ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINES AHF Aviation Human Factor- Semester: November 2011
ASSIGNMENT FORMAT 1. Front cover ( Refer to assignment format) 2. Acknowledgement 3. Table of content 4. Introduction (1-2 pages) 5. Body content (Minimum of 8 pages) 6. Conclusion (Maximum of 1 page) 7. Reference Make sure all pages are numbered!! If no numbering found, marks will be deducted.
Assignment Questions Human error continues to be a major cause of aviation accidents. According to statistic, more than 70% percent of aircraft accidents were because of human factor. a)Describe any three (3) aviation sickness learned in aviation human factor that potentially cause accident. b)Explain how human performance can be affected when they were exposed to aviation sickness. c)Justify the importance of recognizing human limitation and capabilities.
INTRODUCTION Good Introduction Contains: Definition of human factor and flight physiology. Explanation on the need of flight physiology? Increase awareness Know the sign and symptom Preventive action Know how to react Prove that human factor cause 70% of aircraft accident. State any historical incident cause by any aviation sickness.
Body Content – Part (a) Question: Describe any three (3) aviation sickness learned in aviation human factor that potentially cause accident. There are lots of aviation sickness learned which are: Hypoxia Hyperventilation Trapped Gas Decompression Sickness Sickness due to visual problem Sickness to Gravitational force Fatigue and Jet Lag Motion sickness Sickness due to alcohol Just select three (3) from the list. Explain all three sicknesses in details so that reader can understand about these sicknesses.
Body Content – Part (a) What you should explain about the three selected sicknesses? Definition Why it is happen? Describe if there is any specific type of disease component. Example: Hypoxic, Hypemic, Histotoxic and Stagnant Hypoxia. What are the signs and symptoms? How to solve the problem?
Body Content – Part (b) Question: Explain how human performance can be affected when they were exposed to aviation sickness. The aim for this section is to justify that the problem (aviation sicknesses) are dangerous and could lead towards accident. To answer this question, students should list first the effects of sickness towards human. Finally explain how these effects could affect human performance.
Body Content – Part (b) Example of sickness: Hypoxia The effects of Hypoxia to human are: Delay in reaction time Poor judgment Mental confusion How this effect can affect human performance? Mental Confusion Upon given task, a person might take action wrongly which is not based on instruction because of confusion. For example, instead ascend to certain height, a pilot might descend to certain altitude which in reality might cause air crash to happen. Do the same step for all sicknesses. Explanation should be made in details.
Body Content – Part (c) Question: Justify the importance of recognizing human limitation and capabilities. This section will test your overall understanding on why we need to learn aviation human factor. Listed below are of the examples of the importance of recognizing human limitation of capabilities: Increase level of awareness Differentiate one sickness with another Knowing the preventive action Know the time a person have to take corrective action And many more. (These are just examples)
Body Content – Part (c) All of examples should be explained and justified. Example of justification: Knowing the preventive action: Hypoxic hypoxia always happen at high altitude (above ft.). However, certain people might be hypoxic at lower altitude despite of having cabin pressurization system. In case of hypoxia happen, all cabin crews and passengers should not panic and react according to FAA guideline which is providing victim with oxygen mask. We can only take correct preventive action if we know the person is exposed to what sickness. Justification should be made in details. It would be great if you can provide facts on your justification.
Conclusion Conclusion is basically the summary of your assignment. In conclusion, you conclude everything. For example, out of your assignment you may feel like stressing on few important points from your research. Example: Hypoxia is really dangerous to human because it can happen anywhere at any time to anyone. Thus it is very important for us to have awareness of hypoxia.
SERIOUS WARNING 1) ZERO (0/15) mark will be given if you do COPY & PASTE. This include: a)Copy paste from books and website (I have read so many books and articles on website, so I know either you COPY & PASTE or not. In addition, this semester we’ll be using plagiarism software to check how many percentage you copy and paste.) b)Same assignment with other students. (Both students will be given 0/15) 2) Only for those who write on their own, provide outstanding ideas and have difference from others assignments deserve to get 15/15. 3) Make me review your assignment first before you submit so that I can comment and give idea on how to improve your assignment.
Suggestions to improve yourself If we can think wisely and apply our knowledge in assignment, there should no problem for you to produce more than 10 pages assignment. This is the reason why you need to read many articles and books. After reading, close all books or articles and try to write according to your understanding. Avoid Copy and Paste!! This assignment for sure brings benefit to yourself especially for your final examination preparation.