Mission Early College High School Phoenix Texas Education Agency (TEA) Exemplary HS Exemplary HS U.S. Department of Education 2012 National Blue Ribbon School
Welcome to MECHS! Welcome & Introductions MECHS Basic Information Academic Behavior MECHS/EPPC Dual Credit & Course of Study House Bill 5 (HB5) Presentation MECHS Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)! First Days of School at MECHS Transportation Schedules Supplies Second Thoughts Questions?
College First Philosophy College Campus Environment Flexible Scheduling Non-negotiable Due Dates Silent Bells Personal Responsibility
Expectations 5 Succeed at a High Level With Support Work Hard
Academic Expectations Keep up with all school work. Turn in assignments complete and on time. Maintain averages in ALL classes above 70% at every grade report (3wks). No academic dishonesty.
Campus Life
Academic Assistance Monitor Grades Every Three Weeks Mandatory Lunch Tutoring Tuesday/Thursday Tutoring and Transportation (after 1 st 3wks) Intersession Tutoring
Academic Consequences After 1 st 9 weeks report card, placed on academic contract Excused from MECHS at the end of semester Any act of academic dishonesty (plagiarism) will result in expulsion from EPCC and removal from MECHS.
Behavior Expectations Open Doors Respect ALL Throw ALL Trash Class on time (no bells) No bullying (cyber or other)
Behavior Consequences ANY level discipline offense might result in removal from MECHS. Level 3 & Level 4 offenses as defined by Texas and the SISD Student Code of Conduct will result in a mandatory removal from MECHS. Students will be charged and sent to DAEP as required.
Socorro ISD HB5 Website
What is HB5 and What Does it Change? Reduces the number of STAAR/EOC tests to five: English I, English II, Algebra I, Biology and US History. Requires each student entering 9 th grade after to graduate under the new graduation plans. Requires each student entering 9 th grade after to choose an endorsement.
What are Other Changes? New attendance requirements: o If a student is not in attendance 90% of the time, student will receive “LOC” instead of a grad and will receive no credit until the LOC contract is completed.
If you graduate with an SISD Endorsement, you graduate Distinguished Level of Achievement (DLA) (The DLA is similar to the old DAP). SISD has prescribed the DLA for all students. SISD Foundation SISD Foundation plus Endorsement Distinguished Level of Achievement (SISD Foundation, plus Endorsement and Algebra II) Automatic admission to most 4 year TX public universities (Top 10% + DLA) Postsecondary Education Postsecondary Education ALL MECHS Students!
EnglishMathScienceSocial Studies ENG I – 9 th Algebra I – 9 th Biology – 9 th World History – 9 th EnglishMathScienceSocial Studies ENG I – 9 th Algebra I – 9 th Biology – 9 th World History – 9 th ENG II – 10 th Geometry – 10 th Chemistry – 10thWorld Geography – 10 th EnglishMathScienceSocial Studies ENG I – 9 th Algebra I – 9 th Biology – 9 th World History – 9 th ENG II – 10 th Geometry – 10 th Chemistry – 10thWorld Geography – 10 th English III – 11 th Algebra II – 11 th Physics – 11 th US History – 11 th EnglishMathScienceSocial Studies ENG I – 9 th Algebra I – 9 th Biology – 9 th World History – 9 th ENG II – 10 th Geometry – 10 th Chemistry – 10thWorld Geography – 10 th English III – 11 th Algebra II – 11 th Physics – 11 th US History – 11 th Advanced English – 12th (Advanced English can be chosen from, but not limited to, the following): Advanced Math – 12 th (Advanced math can be chosen from, but not limited to, the following): Advanced Science – 12 th (Advanced science can be chosen from, but not limited to, the following): Government/ Economics – 12 th English IV Pre-Calculus Earth and Space Literary Genres AQR Astronomy Creative Writing Discrete Math Anatomy & Physiology Journalism Calculus AB Forensic Science Business ENG
What is an Endorsement? What is an Endorsement: An Endorsement is similar to a college major. This is the plan that you will choose to determine your course of study in high school. You must choose an Endorsement before you register for high school.
