1 Welcome to the Adventure of Scouting! Pack #1
Agenda Introductions What is Scouting? Cub Scout Program Specifics Pack Introduction Questions Registration 2
Scouting’s Mission Statement The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. 4
What is Cub Scouting? Program for Boys in Grades 1-5 Builds Character Teaches Citizenship Strengthens Families Tons of FUN!! 5
What Parents Want Bring the family together Help the boys develop Connect with others Learn to get along Build Self-Confidence Be Happy! 6
100+ Year Record of Proven Success 95% of Scouts say Scouting strongly influenced the development of strong moral character 89% of parents say Scouting has taught their son to stay away from drugs 81% of Scouts believe that close family relationships are key to happiness and Scouting had a positive impact on building those relationships Since 1910, Scouts have volunteered over 350M service hours 7
What Scouting Provides A positive, safe environment The opportunity to make new friends The opportunity to master new skills Recognition and positive reinforcement...and... 8
FUN!!! 9
Scouting Activities Family Camping Day Camp (Annually during Summer) Overnight Summer Camp Hiking, Fishing, Archery, Crafts and MORE!! 10
Advancement Age-based rank –Assigned by Grade Awards and Badges –Connecting effort and success Recognition –Celebrating achievement and building self- confidence 11
Pack Organization Pack –Grouping of all Dens, boys in grades 1-5 Dens –Groups of boys by grade 1st Grade - Tigers 2nd Grade - Wolves 3rd Grade - Bears 4th and 5th Grade - Webelos 12
Beyond the Pack Council –Organization by geographic region that administers the Scouting Program –Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council (Counties of Monterey, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz & San Benito) District –Organization within the Local Council by geographic region that aids units in that area –(District Name) 13
What is Involved? 14 Den Meetings –Meetings weekly in groups organized by grade –2-3 per month –1 hour –Den works on advancement and activities Pack Meetings –Monthly meeting of all Dens –1 per month –90 minutes –Program feature, recognition, information
How Much Does it Cost? 15 National BSA Annual Registration Fee –$24 registration Covers registration of youth or adult General Liability Insurance Supports national provided resources (training & online resources) –$1 local council accident & sickness insurance –$12 Boy’s Life Magazine subscription (optional) Pack Dues –Pack specific Uniform –(Cost) Individual Event Costs Fundraising –Fall Popcorn Sales & Spring Scout O Rama ticket/coupon cards sales
We Want You! The Pack counts on the active participation of Parents Variety of help roles of varying commitment An excellent opportunity to spend time with your son! Fill out the parent talent family survey 16
Pack #1 Meeting & Date information 17 Pack Meetings: (date, time, location) Major annual events: (ie Pinewood derby, Pack campout) Next 3 upcoming activities:
Questions 18 Pack Contacts: Committee Chair: Name, phone, Cubmaster: Name, phone, Pack website / group Resources: – take Youth Protection Training – local council website – national BSA website Local “Roundtable” meetings
Join Scouting! 19 To Register Boys –Completed Application Tonight –Annual Registration Fee –Boys’ Life Subscription (Optional) To Become a Parent Helper or Leader –Completed Application Tonight –Annual Registration Fee –Insurance, training costs, and Scouting magazine subscription are included.
Thank you for coming and Welcome to the Adventure of Scouting! 20