Life to Eagle A step-by-step guide for Scouts, Parents and Scouters Don Victory, Advancement Chair, North Star District Drawing on Materials From: David Nalley, Advancement Chair, Thunderwolf District Dan Harvey, Advancement Chair (retired), North Star District Jerry Fochtman & Deb Grun, Sam Houston Area Council Welcome & Introductions All information, including this presentation is on the website!
How many Cub and Boy Scouts have the potential to earn the rank of Eagle Scout? I have yet to meet one who could not.
Eagle Rank Requirements Be active six months after achieving Life. Demonstrate you live Scout Oath and Law in daily life. Earn 21 merit badges (12 specific ones required). While Life, serve 6 months in position(s) of responsibility. While Life, plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project. Take part in a unit leader conference. Successfully complete an Eagle Scout board of review. (Only this requirement may be met after age 18.) Note: These are the only requirements. The troop or district cannot add more or take any away (unless it’s a modification for a specific disability and approved by council). Eagle Rank is pass or fail. If you do these, you will earn the rank of Eagle.
Key Documents Eagle Scout Rank Application Read them. Follow Them. Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook 2012 Printing (2013 printing soon?) Eagle Scout Rank Application Read them. Follow Them. You’ll need both of these documents (hold them up)
All Forms also on SHAC web site
Leadership Service Projects “5. While a Life Scout, plan, develop, and give leadership to others … … in a service project helpful to any religious institution, any school, or your community. (The project must benefit an organization other than Boy Scouting.) A project proposal must be approved by the organization benefiting from the effort, your unit leader and unit committee, and the council or district before you start. You must use the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, BSA publication No. 512-927, in meeting this requirement. The project should be truly valuable. The project should stretch the scout. It helps if the Scout is passionate about the project or the organization it helps. Does it feel good in the gut? This presentation will mainly go over the Project and the Project Workbook.
Leadership Service Projects Get workbook from web site only Hand-me-downs can get out of date. Must start with most recent versions. Can finish with version with which you started. This presentation will mainly go over the Project and the Project Workbook.
How to get started on Project: Download Workbook: Fillable/Savable PDF Read "Message to Scouts and Parents or Guardians“, page 4-4. Sign and Date “Candidate's Promise”, page 2-4. Pick Project Hint: You can get three steps done before picking project!
Leadership Service Project Purpose of the Project Helpful to the community Demonstrate leadership Learn project planning and management Develop confidence to make good things happen Learn project planning and management Dealing with change Develop confidence to make good things happen - That you the scout can make good things happen in your community
Suggested Project Steps Candidate signs pledge in workbook. Select project. Discuss with Eagle Coach and or Troop Advancement Chair. Discuss with benefitting organization. Project proposal approved by: 1) Unit Leader, 2) Unit Committee, 3) Benefactor, and 4) District/Council Advancement Committee. If fundraising or receiving donations, complete / submit fundraising application if required. Complete planning for project. Complete project. Obtain Signatures: Unit Leader & Benefactor.
Your Project Idea 1. Someone else did it a while back 2. An adult in the troop suggested it 3. Suggested by the benefiting organization 4. Agreed to by the Scout and the benefiting organization 5. Scout’s idea How do you come up with a project idea? If you need help – What do you like to do – sports, outdoors -What groups would be most important for you to help
Limitations for Projects Routine labor (a job or service normally rendered) should not be considered. Projects involving council property or other BSA activities are not acceptable. Projects may not be performed for businesses or an individual. Projects may not be of a commercial nature. The project can not be for a for profit business. - You should ask for a 501(c) (3) certificate of Non-Profit Status Examples – Nursing Homes, Hospitals
Limitations for Projects No minimum number of hours is required The project is an individual matter; therefore, two Eagle Scout candidates may not receive credit for working on the same project Projects may not be a fund-raiser. Fund-raising is permitted only for securing materials needed to carry out the project. Talking about raising funds . . .
Fund Raising Approval Necessary except when all contributions are from the candidate, his parents or relatives, his unit or chartering organization, parents or other members of his unit, or the beneficiary of the service project. Email to SHAC online fillable PDF version of Fund Raising Approval form in Eagle Workbook. Response in 2 business days or less. Attach approval e-mail from SHAC as a part of the project plan documentation.
