Zhang Ningxiao.  Emission of Tycho from Radio to γ-ray.  The γ-ray is mainly accelerated from hadronic processes.


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Presentation transcript:

Zhang Ningxiao

 Emission of Tycho from Radio to γ-ray.  The γ-ray is mainly accelerated from hadronic processes.

 π0-decay  Inverse compton (IC)  Nonthermal bremsstrahlung

 Thermal emission from material compressed by the FS provides particularly important on particle acceleration in SNRs.  The temperature is reduced in the case of efficient acceleration.  The fitting result can show the compression ratio.  For example, RX J eliminates π0- decay for the reason of lack of thermal X-ray emission. Thermal emission of CTB 109 is sufficiently high for π0-decay.

 C-O Type Ia supernova (spectrum analysis)  Distance is uncertain (2-5kpc,4kpc,2.5-3kpc):  ejecta velocity; light echo; kinematic methods  X-ray emission (ejecta+synchrontron)  Ambient density ( cm^-3, 0.3 cm^-3):  X-ray thermal emission; gamma ray flux; expansion index

 CR : cosmic ray  HYDRO : hydrodynamics  NEI : non-equilibrium ionization  Character:  1. non-linear diffusive shock acceleration (DSA)  2. proton and electron spectra coupled with amplified magnetic field.

 Good:  evolving full particle spectrum  Spatially-resolved  A self consistent model  Assumption:  Spherically symmetric  Star with a ejecta density distribution (1.4 Msun)

 Initial parameters:  d, n0, B0, E51, DSA efficiency

 Synchrotron  IC  Nonthermal bremsstrahlung  * including the secondary electrons  Π0-decay (Kamae et al. 2006)

 X-ray  shock fit well, but declines more slowly than observed brightness behind the shock.  Radio  fit well with a slow rise to a plateau-like region behind the shock, but not well.  because the radio emitting electrons do not suffer significant radiative losses. (R-T increase B)

 n0 : 0.4 cm ^-3  the density out the cavity is low  the ionization can be higher due to wind region  Include the 0.4 pc wind shell in the model  Stellar wind : 3*10^-6 Msun/year  V_wind=10 km/s  Result is similar to Model A (n0, profile)  Because the mass is low (0.1 to 2.5)

 Prefer Model A  Exist of R-T  1. cause the CD larger than the model  2. the spectra fitting

 1.Fit with single self-consistent model constrain the density and distinction of pion-decay or IC; without need to add additional component. 2.Fit with continue zones.(DSA) and Consider the MFA 3.include non-adiabatic (turbulence, Alfven wave speed) 4.do not include steep spectrum of protons (p_max=50TeV)

 1. π0-decay in FS is the nature of the γ-ray. IC significant in GeV.  2. Ne/Np=0.003  3. 16% kinetic energy converted to particles  4. proton max energy of 50 TeV  5. distance is 3.2 kpc