1October, 2001 Sun in Scientific & Engineering Computing Grid Computing for Life Sciences Wolfgang Gentzsch Director Grid Computing BioGrid Symposium, Singapore, October, 2001
2October, 2001 The BIG Challenges: Reality ! Computing Reality: Moore's Law CPU "power" ~2X/18-24 months, constant cost Genomics Reality Information now ~2X/6 months (Genbank), 4/ B ~11%/mo Interoperability; Post-Genomics is the BIG PROBLEM Biopharma/Economic Reality NCE's/year dropping; R&D increasing Academic Reality My favorite URLs Run my algorithms 24x7 !
3October, 2001 Computing Reality: The Net Effect: Take it to the n th ,000,000X 100,000X 10,000X 1,000X 100X 10X 1X CPU Density/Power, Connectivity/Bandwidth, Node/Value Moore’s Law Gilder’s Law Metcalfe’s Law Net Effect
4October, 2001 Genomics Reality: Without IT, Data is Just....Data! Information Knowledge Action Data
5October, 2001 Industry Expectations 7% Market Growth 3-5 NCEs/annum R&D Costs $350M- $500M Average sales $265M/annum/drug Realities Only realizable in areas of therapeutic and geographical strength Currently 0.6 NCE/annum Best estimates are approx $700M/drug Only 10% achieve >$180M in annual sales Economic Reality: Drug Discovery is Frustrating!
6October, 2001 BLASTx, FASTA, SMITH-WATERMAN Phred/Phrap/Consed, Cross_Match, LASSAP HMMx, CLUSTALx, FrameMatch, D2, NCBI Toolkit EMBOSS, Artemis, Phylip, Darwin, MAGPIE BioSCOUT, SRS, BIOPENDIUM, GCG DoubleTwist, InforMax, ExPASy, ISYS Oracle, SQL*GT/LIMS,... Etc.! x=multiple versions Key Bioinformatics Software on Solaris
7October, 2001 Academic U MN, U WI, SDSC/NPACI, NCGR, Wash U (St Louis), Harvard, Rockefeller, CBR-RBC (Canada), UCL, Cambridge U, Humboldt U (Ger), Sydney U, U Queensland, NHRI (Taiwan), Weizmann, InfoBiogen, U. Tokyo, Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, Delaware Bioinformatics Institute, Beijing Genomics Institute, etc. Commercial Most BioPharma, Monsanto, Genset, Gene-IT, Keygene, Incyte, OGS, MGW Biotech, DNA Print Genomics, etc. Selected Major Accounts
8October, 2001 Executive Support for Life Sciences Dr Greg Papadopoulos Sr VP & CTO, 2/01 "Sun is committed to working with the life science community to identify and tackle computing/informatics challenges and requirements in the post-genomics era."
9October, 2001 Geoscience GIS Weather/Climate Seismic Engineering MCAE EE eEngineering Vertical Initiatives BioX/Comp. Bio. Bioinformatics Proteomics Pgx Technology Desktop (Scientific Desktop, Visualization, DCC, Thin Clients and Development of solution stacks) Grid Computing (Showcase Implementations of iPlanet-Portal, Sun Grid Engine, SMC, Sun Clustertools for Tier 1 – Tier 3 Grid Computing) S&E: Computational Biology Initiative
10October, 2001 Sun Community Support HPC:Grid HPC Consortium Computational Biology Special Interest Group COE Informatics Advisory Council (SDN) Events
11October, 2001 Steering Board for every Section Regional/Global Events COEs around the world Industry Collaborations Company 2 Center A Center B Center C Center D Center E Center F BioComputing Section Network of Excellence Centers Company 1
12October, 2001 U. Wisconsin – Madison Virginia Bioinformatics Institute Beijing Genomics Institute Delaware Biotechnology Institute ... Other COEs with CB Components Ohio Supercomputer Center/Children's Hosp. Cincinnati COE in Computational Biology
13October, 2001 Summary: Sun's Grid Computing Offerings Sun's existing scalable Grid Computing software stack Open source building blocks (SGE, Broker, ClusterTools, TCP Portal, Jxta,...) Encourage Your research contribution to open source (community) Integration with Globus etc. (SGE/Broker-Globus-SGEs) Sun Center of Excellence Program (cooperation ! ) Collaboration, joint Grid projects, Sun GridSIG,...
