Morning Meetings Greeting – song/handshake/getting to know you activity Message – this includes the goal of the day Activity – sometimes this is a getting to know you activity or has curriculum tied to it (ie number game)
READING & LANGUAGE ARTS Kindergarten readers and writers focus on building a solid foundation of readiness skills.
5 Literacy Practices Read to self –Read the Pictures –Read the Words –Retell the Story Read to Someone Listen to Reading Work on Writing Spelling/Word Work ___________________ Let’s Build Stamina!
Kindergarten Small Groups Structure Oral Word Games (Phonemic Awareness) Letter of the Week (Jolly Phonics) Phonemic Awareness Activity Sight Word Activity Leveled Reading Writing
Phonemic Awareness Main focus is on phonemes/sounds Deals with spoken language Mostly auditory Deals with manipulating sounds and sounds in words Involves hearing and playing with language c-a-t
Phonics Main focus is on graphemes/letters and their corresponding sounds Deals with written language/print Both visual and auditory Deals with reading and writing letters according to their sounds and spelling patterns Seeing the text representing the language and play with it
5 Basic Skills of Jolly Phonics 1. Learning the letter sounds 2. Letter formation 3. Blending 4. Identifying sounds in words 5. Word wall words
Letter Sounds
Digraphs (two letters making one sound)
Storylines and Actions Learning the /s/ sound Action: Weave your hand like a snake, making an ‘s’ shape, saying ssssss
Letter Formation On the board modelling In the air large motor practice On paper (white boards, paper, handwriting books, homework)
Pencil Hold Tripod grip ‘Froggy legs’ Go and Stop Fingers
Examples: Letter Sounds Group 1
Blending Words
Kindergarten Reading Learning Targets: recognize all the letters & sounds be able to blend sounds together to make words recognize our 51 ‘popcorn’ sight words identify rhyming words understand sequencing, predicting, realism/fantasy, main idea, details
Independent Writing Kindergarten writers use developmental spelling. Children need to know: What they want to say and recall it The sounds they hear in the word The letters that make those sounds One way of writing the letters for the sounds they hear How to form the letters they want to write
Beginning of the year writing End of the year writing
What can you do at home to help? read to & with your child every day ask questions and listen to your child’s response encourage eye contact when talking to each other give 2 or 3 step directions play word games play “I Spy” point out rhyming words encourage chopping words into individual sounds when writing express that learning is fun & work at the same time!
Kindergarten Math Learning Targets: Counts to tell the number of objects Identifies numbers Counts sequentially Prints numbers 0 – 20 legibly Compares numbers Understands addition and subtraction Composes and decomposes numbers Describes and compares measurable attributes Classifies objects & counts the number of objects in each category Identifies, Compares, Contrasts and Creates shapes
What will we be doing in Math? SUBITIZING (instantly seeing how many) Learning to make connections between: verbal “Three” symbolic “3” Quantitative E
What can you do at home to help? Encourage your child to: count everyday objects count forward and backwards look for numbers everywhere make and notice patterns sort toys, clothes, objects talk about how she solves problems
Science Properties Trees Animals (mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians) Health: Five Senses
Social Studies Citizenship Me How to get along / Solve problems Rules/Routines Friendship My Neighborhood Needs and Wants Traditions / Holidays
Assessing Illinois standards based report card 2 times a year informal report card 2 times a year formal report card constantly doing informal assessment to adjust teaching (Sign up for a conference ti tonight in lobby!)
**Please fill out the last 2 pages of the “Nuts and Bolts” packet!** Want to volunteering? Sign up tonight or ONLINE! (see below) Questions? Fill out a form!
Thank you for coming to curriculum night and supporting your child’s education and school!