CPU The CPU is a microchip that is installed on a motherboard and acts as the computer’s brain - performing calculations and coordinating the hardware components. Brains thinking
RAM Random access memory (or simply RAM) is the memory in a computer that is used to store computer programs while they are running The RAM is emptied every time the computer is turned off. It is known as 'volatile memory'. Remember Fast Goes away
ROM ROM is a memory chip where essential system instructions (BIOS) are permanently stored and required when the computer is loading. The data held on ROM can be read but not changed. This is done during manufacturing. ROM is non volatile Remember Slow Permament
Input Devices An input device is any piece of hardware which is used to enter data or content into a computer system. Examples of manual input devices are the keyboard, mouse and scanner. Examples of automatic input devices are MICR, Barcode readers, OMR. Keyboard Mouse Scanner
Output Devices An output device is any piece of computer hardware equipment used to communicate the results of data processing carried out by a computer. Screen
Storage Media Hard drives, Flash memory drives, CDs/DVDs are all STORAGE MEDIA. They store data and programs which can be used at a later date. Always Remembered Permanent
Backing Storage Media Backups can be made onto removable media such as CDs, magnetic tape, removable hard disks and then stored away from the PC. This is useful if there were to be a fire/flood, if the PC were to be stolen or in the event of a hard disk failure. The original data files could then be restored. Backups can also be made to a different drive or file on the hard disk. Always Remembered Permanent SAFE
Personal Computer A PC is a computer designed to be mainly used by one person at a time - hence the word 'Personal'. A PC includes a system box containing the CPU, a mouse, keyboard and monitor. A PC also includes an operating system such as Microsoft Windows that runs the computer. 1 person
Mainframe computer A large powerful computer used to handle company wide information. For example an insurance company would have a mainframe to handle accounts. A bank would have a number of mainframes to handle their transactions. Normally a mainframe supports many users at the same time. Big Computer
Laptop computer A laptop is a small portable computer that is light enough to carry around and to use in a confined place or on your lap. Laptops run on rechargeable batteries but can also be plugged into the mains. Most laptops nowadays are as powerful as desktop computers. Small Computer
Tablet A Tablet is a very small portable computer that is light enough to carry around and to use in a confined place or on your lap. Tablet run on rechargeable batteries No keyboard Small Computer
Smart Phone A smart phone is a very small portable computer that is light enough to carry around and to use as a mobile phone No keyboard What’s a “Dumb” phone? Small Computer and Mobile
GUI Graphical User Interface Use the computer - Pictures and graphics
CLI Command Line Interface Just use text Lots of Typing Text Only Command Line Interface