Leadership Service Projects Project Types Construction Repair Landscape or Planting Collection or Drives Other Construction Bridges Benches Shelves Flagpoles Animal houses or cages Fences Collection or Drives on next page
Project Types Collection / Drives Should be an “Active” collection method rather than a “Passive” method There must be a clearly defined goal and it must be significant Must be well thought out - planned Active means going door to door, going to places of businesses. It does not mean putting out collection boxes – can be a part of the project. Significant in terms of (# of Items, Weight, $ value)
Service Project Proposal To be approved, it must show: Opportunity to meet Eagle Scout service project requirement. Planning, development, and leadership will take place How the three factors will benefit a religious institution, a school, or your community. It appears to be feasible. Safety issues will be addressed. Action steps for further detailed planning are included. You are on the right track with a reasonable chance for a positive experience. Candidate’s Promise – one part is you have read this workbook and proposal Approvals – you must have the 3 signatures before you come to the District for approval
Service Project Proposal Contact Information Project Description and Benefit Giving Leadership Materials Supplies Tools Permits & Permissions Preliminary Cost Estimate Project Phases Logistics Safety Issues Further Planning Candidate’s Pledge Approval Signatures (4) Page 8 and 9 and 10
Project Approval Signatures After you have the first three signatures – Unit Approval is last – THEN contact … District for Project Review and Approval I check this email every weekend. Project proposal reviews: Monday’s only, 7 or 8 PM, typically at my house. Must arrive with parent or guardian. Please bring entire workbook, not just the proposal pages. Before photos are suggested (not required) After the first 3 – THEN contact District Advancement Chair
Eagle Proposal Process Email with: Scout name Troop / Unit number Your text / mobile number Name of parent or guardian who will accompany you (YPT) Desired Monday & time slot, 7 or 8 PM. If after a week . . . email again & text 281-384-2636. Please no text for routine matters. Proposal reviews typically at my house. The address will be provided by return email. If you arrive without parent or guardian the meeting will not take place.
Eagle Proposal Process Wear Class A uniform A Scout is Courteous. Please be on time else – if not operating a motor vehicle! - text or call. Mr. Victory may be held up at work, will text or call if he must cancel. Be prepared! Bring all pages of work book. Additional planning okay to bring (e.g., design drawings, photos), helps show feasibility, though not required. Bring tools to take notes! Eagle Workbook Page 3-2 with, “Comments From Your Proposal Review.” Parent / guardian should not volunteer comments
Service Project Final Plan Comments on your Project Proposal Project Description and Benefit Changes Present Condition or Situation Project Phases Work Processes Permits and Permissions Materials Supplies Tools Expenses / Revenue Giving Leadership Logistics Safety Contingency Plans
Planning Considerations Benefiting Organization Approval Design Sourcing Tools Skill Level Source of Help Work Hour Estimate Length of Work Day Location of the Project Project Cost Source of Funds Media Coverage Benefiting Organization: Approval process is their own Design: Simple hand drawings to professional quality plans Tools: No tools to heavy equipment Skill Level: No skill to license required Man Hours: Less than 50 to more than 150 Sources of Help: Family, Troop, Friends, Benefitting Organization Time per Day: half day, whole day, more than 8 hours is not recommended Location of the Project: can be done in two places – built at home then delivered. Project Cost: Less than $100 to more than $1,000 Source of Funds: Scout/Family, Organization, another Charity, separate fundraising Media Coverage: Scout Spirit – let the world know
Working the Project Keep track of all those who worked on the project Scouts, Adults, Non-Scouts, Non-Scouters Take lots of pictures! Keep your workers happy Food, water, breaks And Safe! Personal protection gear (e.g., safety glasses, sun screen, etc.)
Service Project Report Summary Changes Leadership Materials, Supplies, Tools Entering the Service Project Data Funding Photos / Other Documentation
Scoutmaster Conference Final opportunity to impart knowledge Ask for a commitment from the Scout for continued involvement Ask for suggestions on how to improve the program Try to put the Scout at ease concerning the Board of Review
Eagle Rank Application Make sure all dates are accurate Identify individuals to write letters of recommendation Write a “Statement of Life Purpose” Requirement 6. Get all unit leader signatures Letters of Recommendation Do not wait! Identify people when you start planning your Leadership Service Project All signatures must be before Scout’s 18th Birthday. Full Legal Name!
Eagle Rank Application Unit Committee (not Scout!) obtains five Letters of Recommendation Parent/Guardian Religious - Parent may provide Educational Employer (if any) Other Reference(s) Must be Received in a Timely Manner or Unit Must Follow-Up. If still not provided, proceed with application. Must know the Scout well enough to comment on his qualifications to be an Eagle Scout Religious letter should comment on Scout’s faith can be written by parents Employer should comment on Scout’s work habits
Obtaining Council Approval Unit Submits The Eagle Scout Application Packet to Council Eagle Scout Processor. Eagle Application Eagle Service Project Workbook Eagle Candidates Statement for Req. 6 Letters of Reference Certificate from Recording Project in Journey To Excellence Service Hours (Will Not Prevent Council Approval) Once Certified by Council, Eagle Board of Review Can Be Held. This is for information only
Eagle Scout Board of Review Held Within 90 Days of 18th Birthday (unless authorized). Unit Organizes the Board, contacts the District Advancement Chairman to schedule Composed of at least 3, but no more than 6 members: At least 1 District/Council Representative. All Members at least 21 years of age. Members not Required to be Registered in Scouting but Must have Understanding of the Importance and Purpose of the Eagle Board of Review. No Family Members Can Serve. Unit Leaders from Youth’s Unit Can Not Serve. Youth/Family Have No Input to Selection of Board Members.
Final Paperwork Take the following to the Scout Service Center Application Eagle Project Workbook Advancement Report Letters of recommendation Statement of Life Purpose This is information only
Court of Honor Allow six weeks from the time the paperwork is submitted Typically parents’responsibility to plan Send Pictures/News article to the local newspapers
Questions / Discussion