“Americans in the 1920s were the first to wear ready- made, exact-size clothing. They were the first to play electric phonographs, to use electric vacuum cleaners, to listen to commercial radio broadcasts, and to drink fresh orange juice year round. In countless ways, large and small, American life was transformed during the 1920s, at least in urban areas. Cigarettes, cosmetics, and synthetic fabrics such as rayon became staples of American life. Newspaper gossip columns, illuminated billboards, and commercial airplane flights were novelties during the 1920s. The United States became a consumer society.” splay.cfm?HHID=454
In the 1920’s…. Minimum wage = $.25 per hour Average cost of a car = $290 $100 then would be over $1000 now Loaf of bread = $.10 1 lb. coffee = $.50 1 dozen eggs = $.50 A 6-room cottage in Massachusetts = $2,800
Baloney = nonsense! Bee’s knee’s / cat’s meow = sweet/cool Bull = cop Cash = a kiss Cheaters = eyeglasses Dogs = feet Doll = attractive woman Jake = okay Jalopy = old car To razz = to make fun of Swell = great
Mae Murray, a movie star of The 20’s
People went to plays, watched silent films, played sports, read books and listened to the radio.
A dance marathon is an event in which people stay on their feet for a given length of time. It started as a popular fad in the 1920s and 1930s, when organized dance endurance contests attracted people to compete to achieve fame or win monetary prizes.
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