‘FSG’ Financial Statement Generator Training Course Overview Oracle General Ledger ‘FSG’ Financial Statement Generator Training Course Overview
FSG Training : Course Aims FSG features and Capabilities Writing FSG components Building FSG reports ADI as a reporting Tool Advanced reporting features FSG strategy & procedures
Today’s Agenda Overview of GL Set-up Overview of FSG reports Running reports in Oracle & ADI Using different components Standard examples of FSG reports Basic Report Components Row Sets Column Sets
Overview of GL Set-up Some terminology Set of Books Functional Currency Accounting Calendar Chart of accounts
Set of Books Oracle terminology for the complete accounts systems of different business’s within the same system One accounting calendar One base currency One chart of accounts(accounting structure)
Calendar Year runs from 1st May to 30th April 18 Periods in a year 12 monthly periods 4 Quarterly adjusting periods 2 Year end adjusting periods Once a period has been closed, should not be re-opened. Reports can be run for any period including Adjusting At year end the P&L is automatically swept to Retained Earnings
Management Accounting Calendar Currencies are discussed on the following page/
Currencies Each set of books has one functional currency (e.g... GBP) This is the default currency for reports & transaction entry All foreign currency entries are automatically included in functional currency balance You cannot get a balance just for balances in functional currency, but you can report on balances of foreign entered currencies Report in many entered currencies one report ‘Translation’ allows reporting of whole TB in Foreign Currency Although a set of books may have a functional currency, it can pay and receive monies in other currencies. These foreign values are translated and held in the functional amounts using the daily ( T-rates ) of exchange Corp. Rate is discussed on following page.
Currencies - Exchange Rates Foreign -> functional currency e.g... Euro - Sterling Create a rate for each day Standard Corporate Rates loaded automatically Rate set on last day of previous month Month end revaluation rates entered manually Loaded to system via Reuters The conversion of foreign currencies to functional can occur in a variety of ways For example, Spot rate, daily rate, user rate and the corporate rate. 'Your Company' have chosen to use a custom term called a ‘T-rate’, this is basically a daily rate and is loaded into the system automatically via Reuters. Following page : Chart of accounts.
Chart of Accounts Accounting Flexfield Account code security The Chart of Account Structure As mentioned earlier, 'Your Company' use a different chart of accounts for certain set of books, This is due to a number of reasons, such as Language, Statutory Requirements, and differing lines of business. Despite the use of difference Chart of Accounts attempts have been made to keep the structure familiar between countries to help consolidation and transparency between business. The three key elements are: Flexfield Segments Calendar Currency Following page : Accounting Flexfield
Accounting Flexfield Oracle terminology for database field Key flexfield (fundamental) Max 30 segments Specify a balancing segment Specify a natural account segment revenue, expense, etc.. Segments independent of each other Segments combined to form unique account codes ( CCID’s) Database field : Financial information is stored in the database in fields. An accounting flexfield is a way of system separating the millions of values that are stored in the database. This is referred to as the key accounting flexfield and is a compulsory element of the accounts. Balancing: This is the company segment, and is required so that all transactions within a given balancing segment net to zero. The natural account segment must also be specified to give a chart of accounts its structure. These are: Expense, Revenue, Owners Equity, Liability, Asset. Following Page : account security.
Account code security Cross Validation Rules Security Rules Restrict how segments are combined Security Rules Restrict which values a user can use Within GL ledger there is the facility to introduce account code security and validation to ensure that the various combinations are being used as intended. Cross Validation Rules: eg. Certain product group codes can only be used by certain cost centres. This are set at a global level and prevent the posting of code combinations that violate the defined rules. Security : These can be entered at various level, eg User or Responsibility. Within 'Your Company' they are set at responsibility level and prevent the user of a resp. from entering values to a given segment. For example within 'Your Company' security rules are set at the company level and prevent a user from entering data outside their company. Following Page : 'Your Company' Accounting Structure
Your Chart of Accounts Structure Example of a full account combination 85.70.0000.16603.000000.0000.00202.0000.0000.0000 Seg Name Default Entity From Logon Office From Logon Group none Account none Local 000000 Partner 0000 Project 00000 Year 0000 Tax Year 0000 Spare2 0000 'Your Company' has chosen to use seven segments in its accounting structure. Each segment is compulsory to make a full account reference, even the last two which in most cases are never used, therefore for the analysis segments they can either be left blank in queries or when entering data they can be listed as ‘000’ Following Page : Account Standards
Chart of accounts - standards All segments are global apart from the ‘Local’ segment Cannot add values to the set-up without world firm approval New combinations of existing segment values are created automatically Parent accounts exist on main segments for reporting ( Group & Account ) As stated earlier 'Your Company' users multiple chart of accounts and calendar between sets of books. These are defined at a global level and values cannot be add by the users to a segment. However, there is no need to create each and every possible flexfield combination as these are created automatically by a process known as dynamic insertion. This means that as long as each individual segment is a valid on and allowed, the system will automatically add the accounting key to the database. Within the account structure can set Parent Child relationship. This allows the rolling up of accounts into group totals etc. This works by defining a parent and then assigning a number of children to it. This difference is that you CANNOT post to a parent account , as you do to a child account. This is because a parent account only contains the balances of its own children and NO transaction details. Following Page : Inter/Intra company accounting
FSG : Financial Statement Generator Build your own custom reports without programming. Define reports with complete control over the accounts, periods, calculations & submission Discuss the positioning of FSG compared to other reporting tools, try and do diagram.
FSG : Features Generate financial reports, such as income statements and balance sheets Apply security rules to control financial information Define your reports with reusable report objects Design custom financial reports to meet specific business needs.
FSG : More Features Print as many reports as you need, simultaneously. Print the same report for multiple companies, cost centres etc, in a single submission. Schedule reports to run automatically. Produce ad hoc reports whenever you need them.
Basic Report Building Principles Re-usable report components ( objects) Row and Column set is required minimum. Build advanced options into simple reports Content Sets, Display Sets, Row Order & Level of detail.
Using Report Components