EPA Update- Bob Judge Maine Air Quality Monitoring Committee April 18, ) NAAQS schedule 2) Budget 3) Technical Systems Audit
NAAQS Review Status PollutantCurrent NAAQS Level Latest NAAQS Review Activity Expected Next Step Ozone0.075 ppm 8-hourReview ongoing per CAA schedule. EPA not reconsidering 2008 Standard. Proposal expected in October 2013, and final by July CO9 ppm 8-hour 35 ppm 1-hour FRN signed on August 12, NAAQS not proposed to be changed, but new near road monitoring requirements. Complete SO 2 75 ppb 1-hour (Annual and daily standards revoked) FRN signed on June 2, 2010 with 1- hour NAAQS. Hybrid monitoring/ modeling approach. Complete NO 2 53 ppb annual mean New- 100 ppb 1-hour FRN on January 22, 2010 with 1- hour NAAQS. Includes provisions for near roadway monitoring. Complete PM 2.5 PM ug/m 3 annual average 35 ug/m 3 daily 150 ug/m 3 daily Policy Assessment Document (April 2011) Proposal expected June, 2012; final in June, 2013 Pb0.15 ug/m 3 rolling 3- month average Final monitoring rule signed on December 14, Monitoring requirements for all 0.5 TPY Pb sources, select airports, and urban NCore sites. Complete
Current Schedule for Ongoing NAAQS Reviews (Updated April 11, 2012) MILESTONE POLLUTANT NO 2 /SO 2 Secondary PMOzoneLeadNO 2 PrimarySO 2 PrimaryCO NPR Jul 12, 2011 Intended Jun 2012* 2013Jan 2014Aug 2015Feb 2016Jul 2016 NFR Mar 20, 2012 Intended Jun 2013* 2014Nov 2014May 2016Nov 2016Apr 2017 NOTES: Underlined dates indicate court-ordered or settlement agreement deadlines *As part of a court filing in Jan 2012, EPA identified a schedule for completing the review of the PM NAAQS including its plan to issue a proposed rule in Jun 2012 and to take final action in Jun 2013.
EPA NPM Guidance Ambient Monitoring: The CAA requires EPA to review each NAAQS every five years and revise them if necessary. Each revision of the NAAQS provides greater protection of public health and may place new monitoring requirements on EPA’s state, local and tribal partners. The additional funding requested for FY 2013, first sought but not received in FY 2012, will help defray the purchase costs of state and local agencies of new or replacement monitors for ozone, lead, SO 2, and NO 2. Funding of air monitoring, including a proposed transition in funding authorities for PM 2.5 monitoring and changes in the provision of associated program support, is addressed in greater detail in Appendix C of this guidance. The Agency is still in the process of developing a detailed allocation of its monitoring resources. Final allocations will be influenced by the final NAAQS rules and the refinement of existing networks.
40 CFR Part 58, Appendix A… 2.5 Technical Systems Audit Program. Technical systems audits of each ambient air monitoring organization shall be conducted at least every 3 years by the appropriate EPA Regional Office and reported to the AQS. Systems audit programs are described in reference 10 of this appendix. For further instructions, monitoring organizations should contact the appropriate EPA Regional QA Coordinator. Participate and support EPA in every 3rd year Technical Systems Audit (TSA) for State during FY 2012 (OAQPS M07). Andy Johnson Tech: Bob Judge -8387