Investigating haemoglobinopathies
Carrier frequencies of thalassaemia alleles (%) Regionβ-Thalassaemiaα 0 -Thalassaemiaα + -Thalassaemia Americas 0–30–50–40 Eastern Mediterranean 2–180–21–60 Europe 0–191–20–12 Southeast Asia 0–111–303–40 Sub-Saharan Africa 0–12010–50 Western Pacific 0–1302–60 Weatherall D, et al. Inherited Disorders of Hemoglobin. In: Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press; 2006: Available from: 7% of the world’s population are carriers of haemoglobin disorders
Types of haemoglobinopathies Thalassaemias – result from an imbalance in and globin gene production, most commonly due to –Point mutations in the gene –Deletion of one or more genes Haemoglobin variants - result from point mutation in the or genes leading to amino acid substitution, producing a different haemoglobin, sometimes with different properties
l Heterozygous: –Thalassaemia trait/minor Mild/no microcytic anaemia l Homozygous: –Thalassaemia major Marked anaemia (usually transfusion dependence) Iron overload Transfusion complications
Clinical impact of thalassaemia major l Transfusion dependence l Iron overload –Cardiac complications –Endocrine (diabetes, hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, hypoparathyroidism) l Transfusion complications (eg hepatitis C) l Osteoporosis – bone disease
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Mutations in thalassaemia thalassaemia –200 point mutations in the globin gene –Deletions are rare thalassaemia –Deletion of one globin gene on an allele Common, many ethnic groups –Deletion of both globin genes on an allele Less common, some ethnic groups –Occasional point mutations
Alpha thalassaemia genotypes
globin under-production leads to excess of other haemoglobins globin under-production leads to excess of other haemoglobins
Microcytosis l Thalassaemia trait –Anisocytosis, poikilocytosis –Target cells l Iron deficiency –Hypochromic red cells –Pencil cells l Anaemia of chronic disease (eg rheumatoid arthritis) – upregulation of hepcidin, functional iron deficiency (poor release of iron from enterocytes, hepatocytes) l Very rare: sideroblastic anaemia
Iron deficiency
Thalassaemia trait
Cellulose acetate and citrate agar gel electrophoresis A2 C S F A Barts H C S A F
Thalassaemia trait - phenotype thalassaemia trait –Variable microcytosis, mild anaemia thalassaemia –Single gene deletion: none/microcytosis –Two gene deletion: mild anaemia/variable microcytosis –Three gene deletion (Hb H disease) Variable –Four gene deletion Hb Barts hydrops fetalis l Compound heterozygotes –Sickling disorders (HbSS, HbSC, HbS- -thal
Interpreting the haemoglobin EPG An elevated HbA 2 is diagnostic of thalassaemia trait Hb H inclusions are diagnostic of thalassaemia trait l Elevated Hb F –May be seen in thalassaemia trait –Other disorders of erythropoiesis –Pregnancy –Hereditary persistence of fetal haemoglobin l Abnormal bands –Haemoglobin E (with or without thalassaemia), Lepore Matters because of compound heterozygosity with thalassaemia trait –Hb S, C Matter because can contribute to sickling –Other D, O, etc, etc Often don’t matter Some produce unstable haemoglobins Can’t be easily characterised on standard HbEPG
Lab Testing l FBC l Characterisation of abnormal haemoglobins –Haemoglobin electrophoresis –HPLC –Supravital staining for H inclusions l Iron studies –Ferritin –Transferrin/TIBC –Transferrin saturation –Serum iron l (inflammatory markers)
Common problems in Hb EPG interpretation l H inclusions are rare – thalassaemia cannot be excluded The findings of thalassaemia may be masked by iron deficiency (reduction in Hb A 2 ) Rare problem of normal Hb A 2 thalassaemia trait l Unexplained elevated Hb F
Solutions to difficult Hb EPG results l Family studies l Repeat testing when iron replete l DNA testing – globin gene PCR testing – globin gene sequencing
When does it matter? l Pre-pregnancy l Early pregnancy –DNA testing is rapid if the mutations are known –DNA testing is slow and may not yield a result if the mutation is not known –CVS possible at 11 weeks –Second trimester amniocentesis –Genetic counselling takes time and causes anxiety l The role for screening?
Important patterns l Microcytosis in early pregnancy –Partner should have FBC, iron studies and Hb EPG (to exclude both thalassaemia trait and a sickling disorder). –Don’t wait for the woman’s results l Microcytosis (in a male or female) –Test the partner –Test other family members – it may help someone else l Microcytosis in both partners –Is there a risk of Hb H disease or Hb Barts hydrops fetalis –“masked” thalassaemia major l Hb S or Hb E trait –Think of compound heterozygosity –Test the partner and other family members