Future Decisions/Choices How to make effective decisions? Written by Barbara Mackessy
Steps of Decision Making 1. Define or Identify the Problem/Want/Need 2. Gather Information about the problem, want or need (think about it) Identify ways to deal with the problem 3. Evaluate all of the Information (pros & cons) (the good and the bad) 4. Select Best Choice for you (select a solution) Think about the possible results of each action 5. Take Action – Do it - Make a responsible decision 6. Review Your Choice (would you do something different next time?) make changes if needed
Think about possible results Is it safe to me and others? Is it legal? Does it show respect for self and others? Does it follow parent’s guidelines? Would my parents and teachers approve? Would it help me to have a better future?
How will my decisions change my… Personal life/social life Leisure activities Community atmosphere Learning attitude Family Work roles Goals Finances
Leadership & Decisions Good decision making is an essential skill for career, financial and personal success. If you can learn to make timely and well- considered decisions, then you can often lead yourself into spectacular and well- deserved successes. However, if you make poor decisions, you risk failure.
Decision Making Do not make decisions that are not yours to make. When making a decision you are simply choosing from among alternatives. You are not making a choice between right and wrong. Avoid snap decisions. Move fast on the reversible ones and slowly on the non- reversible. Do your decision making on paper. Make notes and keep your ideas visible so you can consider all the relevant information in making this decision.
Decisions Remember that not making a decision is a decision not to take action. Trust yourself to make a decision and then to be able to accept and handle the consequences of that decision appropriately. Before implementing what appears to be the best choice, assess the risk by asking "What can I think of that might go wrong with this alternative ?"
Decisions Write down the pros and cons. It clarifies your thinking and makes for a better decision. Make decisions as you go along. Do not let them accumulate. A backlog of many little decisions could be harder to deal with than one big and complex decision. Consider those affected by your decision. Whenever feasible, get them involved to increase their commitment. Recognize that you cannot know with 100% certainty that your decision is correct because the actions to implement it are to take place in the future. So make it and don't worry about it.
Think about it! You've probably been taught not to stereotype people based on race, religion or sex. But when you make a career or business decision, do you still make decisions based on bias and stereotypes? Remember you can be anything you want to be with the right education and training.
Decisions are made daily! Do you use responsible decision making steps? Do you think of the consequences before making your decisions? How can you improve your decision making strategies?
Now, what decisions have you had to make this year? Get in a fight or not? Yell at someone or not? Hit someone or not? Fail my class or not? Do my homework or not? Get a demerit or not? Run in the hall or not? Be on time to class or not? Get water or not? Lie to a teacher or not? Go hunting and kill an animal or not? Roll my eyes at people or not? Cuss or not? Sleep in class or not? Be respectful or not? Make straight A’s or not? Do my chores or not? Do my class work or not? Study for my test or not? Have a good attitude or not? Be kind to others or not? Be careful or not? Listening and following instructions or not? Working harder or not? Turning in all of my work or not? Spend or save money Wear a jacket or not? What to eat? When to eat? Bring my lunch or buy a lunch? How to dress? What to wear? When to get up? What time to go to bed at night? To talk in class or not? To bring all supplies to class or not? To run away or not? To follow the rules or not? Where to sit? What to watch on TV? Doing what I’m told or not? Cooking supper to surprise mom or not? To behave in school or not? To pay attention or not? To participate in activities or not? To do my project or not? Have appropriate attitude or not? Read 25 books or not? Take responsibility for my pets or not? Use my agenda every day or not?
Those decisions were really your goals for the year. Read 25 books or not to read 25 books I will read 25 books this year at home to make sure that I meet the reading standard for my grade level.
Decision making linked to goals Now think about yourself, what decision or goals have you set for yourself for the next few weeks? Make a list of two goals that you plan to do within the next month. Now use the steps of decision making to make sure that you are making the correct decision in both of those goals. Show your work for each step of the decision making in relations to both goals. This will be your assessment for your grade today.