Microbial Biotechnology Microorganisms – Organisms that are too small to be seen without a microscope – Include: bacteria, fungi, protozoa, microalgae,


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Presentation transcript:

Microbial Biotechnology Microorganisms – Organisms that are too small to be seen without a microscope – Include: bacteria, fungi, protozoa, microalgae, and viruses – Live in places such as: soil, water, food, and animal intestines, rocks, glaciers, hot springs, and deep-sea vents Microbe Exploitation – Genetic Engineering (ex: insulin production) – Food & Agriculture (ex: fermentation processes) – Energy Sources (ex: biofuels) – Crime and Security (ex: copying DNA; bioterrorism) – Medicine (ex: vaccines; antibiotics)

Genetic Engineering & Microbes – Producing Insulin

Food & Agriculture Fermentation is Important in Our Lives: FOODS - spoil by microbial fermentations - made by microbial fermentations (wine, cheese, pickles, bread) MUSCLE cells use fermentation if O 2 is depleted LOUIS PASTEUR - described the scientific basis for fermentation, wine-making, and the brewing of beer

Cellular Respiration C 6 H 12 O 6 + O 2  H CO 2 + ATP

Fermentation Typically refers to the conversion of sugar to alcohol using yeast under anaerobic conditions Chemically it means the conversion of carbohydrates into alcohol or acids Fermentation Tank


The process that produces alcoholic beverages or acidic dairy products Fermentation

Alcohol Fermentation Primary Fermentation Yeast - converts juice into wine by anaerobic fermentation Reds wines are fermented with skins and stems (tannin) Pressed after fermentation

Alcohol Fermentation Secondary Fermentation Used to make quality wines and when the grapes have a high MALIC ACID content. Lactic Acid bacteria convert the MALIC ACID into the milder lactic acid form (gives texture and flavor)

From Wine to Vinegar Ethanol + OXYGEN -> Acetic Acid Vinegar Bacteria - Acetobacter aceti

Anaerobic Fermentation Propionibacter shermani is one of the three types of bacteria used to make Swiss cheese -responsible for the holes -cheese mixture is warmed bubbles of CO 2 form - bubbles form holes

Other Products From Microorganisms: Primary Metabolites: Amino Acids, Vitamins, Ethanol, Lactic Acid Secondary Metabolites: Antibiotics, Food coloring, Toxins Enzymes: Chymosin = a key component of rennet Lipase = enhances flavor in cheese making Lactase = breaks down lactose to glucose and galactose; to produce lactose-free milk Protease = Detergent additive a-amylase = production of high fructose corn syrup Pectinase = degrades pectin into soluble components, reduces cloudiness of chilled wine and fruit juice

Energy & Microbes Bioethanol Fermentation: Plant starch, cellulose from agricultural waste, and general garbage are abundant and renewable sources of fermentable carbohydrates

Energy & Microbes Anaerobic Fermentation: Biogas technology as an environmental solution to pollution Anaerobic methanogenic thermophilic degradation of different types of wastes (cow and poultry manure, cotton stalks, and the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes)

Crime and Security & Microbes Bacteria can be used as a weapon and as a tool to solve a crime Thermus aquaticus can tolerate high temperatures – Source of the heat- resistant enzyme Taq DNA polymerase – Enzyme used in PCR

Microbes and Medicine Microbes and Vaccines: Attenuated (weakened form), killed, live, recombinant vector vaccines Boost immune systems to fight against disease caused by viruses and (sometimes) bacteria

Making Vaccines

Microbes and Medicine Microbes & Antibiotics: Bacteria and fungi are used to create antibiotics (Ex: tetracycline and penicillin) The genetic structure and material are altered and turned into antibiotics, as well as, many other types of medication

Making Antibiotics

Bioremediation Bioremediation: A Primer

Algae Bioremediation for Waste Treatment