EngageNY.org The Importance of Increasing Students’ Volume of Reading.


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Presentation transcript:

EngageNY.org The Importance of Increasing Students’ Volume of Reading

EngageNY.org2 Learning Target I can analyze the modules to determine the embedded best practices that support all learners.  This means that I understand more about the independent reading assigned in the modules and the role of the “recommended texts” lists.

Independent Reading Grows Readers “Students need the opportunity to read a volume of texts: texts that engage them, at least some of which are based on individual choice, that they can read independently or with some support from their teachers or each other. These opportunities are where stamina and persistence are practiced, where vocabularies and knowledge bases can be expanded through contextualized exposure to lots of words, and where students learn the sheer pleasure of becoming lost in the printed world of ideas.” -- Liben, et. al “On Merging the Common Core State Standards into Existing Literacy Practices (2013)” EngageNY.org3

How Does Independent Reading Look in the Common Core Era? Independently read and analyze “Case Studies,” thinking about which show the most alignment to the Common Core and the shifts, and which show the least. (10 minutes) Rank order. 1 = Most Aligned. 5=Least Aligned. Share your thinking with a partner. (5 minutes) EngageNY.org4

Check Against Criteria EngageNY.org5

Improve a Case Study With your partner, choose one case study to improve. Using the criteria, discuss with your partner what this teacher could do to bring his/her efforts into alignment with the Common Core and/or the shifts. EngageNY.org6

7 Guiding Question How can teachers, coaches, students, and parents support the effort to increase the volume of reading and accountable independent reading time? What are you or your district already doing in this regard?

EngageNY.org8 Directions Please read:  The Importance of Increasing Students’ Volume of Reading Annotate: What do you Agree with in the text? What, from the text, have you taken Action on already? What do you want to Argue with in the text? What parts of the text do you Aspire to?

EngageNY.org9 Four “A”s Text Protocol The group reads the text silently, highlighting it and writing notes in the margin or on post-it notes in answer to the following four questions What do you Agree with in the text? What, from the text, have you taken Action on already? What do you want to Argue with in the text? What parts of the text do you Aspire to? In each round, have each person identify one assumption in the text, citing the text (with page numbers, if appropriate) as evidence. Continue in which the group talks about the text in light of each of the remaining “A”s, taking them one at a time – what do people want to argue with, agree with, and aspire to in the text? Try to move seamlessly from one “A” to the next, giving each “A” enough time for full exploration.

EngageNY.org10 Synthesis Please distill your conversation to one or two important take aways to share with the other groups at your table.

Recommended Texts In your grade level folders. Each module has three of these – one for each unit. EngageNY.org11

EngageNY.org12 Give One, Get One Book Frenzy! Prepare a brief “book talk” – one that will entice someone to read the book you brought! Find someone else in the room to give your “book talk” to. Be polite, introduce yourself. Trade books – Give one, and Get one EITHER – sit back down if you are satisfied. OR – keep trading until time is called.

Journaling Take a few minutes to think about what you have learned about increasing the volume of students’ reading in an effective and aligned manner. Capture your thinking in your journal under Learning Target #3: I can analyze the 3-8 ELA Modules to determine the embedded best practices that support all learners. EngageNY.org13