 600l/m2, this is 60 cm tall. In Bilbao water was 5m high and in Basauri 3m but Bermeo, Galdakao and Etxebarri were very afected too. Other information El perro street, old city San Nicolas church, old city
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