Texas Southern University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Student Society of Health-System Pharmacists March 24, 2010 GH Rm 100.


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Presentation transcript:

Texas Southern University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Student Society of Health-System Pharmacists March 24, 2010 GH Rm 100

SSHP: What It Represents  Represents students interested in health- system careers, such as: Hospital Clinical Nuclear Infectious Disease Ambulatory / Primary Care Home Health Care Industry Long-term Care Management  Best resource for anyone considering completing a residency, a fellowship, or any other post-graduate training

Meet the Advisors… Ivy Poon, Pharm.D., BCPS Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Texas Southern University (Tel): (Fax): Aisha Morris Moultry, Pharm.D., M.S. Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Texas Southern University (713) campus (713) TMC

Current Officers… Celia M. Fenceroy- President Gift Nweke-Vice President Kingsley Nwogu-President Elect Pauline Nwachukwu-Secretary Rakiya Wada-Treasurer Prinya Charoennimuang-Historian Benjamin Philips-Webmaster Contact

Leadership Opportunities  ALL Positions available for  Benefits include: - Developing Leadership Skills - Networking - CV/Resume Enhancer

President  Sign In Sheet  Speaker  Enforce TSU-SSHP Bylaws

President-Elect  Assist President with all activities to gain understanding and prepare to fulfill the position of Presidency for following year  Assume the responsibilities of the President in his or her absence or incapacity  Shall be assigned duties and responsibilities as determined by the President

Vice President  Shall be assigned additional duties and responsibilities by the President, consistent with the needs of the student society.  Clinical Skills competition  Disease State Management competition  TSU-SSHP Pharmacy Student Mentor Program

Secretary  Provide minutes for the meeting.  Provide sign in sheets for each meeting and other events/activities  Send correspondence for all SSHP activities.  Work with historian on scrapbook.

Treasurer  Maintain an accurate record of the chapter’s income and expenditures.  Provide a report for each meeting regarding the chapter’s income and expenditures.  Make deposits and provide timely reimbursements.  Work with fundraising/membership committees (Portfolio Sales, Shirts, Business Cards)  Reimbursement Forms

Historian  Take pictures at all SSHP events  Maintain scrapbook with Secretary  Works with Webmaster to upload pictures on website

WebMaster  Maintain TSU-SSHP website with accurate times and dates of events  Post-upcoming events for all 4 organizations  Work with Historian

Committee Chairs  Fundraiser Chair - Conducts at least 1 fundraiser/ semester - Works with hand-in-hand with Treasurer  Community Service Chair - Conducts at least 1 community service project/semester - Coordinates Antibiotic Awareness Project

Other Student Leadership Positions  Local SSHP officers and committee chairs Student representative for local TSHP chapter  State Student Section Executive Committee TSHP Councils:  Communication Affairs, Educational Affairs, Organizational Affairs, Professional Affairs, and Public Affairs  National ASHP Pharmacy Student Advisory Groups:  Membership, Meetings and Programming, Policy and Legislative Affairs, Student Society and Leadership Development, and Communications ASHP Councils:  Education and Workforce Development, Pharmacy Management, Public Policy, Pharmacy Practice, and Therapeutics

Interested in becoming a new TSU-SSHP Leader ? Please all nominations/interests to: by Sunday, April 18 th at 5pm

TSU-SSHP Community Involvement  Antibiotic Awareness Project The event was held at Dodson Elementary in the month of February - The event consisted of TSU Pharmacy Students educating 5 th grade elementary kids of the importance of good hygiene Members in attendance included: - Celia Fencroy -Rakiya Wada - Gift Nweke -Michael Huff - Herve Mbanya - Benjamin Phillip

TSU-SSHP Educates TSU-SSHP answers any questions


What’s NEW in TSU-SSHP?  TEDDY Bear Drive General Info: TSHP annually has a Teddy Bear Drive at all its Texas Pharmacy Schools TSU Host this year Recipients: Texas Children's’ Hospital Goal: Donate 300 bears YOUR challenge: ?????

Professional Meetings TSHP Annual Seminar April 9-11, 2010 Moody Gardens Hotel Galveston, TX Student Programming  Texas Residency information  Leadership development  Networking  Clinical topic lectures Residents Poster Competition and TSHP Expo Clinical Skills Competition, Disease State Management, and Poster Competitions

Upcoming Competitions  Disease State Management Competition- Students are presented a case where they will educate the patient on his/her disease and evaluate the medication therapy. - Competition occurs at TSHP Annual Seminar - TSU-SSHP will hold a Preparation Workshop Time and Place: TBA  TSHP Poster Competition- opportunity for students to submit original scholarly work on research and professional practice topics in poster format. Winning submissions receive a recognition plaque and $250 award.

Professional Meetings ASHP Summer Meeting June 6-9, 2010 Tampa, FL Student Programming CE credits Inauguration of new officers and board members House of Delegates proceedings

GET INVOLVED IN TSU-SSHP TODAY! Our Next Meeting is on April 28 th