STEM Project Lead the Way Engineering and Design Biomedical Engineering Computer Science
Business and Industry Agriculture, Food and Natural Science Architecture and Construction A/V Technology and Communication Business Management and Administration Hospitality and Tourism Information Technology Manufacturing Marketing Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
Public Service Education and Training Health Science Human Services Law, Public Safety and Security
Arts and Humanities Performing Arts AP Social Studies IB Social Studies LOTE American Sign Language Legal Services
___ STEM ___ Arts and Humanities Multidisciplinary ___ Business and Industry ___ Public Service Socorro ISD HB5 Endorsement Verification Form ___ STEM Science Technology Engineering and Math ___ Arts and Humanities Multidisciplinary ___ Business and Industry Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Veterinary Technology (EDHS /EHS) Landscape Management (EDHS/EHS) Floral Design (EDHS/EHS) Architecture and Construction Architecture HVAC Technology (EDHS) A/V Technology & Communications Animation Audio and Video Production/Media Tech and Film Production (Broadcasting) Fashion Design (MHS) Newspaper Public Speaking Journalism Business Management and Administration Business Management Finance Banking and Financial Services Hospitality and Tourism Culinary Arts Information Technology Computer and Network Systems Computer Programmer Digital Interactive Media Manufacturing Welding (AHS/EDHS) Marketing Marketing and Sports Promotion (EDHS/AHS/SHS/EHS) Transportation, Distribution and Logistics Automotive Technology ___ Public Service Education and Training Teacher Preparation (AHS) Government and Public Administration Libertas Academy-Government (Libertas accepted students only) Libertas Academy-Public Administration (Libertas accepted students only) Health Science Athletic/Personal Trainer *Biomedical Engineering under STEM Health Occupations (Non Academy) Dentistry (SHS/HPA accepted students only) Emergency Medical Technician (SHS/HPA accepted students only) Pharmacy Technician (SHS/HPA accepted students only) Physician (SHS/HPA accepted students only) Pre-Nursing (SHS/HPA accepted students only) Human Services Cosmetology Early Childhood Development (Child Care Management) Law, Public Safety and Security Corrections *Emergency and Fire Management Services (EDHS, SHS) Police Officer and Law Enforcement Security and Protective Services Libertas Academy-LAW (AHS Libertas accepted students only) *Legal Services will move to Arts and Humanities Socorro ISD HB5 Endorsement Verification Form ___ STEM Science Technology Engineering and Math Project Lead the Way Engineering and Design *Biomedical Engineering Synergi (MHS) Computer Science-SATA (EHS) IB (EDHS) ___ Arts and Humanities Performing Arts (art, dance, etc.) (Find Performing Arts in the Arts and AV Technology in the CCRP) AP Social Studies The same language in a language other than English (LOTE) *Legal Services (Find Legal Services in Law & Public Safety in the CCRP) Multidisciplinary ___ Business and Industry Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Veterinary Technology (EDHS /EHS) Landscape Management (EDHS/EHS) Floral Design (EDHS/EHS) Architecture and Construction Architecture HVAC Technology (EDHS) A/V Technology & Communications Animation Audio and Video Production/Media Tech and Film Production (Broadcasting) Fashion Design (MHS) Newspaper Public Speaking Journalism Business Management and Administration Business Management Finance Banking and Financial Services Hospitality and Tourism Culinary Arts Information Technology Computer and Network Systems Computer Programmer Digital Interactive Media Manufacturing Welding (AHS/EDHS) Marketing Marketing and Sports Promotion (EDHS/AHS/SHS/EHS) Transportation, Distribution and Logistics Automotive Technology ___ Public Service Education and Training Teacher Preparation (AHS) Government and Public Administration Libertas Academy-Government (Libertas accepted students only) Libertas Academy-Public Administration (Libertas accepted students only) Health Science Athletic/Personal Trainer *Biomedical Engineering under STEM Health Occupations (Non Academy) Dentistry (SHS/HPA accepted students only) Emergency Medical Technician (SHS/HPA accepted students only) Pharmacy Technician (SHS/HPA