2012 National APSE Conference Becky Hebda, Community Care of Central Wisconsin Lisa Mills, Medicaid Waiver Employment Services Consultant
The following presentation is not complete. For a copy of the full presentation or to contact the presenters, please Becky Hebda Lisa Mills
Previously paid for job development and job coaching as service provider hours worked: Disincentive to providers who did well with fading Inconsistent Expectations: Training Quality indicators Fading Use of technology State Grant-$25,000 Collaboration with Providers
MCO: Managed Care Organization CCCW: Community Care of Central Wisconsin (A Managed Care Organization funding long term care Medicaid participants) IDT: Interdisciplinary Team (Registered Nurse Service Coordinator, Social Work Service Coordinator) SE: Supported Employment DVR: Wisconsin Department of Vocational Rehabilitation LTCFS: Long Term Care Functional Screen LOC: Level of Care
This payment methodology incentivizes providers by: Increasing provider net revenue if member hours worked increase without increasing the support percentage needed from provider. Increasing provider net revenue if member maintains hours worked but is able to do so with lower support percentage from provider. Encouraging provider to assist member to avoid reduction in hours worked whenever possible Facilitating provider use of best practices (e.g. technology, natural supports, systematic instruction) to avoid the need for job coaching whenever possible Encourages providers to assist members to find jobs with paid time off and other benefits.
Differential reimbursement of providers aligned with differential reimbursement paid to managed care organizations by state long-term care agency. MCO is paid a higher capitated rate to extent members have higher acuity needs Model uses the same approach for SE provider reimbursement
Based on a member’s individual capitation payment which is derived from characteristics on the Long Term Care Functional Screen (LTCFS) As needs change, individual capitation payment adjusted which can change tier placement Identified range of individual capitation rates for all current working-age members in CCCW: Low: $ High: $10, Divided range into 4 equal tiers: Tier 1 members typically have the highest and most complex support needs; Tier 4 members typically have the lowest and least complex support needs. Bottom tier starts slightly lower than actual and top tier ends slightly higher than actual to accommodate minor changes in end points of range.
LowHighDifference Tier 1 $7,927.00$10, $2, Tier 2 $5,351.00$7, $2, Tier 3 $2,775.00$5, $2, Tier 4 $199.00$2, $2,575.00
Acuity Tiers: Logic based on each member’s characteristics as documented on the member’s Long Term Care Functional Screen (LTCFS). Characteristics are used to determine a member’s individual capitation payment. The range of current working-age member capitation payments are broken into four tiers for the purpose of payment. Tier 1 members typically have the highest and most complex support needs; Tier 4 members typically have the lowest and least complex support needs. Graduated Support Percentages: The average support percentage anticipated is based on the length of time a member has been in his/her job. In keeping with the supported employment model, average support percentage decreases as the member’s length of time in the job increases. Reimbursement Rates: Provider reimbursement for each of the 12 categories in the matrix is determined based on a rate-per-hour-of- service negotiated between MCO and provider. This rate is then multiplied by the average support percentage for each category to arrive at the reimbursement rate per hour worked by the member. Hours Worked: Member hours worked per month includes paid time off (e.g. vacation, personal days, paid sick time)
0-11 Months12-24 Months25+ Months Tier 1--- Tier 246%86%66% Tier 348%84%48% Tier 425%28%21%
0-11 Months12-24 Months25+ Months Tier 195%78%60% Tier 280%60%45% Tier 360%40%30% Tier 435%30%24%
0-11 Months12-24 Months25+ Months Tier 1000 Tier Tier Tier
Payment for member hours worked will be made on an ongoing basis, according to the matrix, if the member remains employed in his/her job. Payment is made based on member hours worked, regardless of how much job coaching the member may be receiving from the provider. There is a financial incentive to maximize member hours worked and minimize job coaching supports.
We recognize that the model must account for members who have unique support needs which mean the provider cannot fade job coaching to levels otherwise expected Outlier category created to address this
There is potential for members to be designated as an “outlier” if one or more of the following is true: Hour Supervision required as indicated on LTCFS-Protective Service Order 2. Certain Criminal Convictions 3. Annual update of LTCFS results in movement of member into a lower tier
Collaboration between Provider, IDT, and DVR (if involved) to determine if outlier status is warranted and to identify appropriate payment tier Variety of techniques to affirm “outlier” criteria: Review of member LTCFS by IDT and CCCW Screen Division to assure accuracy of individual capitation rate Review of member’s criminal history (if relevant) to confirm presence of issues that meet criteria for outlier determination Review of member’s historical service data to assure request for outlier determination is supported by longitudinal data and experience Review of provider agency’s past use of technology and other strategies to achieve fading with the individual member
A random sample of all bills submitted will be audited monthly CCCW will request documentation from SE provider showing proof of member hours worked Provider responsibility to obtain written documentation from employer and submit this information within 14 days of request Acceptable forms of documentation: o Copies of member time cards o Copies of pay stubs o Signed confirmation from member supervisor/HR department (electronic is acceptable)
Member AcuityOne Time Payment Tier 1$1600/One Time Tier 2$1200/One Time Tier 3$900/One Time Tier 4$650/One Time The primary funding source for Job Development should always be the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR).
Base line date collected July 2011 Piloted September 1, 2011-March 31, 2012 8 of 9 contracted providers in our immediate service area participated in the pilot Required Duplicate Billing for pilot period All Participating providers received financial compensation based on number of SE members being served $500-$2500 per provider At least one iPad 2 per provider HD Video camera with tripod, SD card, etc.