English Project “Putonghua should be used to teach Chinese in Hong Kong schools.” Recently, there have been debates on the use of Putonghua to teach Chinese. What are the arguments in favor of the statement above and those against? What conclusion can you reach?
Class Forum Have you ever imagined Miss W.Y. Lee use Putonghua to teach Chinese? Do you like it? Why? Give your opinion now!
Why do people make this proposal?
Reasons for introducing this proposal (1)Hong Kong has been handed over to China (2) The economic of China is growing rapidly (3) Putonghua is the lingua franca of China (4) Chinese level of students is declining
(5)Students’ Putonghua skills is declining
Check Point 1 Which is NOT the reason of introducing using Putonghua to teach Chinese? A) A trend of more peopole working overseas B) Hong Kong has become a part pf China C)Chinese level of Hong Kong people is declining D) Putonghua is the lingua franca of China Ans: A
What are the advantages of using Putonghua to teach Chinese?
A research done by Po Leung Kok Chan Nam Cheung Primary School Students who use Putonghua to learn Chinese get 5 marks higher than the normal classes in the Chinese tests. They also get 7-11 marks higher than other classes in Chinese composition
Research Explanation Using Putonghua to learn Chinese enhance students’ proficiency in Cantonese and Putonghua
The advantages of using Putonghua to learn Chinese Students can have better oral, writing and reading skills. Improve written Chinese and fluency of Putonghua More students come from China and this helps them have better understanding in the lessons
Our interviewee’s idea Ms Fan Spokesperson of Hong Kong Putonghua Vocational School Using Putonghua as medium of instruction in Chinese lesson is a good policy to introduce to schools as It brings great benefits to the students
Check Point 2 (1) The policy of “Putonghua as medium of instruction” can help to develop which kind of language skill? A) oral B) comprehension C) composition D) all of the above Ans: D
Check Point 2 (2)We have an interview with spokesperson from a school. Which one is it? A) Hong Kong Putonghua Vocational School B) Hong Kong Putonghua institute C) Hong Kong Institute of Putonghua education D) Hong Kong Putonghua School Ans: A
What are the disadvantages of using Putonghua to teach Chinese?
Difficulties faced by students in learning The disadvantages of using Putonghua as medium of instruction in Chinese lessons Difficulties faced by students in learning Difficulties faced by teachers in teaching
Difficulties faced by students in learning Cannot understand the lesson as students cannot master the language well Difficult to dictate Chinese by Putonghua Hesitate to give response in class
A survey conducted in Yan Chai Hospital Choi Hin To Primary school a decrease of 25.6% of students believed that Chinese lesson is easy to learn after adopted the policy of using Putonghua as medium of instruction. students face difficulties in Chinese dictations after Putonghua as medium of instruction was adopted
Conclusion reached after the survey There are still difficulties faced by students when carrying out this proposal although there are a number of benefits to them.
Difficulties faced by teachers in teaching Limited resources provided for teachers Benchmark examinations may need to be introduced to ensure teachers can master Putonghua well ->high workload & pressure
Check point 3 (1) Primary students have faced difficulties in which aspect as mentioned? A) comprehension B) writing C) dictation D) none of the above Ans: C
Check point 3 (2) Why teachers face high pressure at work as mentioned just now? A) sitting for benchmark examination B) poor result of students C) short holiday D) all of the above Ans: A
What is our opinion?
Our point of view There should be more training for teachers More resources should be introduced for teachers More time should be spent before changing syllabus Opinions should be collected from different parties
Conclusion This is a practical issue but need more time for various preparation before introducing it
Discussion Time!
Discussion Questions Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Question 6 Question 7 Question 8
(1) You are a mother of a kindergarten student (1) You are a mother of a kindergarten student. You want your 5-year-old daughter to enter a school which use Putonghua to teach Chinese. You will have an interview for the entry of the school. What will you say in the interview to persuade the principal accepts your daughter’s application?
(2) You are a businessman, will you choose a student who use Putonghua to learn Chinese or a student who use Cantonese to learn Chinese? Give at least three reasons to support your view.
(3) You are a legislator who do not support using Putonghua to teach Chinese. Now, you have to give a speech in the legislative Council to support your view. You have to give at least three strong reasons to support it.
(4) You are a Chinese teacher (4) You are a Chinese teacher. You have to make a draft to comment on the issue of using Putonghua to teach Chinese for the city forum.
(5) You are chairperson of Putonghua club in a school that uses Cantonese to teach Chinese. As there is a trend of declining Chinese standard in your school. You have to make a proposal to the principal. In the proposal, you have to include the suggestions on how to improve students’ Putonghua standard and persuade the principal to change the medium of instruction of Chinese lessons from Cantonese to Putonghua.
(6) “It is important to use Putonghua to teach Chinese as Putonghua is the lingua franca of China and Hong Kong has become part of China.” Do you agree? Give at least three reasons to support your answer.
(7) You are a primary six student (7) You are a primary six student. You are now selecting a secondary school, you can choose schools that are using Putonghua as medium of instruction in Chinese lessons or using Cantonese as medium of instruction in Chinese lessons. Which kind of school will you choose? Give at least three reasons to explain your choice.
(8) You are now being invited as a guest speaker in a PTA meeting of a school that is using Cantonese as medium of instructions in Chinese lessons. You need to give a speech on the proposal of Putonghua as medium of instructions.
The End