Project Management What is Project Management? Why do Project Management? Tracking project timing and cost. Managing project resources (people, materials, budget). To monitor if your project is staying on time and is within budget. To ensure project goals are met.
Project Management What questions might project managers be interested in? How long will the project take? Can I add manpower or tools to reduce the overall project length? To which tasks should I add manpower? What tasks are on the critical path? Is the project on schedule? When should materials and personnel be in place to begin a task? Am I within budget? Should I transfer funds between line items? Other?…
Project Management - Examples University Convocation Center Windsor Engine Plant Other major construction projects Large defense contracts NASA projects (space shuttle) Maintenance planning of oil refineries, power plants, etc… Senior Design projects other…
Project Management - Timing Timing A project consists of a series of tasks with estimated durations. Consider building a house: Step A: Prepare site. (5 days) Step B: Build foundation. (8 days) Step C: Frame walls and roof. (15 days) Step D: Rough in Plumbing (12 days) Step E: Rough in Electrical (10 days) Step F: HVAC Venting (8 days) Step G: Drywall (11 days) Step H: Finish Electrical (5 days) Step I: Finish Plumbing (4 days)Step M: Paint (5 days) Step J: Finish HVAC (2 days)Step N: Landscape (5 days) Step K: Install Kitchen (8 days) Step L: Install Baths (14 days)
Project Management - Timing Timing – Gantt Chart Tasks and task durations are often represented as Gantt Charts. No consideration for task precedence.
Project Management - Timing Timing – Network Diagram Tasks must sometimes be performed in series, or may at times be performed in parallel. For the house example, let each arc represent a project task/job. Each arc is identified by a job letter and duration. Note the dummy jobs indicating precedence that jobs H and I must complete before K or L begins. 2 A, B,8C,15 D,12 F,8 E,10 G,11 H,5 I,4 J,2 K,8 L,14 M,5 N,5 0 0
Project Management - Timing Timing – Gantt Chart Tasks and task durations are often represented as Gantt Charts. With task precedence knowledge.
Project Management - Timing Critical Path Why is knowing the critical important? 2 A, B,8C,15 D,12 F,8 E,10 G,11 H,5 I,4 J,2 K,8 L,14 M,5 N,5 0 0
Project Management - Cost Costs Estimate your costs by task (add a safety factor, 20-50%?), also called itemizing. Track your costs by item. Formally transfer/track transfer of budget between line items. Stay within budget!!
Project Management - Resources Resources How do resources effect project management? Add workers to reduce task time. Remove workers if a task is not on critical path. Ensure tools and supplies are available at start of each task. Other?
Project Management - Tools Software Most Popular (Listed by Blue Angel Technologies, Inc. - provider of metadata management tools. Niku Corporation (Nasdaq:NIKU) - develops enterprise application software that cuts costs and increases productivity by automating the work of internal service organizations. eRoom Technology, Inc. - makers of a browser-based product used to manage projects, collaborate on documents, share information, and hold discussions. Formerly Instinctive Technology. Mindjet - developers of software to help business people organize information into visual maps which display relationships among diverse information. eProject - specializes in web-based project management and team collaboration software that includes integration with WAP and palm-held devices. Available on-site or as a hosted service. Primavera Systems, Inc - Software tools for managing both small and large projects. - offers web-based project management and time and billing software. Welcom Software Technology - provides project management, collaboration, and cost management solutions. Scitor Corporation Business Solutions Group - provides project and process management software solutions and services. - offers free web-based bug tracking and project management software designed for business managers and developers. 116 additional sites listed in alphabetical order (did not include MicroSoft Project)
Project Management - Tools Manual Method Can you manage projects manually? Absolutely, who managed the building of the Egyptian pyramids and what software did they use? I have used Excel to “manually” track projects.
Applying Project Management Initial Setup Identify task and task precedence Estimate task cost and timing Identify critical path Modify resource allocation to adjust task timing and costs Continuous Monitoring Update if timing has changed Identify if still on time Identify if critical path has shifted Modify costs as “real” costs are realized
Applying Project Management Personal Experience – Windsor Engine Plant Products – 4.6L, 5.4L, 6.8L Ford Truck Engines Location – Windsor, Ont. Budget - $1.2 billion Timing – Plant Engineering (Summer 1993) Job 1 (March 1996) Volume – Engines / day Launch Staff – approx. 150 personnel Project Management – 1 person dedicated to timing, Primavera software, Gantt charts hung around “war room”, cost management by individual team managers (with “help” from Finance dept.).
Applying Project Management Personal Experience – Windsor Engine Plant (cont.) My Responsibilities – team manager of information systems and communications (PCs, networks, phones, pagers, radios, computer room, PFIS, etc…) Timing Tracking Method – Used Excel (problem deck), White Board (primary projects), and note pad (to do list). Problem Deck – Some projects tracked closely some loosely dependent on who was lead analyst. Primary project status – updated weekly. To do list – updated daily.
Applying Project Management Personal Experience – Windsor Engine Plant (cont.) Cost Tracking Method - $8million budget, itemized by primary projects (e.g. PCs, Networks, Radios, Computer Room, etc…). Used Excel and reports from Finance office to track line items, monitored on a weekly or bi-monthly basis