The 4 Steps To Get Branch Leadership! A Proven Method Used By Another Organization For Over 75 Years Presentation developed by Roger D. Pelz, SIR Branch 33 Method adapted from information on Boy Scouts Of America web site 1
The 4 Steps To Get Branch Leadership! ✔ PEOPLE Put together the people that will select and contact new leadership. ✔ PREPARATION Prepare the people that will select and contact prospective leadership. ✔ APPOINTMENT Set up an appointment the right way. ✔ PRESENTATION How to get your prospective leader to say yes to your presentation. 2
STEP ONE ✔ Nominating Committee Chairman Forms A Committee (N. C.) To Work With Him. ❖ Select persons that know a lot of Branch members. ❖ Use individuals that know what the leadership positions needed require concerning commitment, time and responsibilities. ❖ Keep group relatively small - 5 to 7 persons. “PEOPLE” 3
STEP ONE ✔ Nominating Committee Chairman Selects A Time And Place For N. C. Meeting. ✹ Meeting should not be before or after or at a regular SIR Branch meeting. ✹ Notify members by or Postal Mail of the time and place of meeting. ✹ Follow up with them by phone to assure their attendance. “PEOPLE” 4
STEP ONE ✔ At Meeting The N. C. Develops A “Prospect List” Of 3 Persons Minimum, For Each Leadership Position Needed. ◆ Do not make assumptions about persons selected accepting job or having time to do it. Give each prospect the opportunity to make their own decision. ◆ Rank the list of prospects in the order you want to contact them (1st choice, 2nd choice, etc.) “PEOPLE” 5
STEP ONE ✔ Select A Contact Group (C. G.) For Each Prospect. ✷ C. G. should be a minimum of 2 persons - 3 is okay. One should be a good friend and know prospect especially well. ✷ C. G. may be one or more of the N. C. but can also not include any of the N. C. “PEOPLE” 6
STEP TWO “PREPARATION” ✔ Nominating Committee Chairman makes sure each Contact Group does its job as soon as possible. ★ Nominating Committee Chairman assigns someone in each C. G. as the “leader” for communication and follow up while prospects are being contacted. ★ N. C. Chairman puts together the materials that each C. G. needs for their meeting with the prospect and gets them to each Group. 7
STEP TWO ✔ Nominating Committee Chairman Is Responsible For Briefing The C. G. Leader. ★ C. G. should be prepared to present to the prospect all the advantages to him in doing the job as well as resources and persons that he can rely on for help. ★ Some resources are: ● A Job Description ● Names of persons willing to help him. (C. G.?) ● Persons he knows that would be willing to work with him. “PREPARATION” 8
STEP THREE “APPOINTMENT” ✔ The C. G. member that knows and has the respect of the number one prospect should make the appointment for a meeting. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT WHEN MAKING THE APPOINTMENT WITH THE PROSPECT YOU DO NOT DO ANYTHING MORE THAN ARRANGE A MEETING!!! 9
STEP THREE “APPOINTMENT” ★ If the prospect questions the purpose of the meeting say: “I want to meet with you to discuss a matter important to the operation of the Branch”. DO NOT ✦ Try to recruit the prospect on the telephone ✦ Get trapped into talking about the specific job ★ If still questioned about reason for appointment say no more than: “We need to meet in person for me to explain the details.” 10
STEP THREE “APPOINTMENT” ★ Confirm the appointment date and time with the C. G. members going to the meeting with prospect. ★ Before meeting with the prospect: ● The C. G. should meet at a convenient place just before going to the meeting. ● Discuss the part each member of the C. G. will take as the presentation is made and assign a part of the presentation to each member. 11
STEP FOUR “PRESENTATION” ✸ Opening Comments (After introductions) (Name), you must be wondering why all of us are here. (Response) It’s as I told you over the phone. We are here to talk to you about something very important to our SIR Branch. As you may know, our Branch has some openings in its operating positions. A group of knowledgeable people met recently to determine who would be the best person to give leadership to these positions. We went through a very detailed process that involved making a list of everyone we thought could help out the Branch based on the kind of qualifications needed to fill these positions. We then rated them as to who we thought would be the best. Your name rose to the top of the list for one of those positions. (Pause for acceptance of that fact.) 12
STEP FOUR “PRESENTATION” ✸ The Proposal “Now, (Name), that brings us to why we are here. The position we would like you to consider is (Name Of The Position). ● Using the Job Description go over what is specifically involved ● B e prepared with answers to objections you have thought through before coming to the appointment. 13
STEP FOUR “PRESENTATION” ✸ Ask For A Decision ● “Well, (prospects name), you have heard our proposal and we hope we have answered your questions. You are our number one prospect. This group and the members of the Branch promise you all the support you will need if you will assume this important position.” ● Wait for answer. This is very important! The prospect will accept the position or present more objections to accepting. 14
STEP FOUR “PRESENTATION” ✸ If he accepts then thank him, leave the materials you brought that describe the job and take your leave. ✸ If prospect is unable to, or declines to, accept the position you should consider being prepared to offer a backup position. Example: You proposed “Branch Secretary” – he declined – ask if he would be the “Assistant Branch Secretary”? ✸ If that does not work then go back to STEP THREE “APPOINTMENT” and repeat the process with the number two prospect (who now becomes number one). 15
The 4 Steps To Get Branch Leadership! This Is Not The End !!!!! It Really Works, Guys - All You Have To Do Is Use It ! ME AS YOU GET RESULTS AT