NEET WG#5 November 14 th 2008. 11-14-08 Agenda 1) Introductions 2) Review Of Agenda 3) Questions From NEET Executive Committee 4) Context/Conclusions.


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Presentation transcript:

NEET WG#5 November 14 th 2008

Agenda 1) Introductions 2) Review Of Agenda 3) Questions From NEET Executive Committee 4) Context/Conclusions of Literature Review 5) Recommendations/How Should We Proceed?

Initial Guidance Facing today’s energy efficiency workforce needs, how do we create systems that build and sustain energy efficiency talent and the future’s needs?Facing today’s energy efficiency workforce needs, how do we create systems that build and sustain energy efficiency talent and the future’s needs? –Task 1: Identify state, regional and national efforts in the area of energy efficiency workforce development. –Task 2: Develop recommendations for regional workforce development/education programs to support the region’s energy efficiency efforts. –Task 3: Evaluate the establishment of a regional college/university center on energy efficiency. –Task 4: Evaluate regional energy efficiency training and demonstration centers (e.g. Seattle Lighting Lab) to determine where they can contribute to regional training/educational efforts.

Placeholder Mid-Point Meeting Questions What is the value added to the region of the recommendation? Why is it important?What is the value added to the region of the recommendation? Why is it important? What is not occurring now that we should be doing?What is not occurring now that we should be doing? Is there a way to do things more efficiently than what we are doing today?Is there a way to do things more efficiently than what we are doing today? How would you suggest that your recommendations be implemented? Who and how?How would you suggest that your recommendations be implemented? Who and how? Is there strong support within your Work Group for the priority recommendations?Is there strong support within your Work Group for the priority recommendations?

Fundamental Assumptions A workforce shortage is imminent that will adversely affect utilities ability to conduct EE programs.A workforce shortage is imminent that will adversely affect utilities ability to conduct EE programs. Utilities, Government, Private Businesses (Microsoft, Property Management Firms, Large Retailers) and other key employers in the region will be competing for talent from the same small labor pool.Utilities, Government, Private Businesses (Microsoft, Property Management Firms, Large Retailers) and other key employers in the region will be competing for talent from the same small labor pool. Strategically addressing the workforce shortage at the regional level is more efficient than local initiatives.Strategically addressing the workforce shortage at the regional level is more efficient than local initiatives. The time to act is at the present momentThe time to act is at the present moment

Approach WG#5 decided to focus its approach on:WG#5 decided to focus its approach on: – member expertise, –a literature review, –actionable items within a 5 year timeframe.

Example Job Titles Utilities, ESCOs, Private Business Administration (Budget, Tracking, Reporting) Analysts Building Commissioners Economists Emerging Technology Energy Auditors Commercial Energy Auditors Residential Energy Management Engineers (Jr. Sr. Supervisory) Management Marketing Outreach Resource Conservation Mangers Program Mangers Appliances Commercial & Industrial Evaluation and Audit HVAC Lighting Low Income Heating Energy Assistance Pilot and New Program Development Planning Research Residential Trade Allies Weatherization Skilled Labor/Trades Building Inspectors Carpenter Helpers Carpenters Cement Masons and Concrete Finishers Construction Equipment Operators Construction Laborers Construction Mangers Electricians Hazardous Materials Remover Workers HVAC Installers Industrial Truck Drivers Insulation Workers Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters Roofers Sheet Metal Workers Government Commissioners Public Administration Staff Economists Public Counsel Auditors

Research Findings Trends Driving the Expansion of Energy Efficiency:Trends Driving the Expansion of Energy Efficiency: –26 states have RPS, 16 EE requirements. –The cost of power, infrastructure, construction is rising making EE more attractive. Documented Industry GrowthDocumented Industry Growth –National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (NAPEE) reports EE programs increasing 15% and ESCO revenues increasing 22%. –American Solar Industry counts 8 million jobs created in US EE industry in –Center on Wisconsin Energy estimates 10 jobs created for every $ million invested in EE.