accepted students only) Physician (SHS/HPA accepted students only) Pre-Nursing (SHS/HPA accepted students only) Human Services Cosmetology Early Childhood Development (Child Care Management) Law, Public Safety and Security Corrections *Emergency and Fire Management Services (EDHS, SHS) Police Officer and Law Enforcement Security and Protective Services Libertas Academy-LAW (AHS Libertas accepted students only) *Legal Services will move to Arts and Humanities Socorro ISD HB5 Endorsement Verification Form
Mission ECHS Students will graduate with a Distinguished Diploma 26 credits Every semester is 0.5 credits per course HB5 (House Bill 5) requires all students beginning with the class of 2018 to take a Financial Literacy Course 4 credits of English 4 credits of Math 4 credits of Science 4 credits of Social Studies 1 credit of Technology 1.5 credits of Phys. Ed 0.5 credit of Health 0.5 credit of Speech 3 credits of Spanish 1 credit of Fine Arts 0.5 credit of Financial Literacy 2 credits of Electives 26 Credits
EPCC Associates of Arts Degree followed by MECHS
Art Business Business Accounting Chicana/Chicano Studies Communication: Advertising, Journalism, Radio & Television Computer Science Criminal Justice Economics Multidisciplinary Studies – Educator Preparation English Music Philosophy Psychology Speech Communication Texas Symbol Courses Theater General Studies Dance The Associate of Arts (AA) degree is transferable to four year colleges and universities and is endorsed by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. All students will receive 42 ‘core hours. The final 18 elective hours can be taken in any of the following disciplines.
Architecture Engineering Industrial Engineering Architecture Biological Science: Pre-Dentistry, Pre- Medicine, Pre-Pharmacy, Pre- Veterinary Biology Chemistry Engineering Civil, Electrical, Industrial, Materials, Mechanical The Associate of Arts (AA) degree is transferable to four year colleges and universities and is endorsed by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. All students will receive 42 ‘core hours. The final 18 elective hours can be taken in any of the following disciplines. General Studies Geological Sciences Kinesiology: Exercise, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Pre-physical Therapy, Physical Education Mathematics Physics Psychology
TSI Assessment Basics ALL MECHS students must take and pass the TSI Assessment to be enrolled in Dual Credit Courses. Mathematics: a score ranging from 350 to 390 in the multiple-choice section Reading: a score ranging from 351 to 390 in the multiple- choice section Writing: a score of 5 in the essay section. You can also place in a college course if you receive a 4 on the essay and a score ranging from 363 to 390 on the multiple-choice section.
TSI Assessment Basics (Math & Writing)
TSI Assessment Basics (Writing cont.)
TSI Assessment Basics (Reading)
Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) PTSA has grown from 3 members to over 100 in the last three years and has raised/spent over $20,000 on MECHS students. MECHS PTSA was one of the Top Five PTSAs in SISD (2013). PTSA at MECHS: Fundraisers (Thursday Nachos, PTSA Shirts, Chocolate Sales, etc.) Chaperone for prom and other field trips Volunteer for MECHS spring career days Provide $2000 PTSA scholarship Assist with Teacher Appreciation Week, teacher work days and Graduation Watch Party Provide financial assistance to MECHS clubs/organizations Purchase supplemental items for the campus such as: trophy case, flags and shade structures
PTSA - New Freshman Cupcakes
PTSA - Shade 1
PTSA - Shade 2
PTSA – Trophy Case
Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) Please Join MECHS PTSA!
First Days of School at MECHS Transportation: Routes are posted on line at SISD website. SISD Home Page > Departments > Transportation > Campuses Class Schedules: Will be distributed out to students on first day in the MECHS cafeteria.
First Days of School at MECHS Supplies: Bring basics: pens/pencils/paper/spiral notebooks Lap Top Computer Distribution: Computers will be distributed during the first three weeks of school.
Second Thoughts? We are excited for you to be here! However, if you have a lot of lingering doubts, let us know asap. 170 students did not get in. Many were heart-broken.
For more Information Always Rising.