MICE VC Alain Blondel 10 January MICE VC Jan 2008 MICE news -- BEST WISHES TO ALL FOR main outcomes of MICO meeting 9 January -- running MICE safely in MOMs for collaboration meeting February 2008
MICE VC Alain Blondel 10 January MICO 9 January Summary of beamline & hall installations (Richard Apsimon) 2. January shutdown status (Tim Hayler) 3. Target status (Chris Booth) 4. ToF & KL (Maurizio Bonesini, Ludovico Tortora) 5. Beam Profile Monitors (Alan Bross) 6. Tracker status (Ken Long) 7. DAQ report (Jean-Sebastien Graulich) 8. Controls & PPS (Brian Martlew, John Alexander) 9. Running plans (Kevin Tilley) 10. Discussion 11. Next meeting --> Thursday 24 January AoB
MICE VC Alain Blondel 10 January Main conclusion: EVERYBODY is trying hard to be on time according to end-of-shutdown/ISIS run on 21 January/4 Feb -- ISIS has two major problems: ISIS dipole 2 needs changing, ISIS target has problems January: ISIS must be closed (there may be a small delay in this date) 21-jan--> 4 Feb running in period We have requested three times 2-3 shifts with MICE control: early, mid, late in this period + any available nights. It is still possible to install reliably a detector that would arrive at RAL in the early part of that period DSA or even in vault (CKOV, TOF0, MBLM) 5 Feb--> production run of ISIS until 13 March Installation opportunities in the DSA will be limited and random
MICE VC Alain Blondel 10 January (basic radiation levels - no target in) - doesn't need any specific shifts x8-hour shifts for target tests at the middle of the startup period - to establish target running requirements. - target position, loss volts, isis activation - increase dip to 0.05V. - radiation levels ~ MICE hall etc x 8-hour shifts for beamline installation/commissioning 0.05V - 'flushing through': first functional tests where entry synch/DSA poss. to fix - radiation levels~ MICE hall etc. - measure of *early* rates - standardisation checks. Plan to proceed : 1shift negatives w/o proton absorber : 1shift negatives with proton absorber : 1 shift positives with proton absorber x 8-hour shifts for target tests at the end of the start up period - continued target shifts if problems. - or to aim to above 0.05V, measure stability, loss, activiation etc, MICE rad. levels. 4. Any available night shifts Chris Rogers
MICE VC Alain Blondel 10 January Main conclusions from MICO ++ beam line installation 2 major hickups, scrambling to recover: -- ISIS personnel not available for upstream beamline work (alignment etc) -- New Target stand not ready ++ MICE detectors -- Ckov ready to install (stands?) before 20 Jan. -- TOF0 to arrive last week of January (preferred) or first week of Feb. -- Mice BeamLineMonitor from Fermilab will arrive for step II. An array of scintillator is being prepared at ICL for the MBLM1. ==> we would like to know more about this. -- TOF1, KL to arrive second half of February (stand in absence of Spectrometer solenoid?) -- Jean S. Graulich and Paul Soler has been approached to provide scintillator to measure integrated particle rate at ‘tof0 and tof1’ until these detectors have arrrived. (These scintillators will remain useful) -- tracker: cryomodules have been repaired. Could be shipped to RAL by end January. Tracker operational first half of February. (meeting Friday 11 to decide: cosmic test or put in beamline? Should be able to do either depending on circumstances
MICE VC Alain Blondel 10 January Run Plan Determine sequence of events to running in the beam line Flexibility will be required and order of events may change Plan does include radiation monitoring (2 monitors needed) and radiation surveys at four specific configurations to determine possibility of Hall construction while taking data (tracker TOF1,2 KL installations, Mag. Shielding, Spectro Solenoid) Target commissionning Pion beam line dipoles, quads, DK solenoid, proton absorber in/out, + and - Vary momentum to measure part. prod. If possible muon beam and vary optics towards end of period Controls and monitoring: no report Action: produce descriptive note.
