Public-Private Partnerships in Action: Emergency Response Jeffrey P. Dell Senior Vice President, Bank of America Crisis Management, Strategic Planning and Industry Engagement
Outline The most important “Emergency Response” occurs before the emergency Banking and Finance Critical Infrastructure Sector Collaborate: Identify, Prioritize, Coordinate Pre-Plan: Threats, Vulnerabilities, Consequences Readiness: Deter, Respond, Relieve, Set Conditions to Recover Real World Lessons
Engagement Matters External Engagement is what we do: 59 million consumers and small business relationships 6,000 retail banking offices Over 18,000 ATMs 30 million online banking active users Clients in more than 150 countries Hundreds of partnerships for resiliency Resiliency and stability in a complex and rapidly changing world require collaboration and well established partnerships long before the disruption occurs Bank of America is one of the world's largest financial institutions, serving individual consumers, small- and middle-market businesses and large corporations with a full range of banking, investing, asset management and other financial and risk management products and services
Hurricanes / Tropical Storms 2008 Six major storms in three months Tropical Storm Dolly Hurricane Gustav Tropical Storm Eduardo Hurricane Hanna Tropical Storm Fay Hurricane Ike Key Partnerships In-Action Outcome Federal, State and Local Emergency Management Agencies Department of Homeland Security Financial Sector Coordinating Council American Red Cross Evacuation routes; pre-staging Shelters Disaster relief assistance Situational awareness Mobile Banking Center deployments Critical Infrastructure prioritization
2009 H1N1 Influenza Virus 2009 Spring Outbreak Fall / Winter Outbreak Possible Third Wave? Key Partnerships In-Action Outcome Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Department of Homeland Security U.S. Treasury Intra-Sector and Cross-Sector Partners Endurance of influenza virus on currency and common surfaces Common operational picture Public health guidance Banking and finance collaboration Best practices and interdependencies School closures
Wildfires Key Partnerships In-Action Outcome 2009 California Wildfires (July – October) 71 individual fires Burned more than 336,000 acres Neighborhood evacuations Unpredictable weather impact Key Partnerships In-Action Outcome California Emergency Management Agency Business Executives for National Security / California Resiliency Alliance California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection American Red Cross Containment status Fire maps Buffer zones Public assembly areas Supplies needed (essential services) Resource requests BENS / California Resiliency Alliance (Partner Entities): Intelligence, cross-sector collaboration, Business Operations Center within CalEMA State Operations Center. Public Assembly Areas (pre-staging assets, facilitate associate accounting).
Earthquakes California Haiti Chile Key Partnerships In-Action Outcome United States Geological Survey Department of Homeland Security California Emergency Management Agency California Utilities Emergency Association Fusion Centers American Red Cross Logistics Damage assessments Reentry access protocols Estimated time of recovery Relief funding requirements “Ground truth” Evacuation routes and shelters California Utilities Emergency Association: Information sharing – utility jurisdiction (which utilities, i.e., primary, secondary and tertiary, cover mission-critical facilities). Estimated Time of Recovery for service restoration. Impact analysis to utility infrastructure (the ability to perform predictive analysis).
Flooding Georgia Massachusetts Rhode Island Tennessee Key Partnerships In-Action Outcome Federal Emergency Management Agency State Emergency Management Agencies American Red Cross Disaster relief information sharing Relief funding requirements Real-time communications Essential resource requests Daily situational reports Volunteer support need
US Airways Flight 1549 Key Partnerships In-Action Outcome January 15, 2009 Flight from New York City to Charlotte Bank of America associates onboard Key Partnerships In-Action Outcome Federal Aviation Administration New York Police Department Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Associate well being Common operational picture Secure return of personal property
What we could use more of… Widely adopted and accepted Credentialing Protocol Timely access to essential information (for stabilization efforts) Taking partnerships to the next level Greater public – private sector collaboration What more do you need from private sector firms?
Contact Information Jeffrey Dell (415) 436-5617 Office (415) 310-6136 Cell * Photos used in this presentation were obtained from public sources and may be subject to copyright.