The Role of DBMS in Computing Database system component • Hardware Computer, memory, storage (Harddisk), peripheral, etc. • Operating System ( WINDOWS, LINUX, NOVEL ETC) • Database Storage database objects (table structure, indeks, etc) • DBMS (Database Management System) The software that maintains large amounts of data • User • Data
Database users Actors on the Scene Database administrator Authorizing access rights Database designers Defines the structure of data to be stored End users: Casual end user : users who do not always access the database, but sometimes need the latest information Naïve/parametric user : user that the job is always constant query and update data, such as: bank teller, the employee reservation, etc. Sophisticated users : users who complete the user database needs, such as: engineers, scientists, business analyst Stand-alone users : maintains a database personal System analyst and Application programmers (software engineers)
Database users USER (Worker behind the scene) DBMS system designers dan implementer : The people who design and implement the modules and interfaces DBMS software packages. (Ex. Module: catalogs, procs query lang., Procs interface, access and data buffering, controlling cuncurrency, handling data recovery and security; interfacing: interface for the integrated system) 2. Tool Developers : The people who design and implement tools to support the DBMS software. (Tools to improve database performance, operational monitoring tools for databases, etc.) 3. Operators dan maintenance personnel : The personnel administrator who will be responsible course of database operations including maintenance (hardware / software) DBMS
DBMS Application Salary Report Application Trainning Report Database Query Update
Database System Components Complexity of database systems depends on several factors : Size of Organization Function of organization Organization's corporate culture Activities and environment Database solutions must be cost effective and strategies.
DATABASE System Environment