Roseburg High School Comprehensive School Improvement Team: CSI Team
Our Journey—year one 2009—2010 The CSI Core Team was formed Hand-picked representatives from each department got together to look at some data—all different kinds Developed a common understanding of MTI/RTI vocabulary Explored aspects of Professional Learning Communities to prepare for moving to a new PD model Adopted the idea that change in school our size was like changing course of a large ship Concerned with the idea of the instructional lottery READ A LOT OF BOOKS The Extended Team was formed Hand-picked representatives from all departments The CSI core team—the virus that spread
Our Journey—year two 2010—2011 The CSI Core Team determined Goals and Focus Areas Developed from Extended team feedback 8 focus areas in total: Goals, Behavior, Healthy Core, Grading, PLC, Research-based Instruction, Staff Knowledge, PD & Collaboration prep Met with department teams Developed “Protocols”—examined course offerings according to Tiered model Developed placement decision rules for Tier 2 Began to educate larger staff Shared some readings with staff—few and very deliberately chosen READ A LOT OF BOOKS The Extended Team Began department goal setting which carried over to department meetings
Our Journey—year three 2011—2012 The CSI Core Team Condensed Focus areas to four Aligned these areas with other school and district goals Planned action steps for each area & made time lines Explored the idea of a Behavior subcommittee of CSI then formed the Behavior team (HARD WORK) Continued to educate staff PLC work READ A LOT OF BOOKS Behavior team took over energy of Extended Team briefly Researched, read, attended conferences
Our Journey—year four 2012—2013 The CSI Core Team New members added Fewer meetings this year because we launched a lot of work that was now continuing on “without” us But recently met and begin to refocus our efforts—revisited focus areas and revived action steps The Behavior team Met, established norms, researched best practices Is working to make sure Tiered instruction model is applied to behavior work Recently shared progress with staff—no pixie dust or magic wands Collected information/data from stuff to help guide their work New PD model implemented this year Staff reading focused on PLC model—social studies teacher and PLC levels explanation article
Tiered Instruction is Layered Tier 1 for ALL students
Academic SystemsBehavioral Systems 1-5% 5-10% 80-90% Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based High Intensity Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based Intense, durable procedures Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Universal Interventions All students Preventive, proactive Universal Interventions All settings, all students Preventive, proactive Multi-tiered Instruction 5-15%
Evaluate the quality of our core instruction Are 80% of your students successful? Are 80% of students reaching benchmarks and “on track” for next goal? If not, then the core needs to be addressed before adding tier 2 interventions
Behavior Healthy Core Behavior Healthy Core Academic Healthy Core Academic Healthy Core Mutual Influence Professional Development Professional Development Clear Long and Short Term Goals School-wide and Departments Research-Based Instructional Practices Research-Based Instructional Practices Grading PLCs Build Staff Knowledge Build Staff Knowledge Research-Based Instructional Practices Research-Based Instructional Practices Condensed Focus Areas
Long Term Department Goals
Short Term Goals
English Protocols
RHS STATE ASSESSMENT DATA All Students Meeting or Exceeding SCHOOL YEARREADINGWRITINGMATHEMATICS %45%56.9% %57%53.9% %75%67.2% %79%61.4%
RHS STATE ASSESSMENT DATA This Year 10 th Grade Math 10 th graders who had completed the test (347) 52% met 11% exceeded 37% not met (but 23% of those w/in 2 points of passing 72% of the completed 10th grade tests are either passing or within 2 points of passing (and the majority of our 10th graders are in Geometry)
We Are Excited for the Future