As a matter of fact, contemporary international relations have witnessed the emergency of actors side by with the sovereign states.Inter- governmental and non governmental organizations are placed among non-state actors which play more or less an effective role in the conducting management of the international relations.
It should be noted that multiplicity and variety of problems and issues facing sovereign states in addition to the rise up of conflicts and wars among them, all those factors lead states of create international organizations as arrangements and mechanisms assists in dealing with newly emerging problems and cooperating for the common good of the whole international community. In anther words we can conclude that while inter-state law was based upon coexistence, international organizations is based upon cooperation.
It can be said that I.G.O's, in all types and forms have some common features that run as the following:
*Membership to I.G.O's Is based upon the principle of free well and voluntary participation.Where states fulfilling the conditions of membership enjoy the free well weather to join the organization or to withdraw from it.
*Powers and authorities of the organs of any I.G.O: Are more or less delimited and agreed by the states members to the international organizations thus, powers maybe limited or maybe super national as the case in the European Union whose organs immediately and directly obey states and individuals. -Each International Organizations has its own institutional structure through which it can perform the functions and goals entrusted to it.
- The Charter or the constitution of the International org's rests upon an equal and balanced distribution of rights and duties among states members otherwise the affectivity of the international organizations shall be negatively affected.
- There is always a procedural framework containing rules that organize meetings, sessions, dealings and interrelations among members, voting system, suspensions, and termination of membership and all other matters affecting the work of the international organizations. - In spite of declared commitments by states to the charter Undertaking and obligations, members actually violate such obligations.Manifestations of this run as the following:
A)-Illegal use of force (wars of aggressions and armed attaches waged by some states against others) like Palestine –Iraq B)-Intervention in the domestic affairs under the pretext of human rights and democracy (Darfur,Iraq,Afghanistan…) C)-Exercising power and influence. D)-Preferring national interest to the interests over the international community as a whole in relation to international collective measures sanctions by the international organizations.
I.G.O can be classified into so many types according to the criteria used, the following: A)-According to the criteria of membership,I.G.O's are classified into: -Universal I.G.O,where membership is open for all states,satisfying the conditions of membership (UN,the League of Nations,W.T.O…)
-Regional I.G.O,where membership is limited to states belonging to a certain region or having a scio-politio bond(league of Arab states,African union, European Union,O.A states.) -Sub –regional I.G.O, where membership is limited to a set of states enjoying some common traditions and feature sand belonging to a specific area within the same region.Culture and Education,Labour,trade…) Such as: International Labor Organizations, Universal Postal Union, W.TO,and UNESCO).
B)-According to criterion of power, I.G.O are classified into: -Cooperative I.O where the I.O has the power only to pass recommendations urging members to policies and positions."The most of existing I.O"
-Integrative I.O where the I.O has the power to adopt decisions immediately and directly addressing individuals within the states members (European Union). -Some organs of the I.O may enjoy the power to pass decisions obligating all members and even non-members to the I.O such as the decisions of UN Security Council released to international peace and security.