14October, 2001 Different Levels of Grids Stage 1- 1 Owner / 1 Cluster Cluster Grid Domain of SGE & Technical Computing Stack Stage 2- Multiple Owners, 1+ Clusters, 1 Enterprise, 1 Site Campus Grid Domain of SGE/EE & Multicluster Solutions Stage 3- Multiple Sites, Multiple Enterprises Global Grid Domain of SGE/EE plus Grid Frameworks
15October, 2001 Grid Levels Global Grid (mult.owners, mult.sites) Grid Resource Mgmt, Security, Authentication, Distributed Data User interface GLOBAL CAMPUS LOCAL Campus 1 mult.owners, 1site Campus 2 mult.owners, 1site Resource Sharing & Brokerage Cluster 1 1owner, 1site Cluster Mgmt Resource Mgt Cluster 2 1owner, 1site Cluster Mgmt Resource Mgt Cluster 1 1owner, 1site Cluster Mgmt Resource Mgt Cluster 2 1owner, 1site Cluster Mgmt Resource Mgt
16October, 2001 Grid Sun "The Network is the Computer" Java, Jini, Jxta,... July'00: Acquisition of Gridware "Grid" projects since 1995, Julius, Medusa, Eroppa, Unicore, Autobench,... Grid Engine, free, open source, ubiquitous, open API Department for Grid Computing (inSun VSP): Cluster SW/Stack, Grid SW/Stack, Grid Computing Lab, customer pilots Sun Grid Computing Council
17October, 2001 Sun Grid Software Stack Global Grid Sun TCP, SGE Broker, Globus, Avaki, Cactus, Punch,... Sun TCP Technical Computing Portal & iPlanet Security GLOBAL CAMPUS LOCAL Campus 1 Campus 2 Sun TCP, SGE Broker Cluster 1 TCP SGE ClusterTools SRM SunMC Jxta Jiro QFS Cluster 2 TCP SGE ClusterTools SRM SunMC Jxta Jiro QFS Cluster 1 TCP SGE ClusterTools SRM SunMC Jxta Jiro QFS Cluster 2 TCP SGE ClusterTools SRM SunMC Jxta Jiro QFS
18October, 2001 Sun Technical Computing Portal "prototype" The only (soon) commercially available hw/sw solution that... Enables quick deployment of tech apps over Internet, similar to mail and calendaring Combines light-weight architecture with Industry-proven security and system management Based on iPlanet and Sun Grid Engine
19October, 2001
20October, 2001 Sun Distributed Resource Management Load balancing maximizes resource utilization Transparent job submission & machine selection Monitoring and accounting ==> SGE Sun Grid Engine, open source Guaranteeing required resources Full control over resource utilization Fair and share based resource usage Implementation of management policies ==> Sun Grid Engine Broker, open source
21October, 2001 Managing Compute Resources with Sun Grid Engine Broker Department 1 Department 2 Department 3 Department resource accessCampus wide resource demand Project A Team B-4 Contractor X Project C User 1 Manage the full matrix of demand - Users -Teams -Projects User 2 Department 4 Department 5
22October, 2001 Sun Grid Engine Status Ubiquitous, free, open source, open APIs Current Release: SGE (July 2001) Over 12,000 downloads (Sept 2001) (1 Mio downloads in 2084) =>> SGE = The Leading RMS OpenSource (July 2001) 500,000 lines, Sept 2001: 1000 downloads Today: Grid Computing everywhere in Sun !! /...
23October, 2001 Grid Resource Management LOOSESTRINGENT SGE Broker Shared Policy Model Grid Infrastucture Layer (e.g. Globus, Avaki) SGE Resource Broker SGE site C local policy, user, etc. mgmt. Cluster Grid Campus Grid Global Grid SGE site A local policy, user, etc. mgmt. SGE site B local policy, user, etc. mgmt.
24October, 2001 Demo'd at Argonne National Lab ANL, ARL Army Research Lab, Raytheon, and San Diego SDSC On 2 SGE clusters (eg: SDSC, 30 cpus and 70 cpus) Globus/SGE interaction through GRAM scripts Globus jobs from ANL submitted to ARL cluster Next step: SGE/EE on top of Globus Globus & SGE/Broker on Top of SGE
25October, 2001 SGE: Scheduling decisions to select remote site SGE acting as the resource broker for Globus Globus: multi-site communication, authentication, security, file transfers,... SGE/Globus interface to be developed: SGE/Broker submits and tracks jobs to remote systems using Globus services SGE/Broker as Part of Globus
26October, 2001 Sun and Open Grid Standards Example: DRMAA Distributed Resource Management Application API "The Glue" between Distributed Resource Management and Applications/Tools => Makes resource management transparent Proposed new Working Group at Global Grid Forum in Frascati/Rome, October 2001 Presented by Veridian, Intel, and Sun
27October, 2001 Sun's Grid Strategy Strong Grid core team for developing and productizing core components (like SGE, Grid Broker,TCP) Sun Grid Computing Council: Integrate Sun technologies and products and port the environment to all Sun platforms Sun's partners take care of other computing platforms Collaborate with the Grid community, IT partners and our customers to build all kinds of different Grids Sun currently is proposing, designing and building some 50 Grids with research labs, universities and industry Sun Grid software stack available TODAY