International Conference “Implementation of the Danube Strategy – challenges and perspectives” 29 June 2012 Belgarde, Serbia The Role of Civil Society.


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Presentation transcript:

International Conference “Implementation of the Danube Strategy – challenges and perspectives” 29 June 2012 Belgarde, Serbia The Role of Civil Society in the EU Strategy for the Danube Region Danube Civil Society Forum,

The Regional Dimension Map: © Interact

Brief History of the EUSDR Following an intensified discussion on the Danube launched by Baden-Württemberg and the cities of Ulm/Neu-Ulm And an Austro -Romanian initiative in 2009 the EU starts a process of preparing a 2 macro-regional strategy 2010 the EU Commission, on request by the by the EU Council starts a consultation process on the EU Strategy for the Danube Region Next to an internet platform and intense discussions a sequence of 5 conferences February 2010-June 2010 brigs in the stakeholders views Participants of the conferences are representatives of the participating states, regions and municipalities, national agencies, international bodies (ICPDR), private companies and NGOs A Danube Summit in Bucharest (08.Nov.) gives green light to the Communication of the EU Commission, the Action Plan” is presented 09. Dec On 13. Apr the EU Council endorses the “Action Plan” Danube Civil Society Forum,

The EUSDR has 4 Pillars with 11 thematic Priority Areas Pillar I Connecting the Danube Region 1) To improve mobility and intermodality (Inland waterways : Austria - Romania ; Rail, road and air : Slovenia - Serbia (Interest: Ukraine) 2) To encourage more sustainable energy (Hungary - Czech Republic) 3) To promote culture and tourism, people to people contacts (Bulgaria - Romania) 4) To restore and maintain the quality of waters (Hungary - Slovakia) 5) To manage environmental risks (Hungary - Romania) 6) To preserve biodiversity, landscapes and the quality of air and soils (Germany (Bavaria) - Croatia) 7) To develop the knowledge society : research, education and ICT (Slovakia - Serbia) 8) To support the competitiveness of enterprises (Germany (Baden-Württemberg) - Croatia) 9) To invest in people and skills (Austria - Moldova) 10) To step up institutional capacity and cooperation (Austria (Vienna) - Slovenia) 11) To work together to tackle security and organised crime (Germany - Bulgaria) Pillar II Protecting the environment in the Danube Region Pillar III Building prosperity in the Danube Region Pillar IV Strengthening the Danube Region

What is Civil Society? Why Civil Society? Broad definition: More or less all non state actors including social partners (Employers & Employees), such as established in the European Economic and Social Committee. Narrow definition: Civil Society is understood as the structured formation of non-partisan & non-profit organisations, such as defined by the DCSF Civil Society and participation are enshrined in the Lisbon Treaty. The Lisbon Treaty (2007) forms with the treaties of Rome (1957) and Maastricht (1992) the constitutional basis of the European Union (EU). “Article 8 B 1. The institutions shall, by appropriate means, give citizens and representative associations the opportunity to make known and publicly exchange their views in all areas of Union action. 2. The institutions shall maintain an open, transparent and regular dialogue with representative associations and civil society.”

EUSDR strengths New approach to make borders more permeable Transregional combination of aims, functions and challenges Open to „ stakeholders“ Innovative approach Weaknesses so far No leadrership National principle ( bottlenecks) No funds until 2014 No clear Definition for „ stakeholder“ Imbalance between partners In transparent structures and processes Lack of communication Danube Civil Society Forum, 6

Why Civil Society in the EUSDR? In the Danube Region we have an evironment of developing structure in good government and administration The DR is labeled by a status of new democracies that still need to be rooted inside the societies The role of CS as describe by the EU Commission. „Civil society and non-governmental organizations have a crucial role to play in society. They provide policy input, new initiatives and hold governments accountable. They can be active actors in promoting democratic and market-oriented reforms based on shared values, i.e. respect for democracy and human rights, the rule of law, good governance, principles of market economy and sustainable development.” Danube Civil Society Forum,

Why Networking? Why a DCSF? THE Civil Society in the DR is not existing! We have some thousand small to micro organisations, mostly in the lower danube We have few NGOs well developed operating with strong expertise and recognised by national and international institutions (WWF, Friends of Nature) mostly in the upper Danube. NGOs are often: dedicated but unfunded, engaged but ignored and loosely linked to interregional or international networks

The Danube Civil Society Forum (DCSF) is the platform for civil society dialogue and networking in the Danube basin under the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR). The DCSF is dedicated to support civil society organizations in the Danube basin. The DCSF aims to promote and enhance civil society participation and networking in the framework of the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region. The DCSF is an action foreseen in 4th pillar „Strengthening the Danube Region“ in the action plan of the EU Commission for the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. The DCSF is membership based and open to Civil Society active in non-profit and non-partisan organisations as well as academics (one representative per NGO)

The DCSF was established to function as the interface for structured consultations between civil society and public and private authorities on the regional, national and EU level. The DCSF was established to fill the gap for CSO participation in the Danube Strategy and to foster civil society in the entire Danube Region.

EUSDR Organisational-institutional framework European Council National Contact Points High Level Group EU Commission DG Regio Priority Area Coordinators (PACs) Danube Strategy Labgroup IPA Programmes Financing Institutions Project Leaders Policy Level Impl. Level Operational Level