City Plan Commission 1:30 PM City of Milwaukee Monday, December 9, 2013 First Floor Board Room
1. Zoning - Public Hearing 1:30 PM File No. File No An ordinance relating to zoning code definitions of "bank or other financial institution, "installment loan agency," and "payday loan agency.”
2. Zoning - Public Hearing 1:35 PM File No An ordinance relating to floodplain zoning regulations.
3. Zoning - Public Hearing 1:40 PM File No A substitute ordinance relating to the change in zoning from General Planned Development to a Detailed Planned Development known as Metro Center, Phase 7, for construction of a single-family home at 6885 North 107th Street, located on the west side of North 107th Street, south of West Fond du Lac Avenue, in the 5th Aldermanic District. This zoning change was requested by Kuhs Quality Homes, the current owner of the vacant lot at 6885 North 107th Street. Kuhs Quality Homes intends to sell the lot for construction of a single-family home.
3. Zoning - Public Hearing 1:40 PM Subject site, from the east
Context photos View to the north (from the western edge) View to the east View to the south (from the western edge) 3. Zoning - Public Hearing 1:40 PM
File No East (North 107 th Street) elevation North elevation
3. Zoning - Public Hearing 1:40 PM File No West elevation South elevation
3. Zoning - Public Hearing 1:40 PM File No N
4. Zoning - Public Hearing 1:50 PM File No A substitute ordinance relating to the change in zoning from Two-Family Residential to Local Business, for parking, on land located at North 5th Street, on the west side of North 5th Street and north of West North Avenue, in the 6th Aldermanic District. This zoning change was requested by Maures Development Group, LLC, and would permit the parcel located at North 5th Street, currently zoned residential, to be joined with land to the south, which is zoned commercial, for parking that would be accessory to a mixed-use development.
4. Zoning - Public Hearing 1:50 PM Development Parcels
4. Zoning - Public Hearing 1:50 PM Conceptual site plan – for discussion purposes only 1 ST FLOOR COMMERCIAL TENANT SPACE (RESIDENTIAL ABOVE) COURT
5. Zoning - Public Hearing 1:55 PM File No A substitute ordinance relating to the change in zoning from Two-Family Residential to Local Business to facilitate redevelopment on land located on the south side of East Dover Street at 619 East Dover Street, west of South Kinnickinnic Avenue, in the 14th Aldermanic District. This zoning change was requested by the City of Milwaukee, on behalf of the Milwaukee Board of School Directors, to allow for greater flexibility for redevelopment of the former Dover Street School, located at 619 East Dover Street.
5. Zoning - Public Hearing 1:55 PM Site Photos View from NW corner View from NE corner View from south 3
Context photos St. Lucas Evangelical Lutheran School to the north View to the northwest View to the south 5. Zoning - Public Hearing 1:55 PM
Innovative Teacher Housing Background MPS is hiring hundreds of teachers Most are single adults looking for support system in new community City Year, Teach for America partnerships Millennial educators need affordable, comfortable housing 62% prefer mixed-use housing 52% like pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods 55% want to be close to public transportation GMC Partnership for Teachtown initiative
Impact of Teacher Housing in other Cities Spurred economic development and neighborhood revitalization Provided teachers with peer-support community Teachers report living in teacher housing made their jobs easier 97% of those in teacher housing wouldn’t live anywhere else
Why Bay View Bay View offers: Vibrant, safe neighborhood Walkable business district Access to public transportation Converts vacant, unused space into vibrant housing with professional neighbors Places the units back on the tax rolls, supporting the City of Milwaukee and local taxpayers Survey of new teachers showed Bay View is a desirable neighborhood
Why the former Dover Elementary School Building lends itself to adaptive re-use 66,629 SF building constructed in 1890 & 1893 Three stories with ADA challenges 23 classrooms suitable for apartment use Gymnasium, auditorium, cafeteria and kitchen offer potential for common areas and housing 4.56-acre lot with a large playground/parking lot that may be suitable for additional compatible housing
RFP Project Requirements Convert building to provide multi-family housing targeted for teachers with an emphasis on market- rate, but affordable units (rezoning would allow multiple units) Propose a marketing strategy to allow a mix of teacher experiences is encouraged Provide additional housing along Dover and Potter that are compatible with the neighborhood (City design guidelines included) Include common areas to foster resident interaction and peer collaboration Centralize parking to minimize adverse neighborhood impacts
RFP Project Requirements Add attractive landscaping with vegetable and rain gardens in the existing green space Retain existing tot lot for public use Maintain partnership with Saint Lucas Church for use of playground and parking areas Replace chain link fencing with decorative metal fencing Increase the City’s tax base Meet the City’s SBE policies
Interim step solely to allow for more residential units and buildings than permitted in current RT4 Zoning Critical timing because proposals involve WHEDA tax credits with a January 30, 2014 application deadline RFP prohibited commercial uses at the property and prohibition will be included in Development Agreement Development Agreement will require developer to apply for Detailed Planned Development zoning before closing to institutionalize uses and prevent changes without public input Rezoning Application
6. Zoning - Public Hearing 2:05 PM File No A substitute ordinance relating to the change in zoning from Two-Family Residential to General Planned Development to facilitate redevelopment on land located on the southeast corner of East Hadley Street and North 1st Street, at 2760 North 1st Street, in the 6th Aldermanic District. This zoning change was requested by the City of Milwaukee, on behalf of the Milwaukee Board of School Directors, to allow for mixed-use redevelopment of the former Malcolm X Academy.
6. Zoning - Public Hearing 2:05 PM Current Site View from NE corner View from south View from west
6. Zoning - Public Hearing 2:05 PM Context photos View to the north View to the south east from the NE corner View to the north west from the SW corner
6. Zoning - Public Hearing 2:05 PM Vicinity Map
6. Zoning - Public Hearing 2:05 PM GDP Conceptual Site Plan
7. Street & Alley Vacation File No Resolution to vacate a portion of the alley in the block bounded by vacated West Plainfield Avenue, West Waterford Avenue, vacated South 4th Street and South 5th Street in the 13th Aldermanic District. The vacation was requested by the Department of Public Works to support an alley realignment in conjunction with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation North-South Freeway Project..
8. DPW File No Resolution authorizing acceptance of quit claim deeds from Glendale Redevelopment, LLC and Glendale Partners, LLC for portions of the former Wisconsin and Southern Railroad right-of-way at 4615 Adj. North 20th Street, 4588 Adj. North 20th Street and 4450 North Green Bay Avenue for public right-of-way for street purposes, in the 1st Aldermanic District.