Origins of the Cold War Chapter 26
1945- A Critical Year FDR never understood how mad the Russians were at the United States for getting involved in the war so late This is also when the United Nations was formed
Postwar Conflict The United States feared satellite nations, countries that were politically and economically dominated by the Soviets during the Cold War The Soviets wanted to spread Communism throughout the world. (WB, IMF)
Iron Curtain The Iron Curtain was the division between Communist and non-Communist life This resulted in the Cold War the division between the United States and the Soviets for power
George Kennan an American diplomat stationed in Moscow, analyzed Soviet behavior and told the United States that the Soviets wanted Communism around the world The United States wanted to contain Communism (already lost in Eastern Europe)
Truman Doctrine- the United States is a world leader and will support nations so they do not fall to Communism
The Marshall Plan
About 21 million people were homeless in Europe We wanted to help restore these countries so another war like this would never happen We passed the Marshall Plan to help the nations of Europe recover economically
Berlin Airlift 200,000 flights to deliver food, fuel, and other supplies to West Berlin
NATO- (North Atlantic Trade Organization)- “an armed attack against one or more of them….shall be an attack against all” (FOR PROTECTON) (BUILD A MORE POWERFUL BOMB) Warsaw Pact- a military alliance with Soviet Union satellite nations
HUAC- began to investigate people to see if they were member of the Communist Party, especially celebrities Hollywood Ten- ten actor who refused to answer Communist Questions. Served a year in jail.
Studios complied a blacklist names of people who could not be hired. Congress then passed the McCarran-Walter Act which limited the number of people to come to the USA from Southern and Central Europe
Chinese Civil War Jiang- led the Nationalist Party Mao Zedong- led the Communist Party (WHEN HE TOOK POWER WE WANTED TO PROTECT ASIA) Communists came to power in 1949
Chinese Civil War Jiang- led the Nationalist Party Mao Zedong- led the Communist Party (WHEN HE TOOK POWER WE WANTED TO PROTECT ASIA) Communists came to power in 1949
The McCarthy Era “I hold a piece of paper in my hand that shows 205 people at the State Department are Communists” McCarthyism- terms used to describe his anticommunists smear tactics (VIOLATED RIGHTS) The Army-McCarthy hearings caused him to fade quickly
The Middle East The United States worked to prevent oil- rich Arab nations from falling under the influence of the Soviet Union The Arab nations tended to buy into the idea of Communism
The Korean War 38 th Parallel- the latitude line running across Korea at the midpoint of the country The War started when the North Koreans crossed the 38 th
Korean War cont. The first half of the twentieth century Korea was controlled by Japan The United States thought it was Soviet Union (video game) The United Nations wanted to restore peace
General MacArthur He was able to cut off resources from North Korea after they invaded South Korea Wanted attack to the Chinese mainland but Truman turned him down War ended up in a stalemate
The Effects of the War 54,000 Killed 103,000 Wounded The Korean War was the first time White American and African Americans fought in the same units Military Industrial Complex- a military establishment that employed 3.5 million Americans
US vs Soviets The Arms Race was the struggle to gain weapon superiority The goal for the United States was to establish deterrence. Deterrence is scaring your opponent so much, so they are to afraid to act.
Brinkmanship- a policy of risking war to protect national interests ICBM’s (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles) long range Soviet rockets
Sputnik- the first artificial satellite to orbit the earth U-2 incident- was when the Soviets shot down an American U-2 spy plane
Cuban Missile Crisis Photographs were taken by an American spy plane that showed the Soviets were building missiles in Cuba Cuba is only 90 miles from Key West The Cuban Missile Crisis was a terrifying standoff between the US and the Soviets. It put us on the brink of nuclear war
Kennedy’s Options 1. Continue talking with the Soviets, problem is it would give the Soviets more time to finishing building missiles 2. Invade Cuba, problem risked an all out nuclear war 3. Blockade Cuba, problem no one knew how Khrushchev would react 4. Bomb the Missile Sites, problem is it could start the war.
Kennedy Decides He offered a naval “quarantine” around Cuba He was careful not to call it a “blockade” because that was an act of war
The World Waits Thirteen ships were stopped by the navy but they only had oil and were allowed to proceed Then the Soviets called their ships back, but they still were building missiles in Cuba Then Kennedy got two letters from Khrushchev
It said the Soviets will remove their missiles in Cuba if the US removes their missiles in Turkey Kennedy was a hero and kept in close contact with Khrushchev in hope to prevent a future crisis The Limited Ban Treaty banned nuclear testing above the ground (only on water)