PROMISCUOUS SEXUAL ACTIVITY IS ASSOCIATED WITH BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS IN YOUNG WOMEN WHO DOUCHE MK Oh, J Schwebke, J Merchant, P Brown, R Desmond, M Jones, H Weiss University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL. NIAID (U19AI3814- UAB CRC)
Background Vaginal douching has been linked to bacterial vaginosis (BV). The mechanism of this association is unclear.
Purpose:Purpose: To determine correlates of BV in adolescent and young women who douche.
Methods Study participants* Women years of age Last douched within past 35 d. Exclusion: pregnancy, chronic dz * B-WELL study: RCT of douching intervention
Methods Baseline data included Hx of douching sexual behaviors STD Hx Lab tests (STDs, BV)
Methods Douching history Age at the 1st douching Last douched (# of days ago) Frequency Timing Reasons Solutions used
Methods Sexual behaviors u Freq of sexual intercourse u Last sex (# of days ago) u # of partners (lifetime, in 3-mo.) u Condom use u BC use
Methods Laboratory tests BV (Nugent score ≥7) C. trachomatis (CT) urine LCR N. gonorrhoeae (GC) urine LCR T. vaginalis by culture HSV type specific serology by ELISA HIV, VDRL
Methods - Analyses Data from BV + at baseline (n=60) were compared with those who were BV negative (n= 84) Student t-tests Fisher’s Exact test Logistic regression analysis
Results participants Mean age 18.7±1.9 yrs. age at sexual debut 15.0±1.7 yrs. 42% a history of STD 26% a history of BV
Sexual behaviors ( n=144) Last sex ≤7 days ago: 39% >3 lifetime partners:50% >1 partner in past 3 mo: 21% ≥10 times sex in 3 mo: 48% Condom used /c last sex:52% Hormonal BC use, yes: 33%
Lab tests (% positive) 144 participants 14% 5% 7% 22% 42%
Douching participants Age at first douche: 15.8±1.9 yrs Timing after menses:89% after sex: 41% before sex:15% before MD vst: 8% Frequency 44% - more than once a month 32% - douched within the last wk.
Variables associated /c BV
Independent variables associated /c BV Multiple ptns >1 in 3-mo. Recent sex ≤ 7 days Adjusted O.R. 95% CI , , 5.30
Among women who douche, BV was not significantly associated with Frequency of douching Recency of douching Timing of douching Types of solution used Reasons for douching
Limitations Small sample size All douched within the past 35 d. Cross sectional - baseline data Self-reported historical data
Conclusion BV positive rate was 42% in young women who douche. Predictors of BV in these women were recent sex, multiple partners in recent 3- mo.
B-WELL study is Supported by a grant from NIAID (U19AI3814- UAB CRC) - Edward W. Hook, III. Acknowledgement to other coinvestigators on the study Sten Vermund Ellen Funkhouser Diane Grimley
Implications Studies examining effects of vaginal douching must account for confounding sexual behaviors. Management of women with BV should include assessment for high risk sexual behavior and testing for STDs.