Research Findings Workforce ChallengesWorkforce Challenges –Retirements and Age Structure ~50% of workforce to retire in next five years.~50% of workforce to retire in next five years. Decline in working age cohorts over next 20 yearsDecline in working age cohorts over next 20 years Particular shortage in the skilled trades and engineering programsParticular shortage in the skilled trades and engineering programs –Employment in EE Refracted Across Trade Allies (A&E, Contractors, Specialized Skills), ESCOs, Government, Manufacturing, Utilities, Private Business (Microsoft, J.C. Penny, Property Management Firms)Trade Allies (A&E, Contractors, Specialized Skills), ESCOs, Government, Manufacturing, Utilities, Private Business (Microsoft, J.C. Penny, Property Management Firms) Disparate job classifications that are difficult to classify and quantifyDisparate job classifications that are difficult to classify and quantify

Literature emphasized Green Economy Jobs in Alternative Energy Production, little focus on EE.Literature emphasized Green Economy Jobs in Alternative Energy Production, little focus on EE. Some forthcoming studies offer promise:Some forthcoming studies offer promise: –LBNL C/I February 2009 –Oregon Clean Tech Action Plan August 2009 –Washington Green Jobs Labor Market Survey January Research Findings

Key Things that Emerged From Research Lack of Strategic Coordination Among EE Workforce Development Players:Lack of Strategic Coordination Among EE Workforce Development Players: –Community Based Training Programs –Education –Organized Labor –Private Training Programs –State Workforce and Training Boards –Utilities Lack of data for EE workforce development: –Skills required –Positions needed –Pay rates –Public Awareness Lack of Funding For Workforce Development TrainingLack of Funding For Workforce Development Training –Present Economic Downturn –State Deficit (WA)

Recommendation #1 Area of Focus Recommendation Responsible party Timeframe of Accomplishment Define need for Energy Efficiency Workforce Conduct an assessment for the region detailing Energy Efficiency: Skill standardsSkill standards Job classificationsJob classifications Employment levelsEmployment levels Employment demandsEmployment demands Pay scalesPay scales NEEA?2009 Track and integrate results of: Sustainable Oregon Workforce initiative (3E Strategies)Sustainable Oregon Workforce initiative (3E Strategies) Washington State Green Workforce Labor Market SurveyWashington State Green Workforce Labor Market Survey LBNL Study of C/I workforce needsLBNL Study of C/I workforce needs

Recommendation #2 Area of Focus Recommendation Responsible party Timeframe of Accomplishment Gain regional efficiencies to address recruitment and retention workforce issues. Establish a clearinghouse available to regional organizations including: Skill standard assessment dataSkill standard assessment data Best practices in recruitment and retentionBest practices in recruitment and retention Place to post job openingsPlace to post job openingsNEEA

Recommendation #3 Area of Focus Recommendation Responsible party Timeframe of Accomplishment Develop workforce pipeline. Create/leverage an education and training model for the region or Offer complementary models to be implemented at a state level. NEEA? Centralia Center for Energy Excellence? Seattle Lighting Lab Model? Lane College Model? OSU/UW Industrial Assessment Centers?

Workforce Development Coordination Proposals

WA Center of Excellence For Energy Technology Identify Needed Energy Efficiency Positions and Estimate Demand Form Skills Pane l Develop Skills/Education Matrix for Scope of Positions WA Workforce Training and Education Board WA Education Institutions: K-12 Community and Technical Colleges Universities Recommendation s to: Private Training Programs: Trade Allies Trade Organizations Labor and Apprenticeship Programs Coalition of: Industry Labor Education Lobby for Legislative Funding of Workforce Training Initiatives Workforce Development Coordination Proposals

Why Action is Warranted Now Knowledge of opportunity available and ability to inform other regional strategic planning initiatives: NEEA and 6 th Power Plan.Knowledge of opportunity available and ability to inform other regional strategic planning initiatives: NEEA and 6 th Power Plan. Opportunity to organize and attract federal dollars.Opportunity to organize and attract federal dollars. Failure to act will result in higher costs.Failure to act will result in higher costs. Loss of accelerated EE opportunities and benefit.Loss of accelerated EE opportunities and benefit. Potential failure to meet RPS EE targets.Potential failure to meet RPS EE targets. Rising expectations in advocacy and media for green economy transition.Rising expectations in advocacy and media for green economy transition.

What Are the Consequences of Doing Nothing? Can the region achieve its EE goals?Can the region achieve its EE goals? Can the market fill the labor gap on its own?Can the market fill the labor gap on its own? Is a regional solution necessary?Is a regional solution necessary?