University of Wisconsin-Stout Founded (1891) Malcolm Baldrige Award (2001) UW System Polytechnic designation (2007) Career focus Applied learning Collaboration Colleges reorganized (2008) 45 undergraduate/23 graduate degree programs Over 11,000 students 780+ students in 500+ co-op sites 97.9% graduate employment rate
Launched (2009) with endowment support to: Advance applied research, innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration Solve industry challenges through contract and sponsored research/development Become a nucleus for advanced technology and product development, and to create wealth through technology transfer Built on foundation of strong UW-Stout support of industry and economic development Since 1994 over 5,000 technical assistance activities resulting in over $500 million in impacts and 4,000 jobs (client-reported) UW-Stout Incubator graduates report over $70M in annual sales and employ over 400 Discovery Center: UW-Stout’s Gateway to Applied Research and Technical Assistance
Strategic alignment: Report to Provost/VC of Academic Affairs Public/private funded research administration Professional education Integrated collaborative programs (UW-Extension, NIST/MEP, SBDC, WiSys, FabLab) Stout Tech Park, Business & Technology Incubator Strategic engagement: UW-System Growth Agenda (human potential, jobs, communities) and Board of Regents Research, Economic Development and Innovation (REDI) committee Be Bold I and II and WEDC Strategic Plan (engage business, operate as extended enterprise, be accountable) Next Generation Strategies and Technology Acceleration Framework (NIST- MEP) Program Advisory Boards Discovery Center Strategic Plan
Strategic deployment: Differentiate from consulting Leverage strongest university capabilities with preference for interdisciplinary projects Engage at multiple levels (student, faculty, company, industry) Discovery Center Strategic Plan Provide key project management support Assess and confirm needs Develop scope of work/contracts and manage expectations Create and manage project teams (w/in and third party) Streamline engagement processes Abbreviated contracting and agreements Signature authority Drive UW-Stout priorities Engage industry in program development initiatives Launch and support internal research initiatives (Med Device Innovations, Sustainability Sciences Inst.)