1 About Strategic Area Energy and Petroleum - Resources and Environment Professor Dr.ing. Arne M. Bredesen Leader Strategic Area Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Trondheim, Norway
3 6 Strategic Areas Energy and Petroleum – Resources and Environment Globalization Materials Technology Marine and Maritime Technology Medical Technology Information and Communication Technology
4 Energy and Petroleum Resources and Environment The Global Challenge Technology - Society Environmental strain Primary energy Energy services End-user needs Energy system
5 Norway - an energy nation……. 3 generations of energy development: Hydro Power, Petroleum, Renewables
6 Energy products of Norway 2001 Domestic Consumption ~ 225 TWH Norway is presently the world’s: 3rd largest exporter of oil 3rd largest exporter of natural gas 3rd richest country in GDP per capita
7 Energy Research-Education and innovation at NTNU-SINTEF More than 750 people work to bring forward new knowledge and solutions, much needed by society to create a cleaner and sustainable future. This family includes 270 doctor students and postdocs ! –We work in the entire technology chain from source to end user -We may combine technology, society and humanities Our main sponsors are the Research Council of Norway (“Renergi” and Petromaks”), the framework programs of EU, and energy companies The new knowledge is available BOTH for industrial research to solve industrial innovation problems AND for education of candidates that may carry out innovation in industry and society. Thus we educate more than 250 candidates to Energy-Norway every year
8 World Class Laboratories
9 Contributions to improved technology Statoils development of Snøhvit gas field => Multiphase flow- and LNG- technology Rolls-Royce Gas Motors produced in Bergen (Bergen Diesel) Statoil CO2-injection project at Sleipner field Utilising CO2 as natural working fluid in heat pumps and refigeration plants (Norsk Hydro – Shecco - DENSO) Hydro MTO-process and Statoil GTL-process Energos - advanced ”clean” combustion technology Waste => energy ScanWafer production of solar cell silicon To be even more available and useful to society we have joined together in a goal-oriented team work with common overall goals and strategies
10 ENERGY AND PETROLEUM Resources and Environment GAS TECHNOLOGY CENTER NTNU- SINTEF PETROLEUM Center for Improved Resource Utilization SMARTBUILD NTNU- SINTEF Energy System Analysis Management BOARD Study Programs Energy and Society CENTER FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY NTNU- SINTEF Green Innovation Hydrogen Program CO 2 -Program Industry Innovation Fund For NTNU TRANSES Industrial Ecology
11 Participation i EU 6 FrameWork Program Within Hydrogen/Fuel Cells FURIM (Further Improvements High temperature PEM Fuel Cells) NATURALHY (The "natural gas road" to the hydrogen economy) Within CO 2 -management ENCAP (Enhanced capture of CO2) CASTOR (CO2 from capture to storage) ULCOS (Ultra low CO2 steel making) CO2GeoNet (Geological storage) DYNAMIS (Production of electricity and hydrogen with handling of CO2) CO2Remove Within Bio Energy NEXTGENBIOWASTE (Innovative demonstrations for the next generation of biomass and waste combustion plants for energy recovery and renewable electricity production) Laboratory Research Infrastructure ENGAS Research Infrastructure
13 EnGas Laboratories FacilityContact persons MFL-LABMultiphase Flow Technology Laboratory Prof. Ole Jørgen Nydal REF-LABRefrigeration Technology LaboratoryProf. Arne M. Bredesen COM-LABCombustion Technology LaboratoryDr. Morten G. Grønli EPE-LABEnergy Process Engineering LaboratoryDr. Morten G. Grønli GMT-LABGas Motor Technology LaboratorySenior engineer Kjell Skjølsvik RES-LABReservoir Technology LaboratoryProf. Jon Kleppe GST-LABGas Storage Technology LaboratoryProf. Einar Broch MIN-LABMineral Technology LaboratoryProf. Knut Sandvik ABS-LABAbsorption Technology LaboratoryProf. Hallvard Svendsen MP-LABMembrane Process LaboratoryDr. Rune Bredesen MT-LABMembrane Technology LaboratoryProf. May-Britt Hägg CE-LABChemical Engineering LaboratoryProf. Anders Holmen ECT-LABElectrochemical Technology LaboratoryDr. Børre Børresen SOL-LABSolar Cell LaboratoryProf. Otto Lohne
14 Poland 2006 Thematic Seminar Energy Supply and Mitigation of Environmental Impacts Wednesday October Program proposal (first version)
15 Background Poland manage large resources of coal, and Norway manage larges resources of natural gas Both countries are committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions quite substantially To pursue a robust strategy towards a sustainable future, indigenous energy sources are required, especially coal, natural gas and renewables Further more rational and efficient end use of energy is needed in the building, transportation and energy sector How may we together develop robust strategies for how coal, natural gas and renewable energy sources may be utilized in a coordinated development to create a cleaner society in future
16 Goal of Seminar Prepare a common understanding of the energy outlook of the two countries, and depict global trends pertaining to the primary energy demand and technologies Establish a firm basis for envisaging and soliciting a joint Polish- Norwegian Venture in the field of Energy and Environment; Bring together governmental bodies and industrial players, as well as research and education in Poland and Norway to present ideas for discussion on how to deal with the growing challenges of the energy sector, in particular; How to secure the supply of energy in a more sustainable way? Present current research activities and industrial light-house projects that Poland and Norway are working on to solve these problems Discuss and agree upon further actions leading up to joint research and development projects to provide new knowledge and methodologies, and to bring forward new technology and solutions
17 Program of Seminar (1) Plenary Strategic Morning Session In the Strategic Session presentations will (preferably) refer to high- leveraged issues in order to attract the interest of politicians and industrial leaders covering topics like: The energy outlook of Poland and Norway, in particular the energy supply and coverage in a future perspective; Various aspects like: Energy Policy, challenges vis-à-vis the EU, clean coal technologies, the future Norwegian exports of natural gas, possible routes to a “cleaner future”: Which technologies are needed to allow the utilisation of coal and natural gas, and how can renewable sources be integrated in energy system developed. How can we handle the transition to possible new energy regimes? ++++
18 Program of Seminar (2) Parallel Afternoon Workshop Sessions on Selected Issues Possible topics The use of coal and natural gas and their integration in the energy system in Poland The potential of biomass and other renewable energy sources in Poland and Norway Efficient end use of energy (building sector – industrial sector) The program of these workshops may include: Presentations by industry, research institutes and universities linked with ongoing research and academic profile, Discussion of ideas for cooperation according to the above goal of the seminar. Possible joint actions may refer to bilateral funding sources, the EEA Financial Mechanisms or may include solutions that may be implemented in the EU framework program.
19 Organisers Polish side SINTEF Polska ?? Norwegian side NTNU SINTEF Statoil Hydro (?) Enova (?)