Carlos Spector Texas AILA Conference April 24-26, 2014 Dallas, TX Reviving “Extortion Plus”: An Alternative Paradigm for Analyzing Mexican Asylum Claims Carlos Spector Texas AILA Conference April 24-26, 2014 Dallas, TX
Intentional Ineffectual Government (Authorized Crime) Proponents of the [term] neopoliciaco view the 1968 student massacre at Tlateloco and the Mexican government’s subsequent mismanagement of justice as the turning point in the importance of social criticism in the detective novel… The importance of the 1968 student massacre to the development of the neopoliciaco explains an important message repeated in many plots in the genre, namely, that the State is the perpetrator of violence against its citizens, or functions as the ignorant accomplice to such crimes by failing to enforce laws and thereby dissuade criminal activity.
Intentional Ineffectual Government (Authorized Crime) The advantage of citizenship is found in the government’s ability to protects its citizens from harm. States that are incapable of guaranteeing this protection open the floodgates of chaos (Rotker 17). This chaos is exactly what Aridjis describes in his novel: a society in collapse from an intentionally ineffectual government. (Brooks Sakas, Karliana. “Apocalypse as Catalyst of Hope for a New World in Homero Aridjis’ La leyenda de los soles.” Revista de literatura mexicana contemporanea. Num. 59, Yr. 19. (Pp. 17-26).)
U.S. Department of Justice Executive Office for Immigration Review Office of Planning, Analysis and Technology Immigration Courts Asylum Statistics Fiscal Years 2009-2013 FY Received Granted Denied Abandoned Withdrawn Other 2009 30,112 8,800 9,876 3,248 6,450 6,927 2010 32,810 8,518 8,335 1,646 6,275 7,527 2011 42,664 10,137 9,280 1,430 5,137 5,291 2012 44,296 10,711 8,502 1,296 5,357 8,021 2013 36,674 9,933 8,823 1,439 6,400 11,391
U.S. Department of Justice Executive Office for Immigration Review Office of Planning, Analysis and Technology Immigration Courts Asylum Statistics for Mexico Fiscal Years 2009-2013 FY Received Granted Denied Abandoned Withdrawn Other 2009 2490 56 336 630 1555 2010 3996 38 477 166 1447 410 2011 7425 92 1010 117 1312 387 2012 10542 113 1306 132 1735 1382 2013 8569 155 1566 201 2636 3008
Extortion In law, unlawful demanding or receiving by an officer, in his official capacity, of any property or money not legally due to him. Examples include requesting and accepting fees in excess of those allowed to him by statute or arresting a person and, with corrupt motives, demanding money or property unlawfully under pretense of duty. The taking of money or property is generally an essential element of the crime. (The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th Edition)
Extortion In most states of the United States, extortion is more widely defined to include the obtaining of money or property of another by inducing his consent through wrongful use of fear, force or authority of office; BLACKMAIL, RANSOM, and THREAT of force are included under this definition. (The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th Edition)
Specific Act of Perceived Resistance Symbolic Violent Reaction Case Studies Criminal extortion Conduct Specific Act of Perceived Resistance Authorized Crime Symbolic Violent Reaction Holguin transportation company extorted in Juarez, Chih. (2008) Refusal to pay bribes, Report to police/human rights org Public Denunciation Union members and officers denounced extortion and called for state-wide strike; filed police reports; post-entry public denunciation as Mexicans in Exile La Linea accused, not arrested; extortion continues Buses burned; son murdered in restaurant Porras family dairy farm extorted in Villa Ahumada, Chih (2012) Refused to pay bribes Refusal to pay bribes, public denunciation Town controlled by La Linea (Mayor of town colludes with Chief of Police, who is 1st cousin and convicted murderer in U.S.) Father murdered, son murdered next day at grave site Gutierrez extorted by criminal elements in Chihuahua, Chihuahua (2011) Refused to pay bribe, Public denunciation Refused to pay bribe, post entry Pedaling for Justice campaign to denounce crime To date no arrests Legs amputated Chaidez family extorted in Juarez (body shop owners) (2009) Refusal Refused to work for cartels Sinaloa cartel assaults La Linea in Juarez, La Linea begins aggressive campaign of extortion to make up for loss of revenue 11 family members murdered
Case of Holguin Family
Case of Porras Family
Case of Carlos Gutierrez
Case of Christian Chaidez
Case of Christian Chaidez news/Thousands-fleeing-violence-in-Mexico- seeking-asylum-US-215323311.html