Drug Use
Substance Abuse -any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substance for non medical purposes. –Overuse –Multiple use of a drug –Use of illegal drug –Use of a drug in combination with alcohol or other drug
Illegal drug “street drug” -any chemical substance that people of any age may not lawfully manufacture, posses, buy or sell. Crime is called “illicit drug use” – w.phphttp:// w.php
Factors that influence decisions about drugs Peer Pressure Family Members Role Models Media Messages Perceptions
Health Consequences of Drug Use Can range from minor to deadly –Unlike medicines these substances are not monitored for quality, purity or strength. –Effects all sides of Health
Physical Consequences Can harm user’s –Brain –Heart – lungs – vital organs Overdose- a strong sometimes fatal reaction to taking a large amount of a drug Injections can lead to HIV and Hep B.
Mental Consequences Cloud reasoning and thinking and users lose control of their behavior Ecstasy, a stimulant drug that speeds up the nervous system, affect the part of the brain controlling thinking, mood, memory and perception.
Social Consequences Do and say things they later regret. Negative effect on relationships. Expelled from school Legal consequence Major factor in many crimes, suicides and unintentional injuries. Can lead to exposure to STD’s
Understanding the Addiction Cycle Tolerance Psychological dependence- condition in which a person believes that a drug is needed in order to feel good. Physiological dependence-chemical need for the drug (experiences withdrawal) Addiction- causes persistent, compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful.
Consequences for Babies and Children Drugs pass thru placenta to unborn child. –May be spontaneously aborted or born with birth defects, behavioral problems, or addiction. –May be born with HIV –Nursing mother can pass drugs through breast milk Children are often neglected and abused
Cost to Society Rise in drug related crimes and violence Office of National Drug Control Policy- illegal drugs cost the American economy 160 billion per year. –Lost work hours and productivity Drug related illnesses, jail time, accidents, and deaths.
Prevalence Percent of persons 12 years of age and over with any illicit drug use in the past month: 7.9 (2004) Percent of persons 12 years of age and over with marijuana use in the past month: 6.1 (2004) Percent of persons 12 years of age and over with any nonmedical use of a psychotherapeutic drug in the past month: 2.5 (2004)