Academic Skills Center, Northwestern CT Community College December 3, 2008 An Introduction
“Bridges to Health Career Initiative” A community based job training grant awarded to the Community College System by the US Department of Labor Primary Goals Increase completion rates in health care certificate programs Open pathways to degrees and higher-wage jobs Target students include underserved students, particularly Low income English-as-second-language Minority students Targeted certificate programs Certified Nurse Aide Dental Assistant EKG Technician Emergency Medical Technician Medical Coding and Billing Specialist Pharmacy Technician Phlebotomy Technician Source:
creators of interactive training solutions for education and business developer and producer of copper alloys, chlorine, and soda products
Comprehensive learning system for improving basic skills required by jobs targeted, self-paced instruction pre- and post-assessments occupational job profiles database preparation for the Assessments Multi-sensory learning Text Graphics Animation Audio Web-based at NCCC The Goal To help individuals learn, practice and demonstrate the skills they need to succeed in the jobs and careers they desire. T h e G o a l T o h e l p i n d i v i d u a l s l e a r n, p r a c t i c e a n d d e m o n s t r a t e t h e s k i l l s t h e y n e e d t o s u c c e e d i n t h e j o b s a n d c a r e e r s t h e y d e s i r e.
Skill Area Each Skill Level represents a specific set of skills
“Targets for Instruction” 1. Overview of topics in each WorkKeys skill area 2. Learning in the selected skill area 3. Practice problems similar to those on an actual WorkKeys assessment 4. Quiz to assess your potential WorkKeys score
The ability to understand information in common workplace documents such as letters, memos, procedures and instructions. Reading for Information The ability to use mathematics in solving common workplace situations. Applied Mathematics The ability to understand and extract information from graphics such as charts and tables. Locating Information Problem-solving skills associated with different types of modern equipment. Applied Technology The ability to accurately capture factual information from audio passages. Listening The ability to see, comprehend, remember, and utilize information and procedures. Observation The ability to identify responses to group situations which support business and team goals. Teamwork A series of courses covering lower-level skills below the WorkKeys skill levels. Writing
The ability to write a clear and concise original persuasive document. Business Writing A series of courses covering lower-level skills below the WorkKeys skill levels. Beginning Language A series of courses covering lower-level skills below the WorkKeys skill levels. Beginning Math Lessons designed to reflect skills used in an industry cluster. Uses typical work-based situations where the skills are applied. Career Clusters
Agriculture & Food Architecture & Construction Arts & Communication Business Mgmt Education & Training Financial Services Government & Public Admin Health Science Hospitality & Tourism Human Services Information Technology Law, Pubic Safety & Security Manufacturing Marketing & Sales Science, Tech & Engineering Transportation & Distribution Lessons designed to reflect skills used in an industry cluster. Uses typical work-based situations where the skills are applied. Career Clusters
On the Job, Person-to-Person, Telephone, , Meeting Business Etiquette At Work, Speaking, Listening, Presenting Yourself, Non-Verbal Communication Skills Finding the right Job, Resumes, The application process, Interviewing Skills The Job Search Ethics, Personal Characteristics, Employer Expectations Work Habits Time Management, Problem Solving, Customer Service, Teamwork Workplace Effectiveness
Overview Learning Practice Quiz Assessments in “Target Areas of Instruction” Match of skill set to job Ready for on-the-job training Better job retention Job
Administrator 1 Instructor 1 Student 1 Student 2 Instructor 2 Student 3
- by Student - by Class - by Group - by Organization - by Job Profile Administrators Students Instructors Manage Instructors Manage Groups Monitor Departments Manage Students Manage Classes Monitor Student Progress Assign Lessons Do Assignments Monitor Progress
Reflects actual classes students are taking Used to manage student assignments & reports Instructors manage Classes Reflects the program a student is in Typically enter/exit as a group Used to report on, or to delete a large number of students Administrators manage Groups
2 – Add Students to Classes 3 – Assign Lessons 4 – Monitor Progress 1 – Add Students