MICE VC Alain Blondel 10 January Running MICE safely Regular safety-coordination meetings are run by David Findlay with relevant MICE Management. Aim is to ensure safe operation of MICE Ground rules for operation of MICE at ISIS shall be as follows. 1.MICE shall be set up with its own management structure, and shall operate largely as a “tenant” of the ISIS “landlord”. [Need this because MICE is an international collaboration — ISIS is not in control of everyone in the MICE collaboration.] 2.A suitable person shall be appointed by the Director of the Particle Physics Department to take overall responsibility for MICE operations. The appointment is subject to approval by ISIS, and the approval process shall include an assessment of the competence of the person. [At the time of writing, and with the approval of ISIS, Richard Apsimon has been provisionally appointed as MICE Project Manager. Richard Apsimon and Andy Nichols jointly fill the “MICE Technical Coordinator / Project Manager” rôle identified in “Technical coordination of the MICE experiment”, Revision 1: CMPB 14(01), MICE-Note 175, 6th August 2007, but Richard Apsimon has agreed to take the lead in project management matters.] Richard Apsimon is the MICE person responsible for safety matters
MICE VC Alain Blondel 10 January The person with overall responsibility for MICE operations shall ensure that MICE is operated safely to the satisfaction of both the Facilities Development and Operations Director and the ISIS Director. At the time of writing, these two directors are one and the same person, Andrew Taylor. While MICE is operated the MICE operation Managers will be in charge by delegation of R. Apsimon. 3.The ISIS Crew shall not be responsible for running operations in the MICE Hall. 4.MICE shall comply with the STFC safety management system and, with the agreement of ISIS, appoint competent persons as required. Such persons to include Electrical Authorised Person, Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) (who could be Tim Durkin, the PPD RPS, or Paul Flower who has RPS experience), COSHH Responsible Officer (who could be the PPD COSHH officer), and Building Warden (likely to be the Hall Foremen).Except for the Decay Solenoid Area (DSA), the ISIS Duty Officer shall not formally act as the Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) for MICE. The shielded area in R5.2 located up against the synchrotron shielding wall and containing the decay solenoid, one dipole and three quadrupoles. Because of radiation shine through from accelerated beam in the synchrotron room this area has to be treated as an operational ISIS interlocked machine area
MICE VC Alain Blondel 10 January The ISIS Crew and other approved ISIS staff members must always be able to have access to equipment in R5.2 associated with ISIS operations. [For example, something might go wrong in the DSA and in order to restore beam the ISIS Crew would have to be able to go in at short notice. Or something might go wrong with the HEDS beam chopper and people from the Controls and/or Synchrotron Groups would have to go in to fix it.] 7The MICE pion target in Straight 7 of the ISIS synchrotron shall ultimately be under the control of the ISIS Crew. [In practice, MICE should be able to operate the target as they see fit within beam loss limits previously shown to be acceptable for ISIS running, but it would be the ISIS DO who granted the initial permission to operate.] 8Unless otherwise agreed, scheduling ISIS for neutron and muon users shall take precedence over scheduling for MICE if conflicting scheduling issues arise. [Not clear at this stage exactly what these conflicting issues might be, but it would be unfortunate to have all the many users of the two target stations and the muon experiments held off unnecessarily by what is essentially a parasitic activity.] David Findlay 30 November 2007
MICE VC Alain Blondel 10 January MICE run and MOMs
MICE VC Alain Blondel 10 January Important aspects of running MICE The Technical Coordinator/Project Manager is responsible for the safe implementation of the experiment and for its safe operation. Day-to-day responsibility for safety during the build phase of the experiment is delegated to the Hall Manager and Principal contractor. During running, the safe operation of the experiment is delegated to the MICE Operations Manager(MOM). For each MICE step a set of safety reviews will be organized by the MICE project manager, before installation (safety design review), before commissioning (authorization to operate) and before regular operation. The critical subsystems of MICE will be reviewed either collectively or one by one as will be seen fit by the MICE project manager in agreement with the spokesperson and in presence of one or several designated ISIS representatives as required. A fool-proof operations manual, including safety aspects, will have to be ready for each MICE subsystem before regular operation. The documentation is the responsibility of each MICE subsystem.
MICE VC Alain Blondel 10 January MEETING CALENDAR Next Scheduled MICO meeting Thursday 24 January: Next collaboration meeting: Sunday 10- Wed 13 February 2008 organisers: Kyberd/Blondel/Loader Registration page will be posted imminently. Please register. parallel meetings on Sunday: tracker PID, software, beam line Plenary monday morning in auditorium with Womersley Parallel meeting in the afternoon (software--> analysis) Collaboration dinner monday evening Plenary on Tuesday morning and Wednesday morning EB on Wednesday afternoon. parallel in R12 R13 or plenary in R12+13 monday aft to wedn. morning. MICE will be running-in ==> meeting at RAL, Accomodation has been booked on site at the Ridgeway House(20) and R70(10). Because ISIS will be running there will be food at the RAL in the evening, entertainement in the evening will be conditional to having a car or friends with one.