Handicapped Ramp at Camp Tuscazoar Eagle Scout Service Project of Janson Scott Taylor Eagle Scout Candidate Troop 108, Alliance, Ohio
My Eagle Scout Project My name is Janson Scott Taylor. I am an Eagle Scout Candidate from Troop 108, sponsored by the Maranantha Church of God in Alliance, Ohio. One of the culminations for the rank of Eagle Scout is to organize and carry out a service project that benefits either a community or an organization as a whole. The purpose is to not only teach me how, but allow me to demonstrate my skills in leadership, organization, teamwork and planning of a project of such a magnitude. This is one of the most vital tasks I must accomplish on the path to Eagle. I appreciate your inviting me here to discuss my project.
My Eagle Scout Project Belcher Lodge is a handicap accessible lodge at Camp Tuscazoar, near Bolivar, Ohio. However, the existing ramp on the porch was not built to code for handicapped accessibility. It was a temporary access to finish the construction.
My Eagle Scout Project My plan is to remove this ramp and the existing 3’X8’ platform, and build a 12’x 8’ permanent porch that will replace this and will extend over the retaining wall to the hillside. I will then construct a ramp according to code for handicapped accessibility.
My Eagle Scout Project I will preserve the 3’X8” platform and move it up the hillside on posts to serve as an observation platform. This will also break up the number of steps to reach the road. The final step will be tying the two platforms and new ramp together with steps and railing as well as finishing off the upper level with matching railing.
My Eagle Scout Project Part of the preparation will require excavation of the hillside to allow the ramp to be moved over to preserve the existing parking space. This will be accomplished on a work weekend when we have heavy equipment available.
Basic Plan of My Eagle Project In order to guarantee the safety of my project, I asked an architect to help me because the public would be using my project. This is the basic plan of my project he helped me develop. From this I will lead the construction of my project.
Basic Location of My Eagle Scout Project Area enlarged for plan See enlarged area for site plan My project is located at Camp Tuscazoar, near Bolivar, Ohio. Tuscazoar is the original summer camp for our Boy Scout Council and is now privately operated as a historical site. It is open to not only Boy Scout troops but church and private individuals for camping horse back riding and sight seeing. This is the location of Belcher Lodge at Camp Tuscazoar
Basic Location of My Eagle Scout Project This is the service road that leads to the camp entrance and to Central Camp N Belcher Lodge is located along the Service Road by Central Camp. It is accessible to the Dining Hall
My Eagle Scout Project Who will this benefit? Tuscazoar serves a large population of church and private organizations, it is available to the public This is the only handicapped accessible structure that allows boys and adults with physical limitations to enjoy the outdoors and nature It preserves the heritage of our Boy Scout movement in Northeastern Ohio, and is close to other historical landmarks such as Dover Dam, Historical Zoar
My Eagle Scout Project What do I need for my project? Materials/Expertise- I have recruited an architect to determine the actual materials needed for my project as well as to address any safety issues since this is being used by the public We contacted building suppliers such as Lowe’s, Home Depot, and Carter Lumber for quotes on the total materials needed to complete my project
My Eagle Scout Project What do I need for my project? Manpower- My troop will provide the majority of the manpower. The adults provide their expertise while the boys perform the labor. They gain experience and service hours for their own rank advancements. Any interested volunteers can also contribute hours or their expertise, or equipment to my project
My Eagle Scout Project What do I need for my project? Financing- the materials I need for my project can be either donated or I need to purchase them. In lieu of the economy, none of the building suppliers I have approached have donated materials I am asking your organization to help me with the cost of the materials to fulfill my project