GMS Mission The mission of Granbury Middle School is to provide a safe instructional environment that develops good citizens by equipping students with the knowledge and skills to achieve their potential as lifelong learners. Coach Logsdon Phone: Conference Period: 10:27-11:18 Tutoring Time(s): Mr. Logsdon -Thurs 8:00-8:25 & Mrs. Futch -Wed 4:05-4:35 If you need any help you may go to either teacher. If these times are not convenient for you, we will be happy to make other arrangements for tutoring. We are here to help you!
Class Procedures Room Entry: 1. Students will arrive on time and shake hands with the teacher or greeter. 2. Students will follow the "Ports O Call" which is a checklist posted on the front of the room. 3. “Captain’s Log Entries” will count as a test grade. These are the warm up activities and other assignments that you do in you spiral notebooks. 4. Students are responsible for turning in their own work into the CORRECT DRAWER at the back table.
Make Up Work: Students are responsible for picking up their make up work. All worksheets will be hanging below the white board on hooks in the order they were assigned. All “ Captain’s Log Entries” will be glued to the calendar, and all assignment listings will be on the class agenda. Students are able to get their missing work even if I am not in attendance If your parent calls the school and asks us to send your work to the office during an illness, we will expect you to have part of it done upon your arrival back to school.
Retaking Test You may retake any failed test, that is a test with a grade below You will have to do this within 10 days of the 1 st test. 2. You will receive a grade no higher than 70.
Cooperative Learning Group Work: Students will 1. Pull their weight 2. Treat each other respectfully 3. Help each other find answers/don't just give answers. 4. Stay on task at an appropriate volume 5. Treat all supplies correctly and return them to where they belong. That’s not always the same place you found them!) 6. Clean up all and any mess as a team. Do not leave the mess for just one team mate.
Class Dismissal Please do not start packing in your supplies until I instruct you to do so. It is distracting to the class if someone packs up early. I will dismiss students when I see that their areas are cleared. Students will not be dismissed by a bell or a clock, rather they will be dismissed by the teacher.(The alarm I have set on my phone to warn ME, not students, to wind up the lesson. It is to warn ME to close the lesson. It is NOT your cue to pack up!! It is very rude and distracting for you to pack up on my phone alarm, and you will have to fill out a yellow sticky if you do this.
Heading Students will put the correct heading on all papers. This is part of following procedures and will be part of the grade for each and every paper. The standard heading for GMS in as follows: In the top right hand corner students are to write their name, subject and period, then the date. Any title will go on the top line. There is a sample posted on the front wall of my room.
Pencils Please stay in your seat during instruction. If you have trash to throw away, do it during clean up time. If you need to sharpen your pencil during class, please use a hand held sharpener at your desk. You are welcome to use the electric sharpeners during “Ports O’ Call”. Please, do not use the electric sharpener for colored pencils. I have found that it ruins the sharpener.
Supplies Rather than having all of you walking around the room collecting supplies for projects, please let one person, the “Baggage Claims Manager” get the needed materials.
Correcting Papers Students will get out their red pens quickly when we are grading papers. If you do not have your red pen at that time, you may borrow a colored pencil from the cart. Please borrow it at the beginning of the period so that you have it as soon as we begin grading and do not waste the other’s time. If the teacher grades the papers and answers have not been called out in class, students may make corrections for a passing grade.
The Crow’s Nest If at anytime you need to see a map, overhead, diagram, video……and you can’t see from where you are, you are more than welcome to move to where you can see better. You do not even need to ask permission. BUT, please, do not abuse this. You may only move for viewing purposes, not to be near your friends.
Cargo Large backpacks belong in your locker! If it does not fit in your desk or in the basket, you MAY NOT have it in the classroom. It is a tripping hazard for students and adults! You are allowed normal size purses or the small “sling packs” if they fit in the desk or the basket. ***Important, do not switch lockers without approval from the front office. Mrs. Moore will be happy to assign a new locker to you, if yours isn’t working.
Avoiding Headaches at GMS 1. Passing periods are provided for restroom breaks, water breaks and trips to your locker. Please, attend to these priorities before you stop to chat in the hall. 2. Visiting your friends in the hall is encouraged, but you must manage your time. Remember, you only have 4 minutes and that time just flies by.
If you have been absent 1. When you first arrive back to school, go straight to the office with your note from home. Do not go to class then ask to go to the office. YOU are responsible for getting your work from you teachers. Worksheets will be hanging in the front pockets under the white board
Davy Jones’ locker You will need a locker. Your supplies must fit in the desk. If they don’t fit, you must keep them in your locker. Learning to use a combination lock is very frustrating at first but I promise it will get easier. Remember the more you practice, the easier opening your locker will be.
Cell phones and Music Players School rules state that the first time it is taken up by a teacher, you will pay $10, your parent will be called and you may take it home. After that, $10, and your parent has to come and get it.