Sponsored by the National Science Foundation DICloud Spiral 2 Year-end Project Review University of Massachusetts Amherst PI: Michael Zink, Prashant Shenoy and Jim Kurose Staff: David Irwin and Emmanuel Cecchet August 6, 2010 Data-Intensive Cloud Control for GENI
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 2 Project Summary Conduct data-intensive experiments in GENI from start (data collection point) to finish (processing and archiving) Augment Orca control framework to –Obtain data-centric slices that span GENI/VISE (sensornet) resources and cloud resources (servers and storage) –Provide access to Amazon Web Service resources –Execute experiment workflows to explicitly control experiment data flow and resource allocation across a network of components/aggregates. August 6, 2010
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 3 Milestone & QSR Status IDMilestoneStatusOn Time? On Wiki? GPO signoff? S2.aCluster plan for VLANs between testbeds Static VLAN connection from UMass-Amherst to BBN in Cambridge. NLR access through Boston NOX or BBN. On timeYes S2.bPlan to connect to cloudNo layer 2 VPN. Amazon VPC still in beta. Recommend usage of OpenVPN. On timeYes S2.cHandlers to allocate cloud resources Developed Orca handlers to allocate resources from Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Simple Storage Service (S3), and Elastic Block Store (EBS) cloud services. On timeYes S2.dPolicy to track usageBased on existing Orca brokers accounting node resources until handlers support AWS resource tracking. On timeYes S2.eDemo archiving sensor dataDemo at GEC7 where RENCI dynamically stood up a web server after stitching together the larger network that queried archived radar data from a web server running on an EC2 node on Amazon, which ViSE bridged onto the VLAN using OpenVPN. Radar data was displayed as a Google Maps animation after Orca finished stitching the links from BEN, NLR, Starlight, to UMass. On timeYes August 6, 2010
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 4 Milestone & QSR Status IDMilestoneStatusOn Time? On Wiki? GPO signoff? S2.fUse CloudWatch to monitor usage Use Amazon CloudWatch for real timemonitoring of resource usage and adjust cost at the end of a lease by querying Amazon billing service. On timeYes S2.gDemo initial proxy aggregate manager Demo at GEC8 storing radar data directly into Amazon S3, retrieved the data and processed it on an EC2 server to generate NowCast images stored back in S3. Visualized images from S3 with real time cost usage. Revoked automatically resources when allocated budget had been spent. On timeYes S2.mContribution to GENI outreach Two days workshop at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez in January Teach UPRM students about emerging technologies in virtualization, cloud computing, wireless communication, networking, and sensing that make it possible to multiplex experimental testbeds, such as those being incorporated into the GENI prototype. Lectures and tutorials on virtualization, the GENI project, wireless communication, research efforts at UMass-Amherst and cloud computing. EarlyYes QSR: 4Q2009 CompleteYes QSR: 1Q2010CompleteYes QSR: 2Q2010CompleteYes August 6, 2010
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 5 Accomplishments 1: Advancing GENI Spiral 2 Goals Integration of Amazon Web Service (AWS) resources in the Orca control framework –Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances –Simple Storage Service (S3) –Elastic Block Storage (EBS) Framework independent Instrumentation & Measurement of cloud resource usage –Re-usable AWS accounting library for any framework –Monitors server usage, network activity and disk usage (both storage space and IOs) Deep programmability –Root SSH access on compute servers –Complete access to EBS volumes –Transparent proxying of S3 queries August 6, 2010
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 6 Accomplishments 2: Other Project Accomplishments Outreach activities –Workshop at UPRM –Tutorials at INRIA External Publications –Resource Management in Data-Intensive Clouds: Opportunities and Challenge - David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, Emmanuel Cecchet, and Michael Zink - Proceedings of the 17th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN 2010), May 5-7, 2010, Long Branch, New Jersey, USA. –Automated Negotiation with Decommitment for Dynamic Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing - Bo An, Victor Lesser, David Irwin, and Michael Zink - Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Toronto, Canada, May GEC Demos –Integrated plenary demonstration at GEC7 using OpenVPN on Amazon servers –GEC8 weather processing demo using storage and compute servers on Amazon. August 6, 2010
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 7 Issues Currently no way to reserve/attach to dedicated circuits with Amazon –No isolation from the public Internet; can't link nodes directly to NLR –OpenVPN viable solution (GEC7 demo) –Amazon Virtual Private Cloud service is beta and no budget for it How to allocate the AWS budget? –5000$ for the year (about 5 months for 5 servers (8hr/day), 200GB network traffic and 5TB of storage) –1 experiment could use it all in few days –Long term storage? –Too little for multiple experiments? August 6, 2010
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 8 Plans Remainder of Spiral 2 –DICLOUD: S2.h Release initial proxy aggregate manager (Due 08/13/10) already demo-ed at GEC8 –DICLOUD: S2.i Extend ViSE web portal to include cloud (Due 09/15/10) –DICLOUD: S2.j Make available initial set of resources (Due 09/30/10) –DICLOUD: S2.k POC to GENI response team (Due 09/30/10) –DICLOUD: S2.l POC to GENI security team (Due 09/30/10) Spiral 3 –Focus on users Availability to users by extending Vise’s portal Internal testing by lab students Support for HPC applications and EC2 HPC instances –Add a 5 node Eucalyptus cluster to the Cluster D foundation of general- purpose resources –Adapting to new AWS offering (VPC, S3 ACLs, …) –Preparation for Orca/Gush integration August 6, 2010