United Nations Development Programme UNDP Africa United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Presented by John M. Kauzya Tunis, Tunisia 17.


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Presentation transcript:

United Nations Development Programme UNDP Africa United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Presented by John M. Kauzya Tunis, Tunisia 17 June 2005

The Africa Governance Inventory (AGI) Portal is an online gateway to governance-related information in Africa. Definition

 Algeria  Benin  Botswana  Burkina Faso  Cameroon  Congo (Brazzaville)  Ethiopia  Gabon  Gambia  Ghana  Kenya  Madagascar  Malawi  Mali  Mauritania  Mauritius  Morocco  Mozambique  Namibia  Niger  Nigeria  Rwanda  Senegal  Somalia  South Africa  Swaziland  Tanzania  Togo  Tunisia  Uganda  Zambia  Zimbabwe Countries participating in the AGI (32)

Decentralization Rule of law and human rights Electoral system Parliamentary system Leadership building Socio-economic management Public administration Peace and stability AGI Classification

The AGI and the InnovMed collaborate to produce an inventory of existing initiatives and programmes for the exchange of experiences in PA and to access information on governance reform initiatives in North Africa, i.e. Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia. AGI and InnovMed collaboration

National level Enhance:  Informed decision making (by increasing strategic value for resource allocation, policy making and prioritisation of programmes within governance and PA)  Monitoring, coordination and sharing of information, experiences and best practices in the field of governance  Evaluation of governance initiatives in the context of specific mechanisms (APRM, etc.)  Transparency and accountability Objectives

Regional level  Provide quick access to the status of governance  Facilitate sharing of information and experiences in the context of coordination and resource mobilization  Strengthen partnerships – information on actors involved in governance activities within given geographical or programmatic areas  Track regional initiatives on governance  Assist in building collective ownership and leadership – for setting priorities, monitoring and evaluating institutional as well as development partners’ performance Objectives continued ….

UNDESA DONORS GOVERNMENT UNDP National AGI data Partnerships at national level NEPAD (APRM) NEPAD (APRM)

AGI National Data Focal Point `` Compilation Analysis Management UNDESA Training Analysis Management Monitoring UNDP Support Input Data GOVERNMENT Capacity building and data management DONORS Identify

 Government Units/Focal Points trained in data compilation and analysis as well as management of the national AGI Portal  Aggregate data reflecting the status of governance at national and regional level, accessible on-line including:  Lessons learnt  Funding priorities and trends  Initiative results compared to initial commitments  Evaluation rating reports Expected outputs

AGI management at national level Government Focal Point AGI technical functions Ensuring integrity, quality and regular updating of data Updating the AGI national homepage Registering editors after having verified their credentials Completing on-line governance initiatives evaluation sheets Addressing detected problems and duplications AGI administrative functions Managing the database Ensuring coordination with the other international partners (e.g., Focal Points, UN, NEPAD, etc.) Liaising with other Government institutions Participating in national and regional workshops,.. Ensuring availability of resources and overall AGI implementation at national level UNDP Focal Point

AGI Portal

AGI reports – Initiative by type and status GEOGRAPHICAL REGION : AFRICA

AGI reports – Initiative by type GEOGRAPHICAL REGION : AFRICA

AGI reports – Initiatives by status GEOGRAPHICAL REGION : AFRICA

AGI reports – Total budget by classification GEOGRAPHICAL REGION : AFRICA

AGI reports – Total budget by funding agency

Search functions

 Greater ownership of AGI at national, local and regional levels.  Creation of a regional network of database managers.  Integration of donor agencies and partner institutions.  Sustainability and use of the AGI as a planning, coordination monitoring and evaluation tool. Challenges

The future of the AGI portal in Africa AGI Portal AGI Countries Regional Organizations Private Sector, CSOsDONORS UNDP, UNDESA African Union

Can this Portal become an online gateway to governance-related information in the Mediterranean region? AGI Portal and the Mediterranean region