Next Generation Professionals Opportunities, Practice & Outcomes Opportunities, Practice & Outcomes Interim Joint Committee on Education July 12, 2010 Kentucky Department of Education
Race to the Top application The inherent need to support and develop an effective educator workforce The critical importance of teachers and principals to students’ learning and success Federal grants and reporting requirements: State Fiscal Stabilization Funding Title I & Title II Reporting Requirements Reauthorization of Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Teacher Incentive Fund Senate Bill 1requirements: Students College- and Career- Ready Current research
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (2010). Empowering effective Teachers. Bill & Melinda Gates. Clifford and Condon (2010). Measuring principal performance: How rigorous are commonly used principal performance assessment instruments? Naperville: Learning Point Associates. Coggshall, J. (2007). Communication framework for measuring teacher quality and effectiveness: Bringing coherence to the conversation. Washington, DC: NCCTQ. Laine, S. W. (2009). Building capacity to increase teacher effectiveness and equity. Washington, DC: National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality. Little, Goe & Bell. (2009). A practical guide to evaluating teacher effectiveness. Washington, DC: NCCTQ. New Leaders for New Schools. (2009). Principal Effectiveness. New York: New Leaders for New Schools. Odden, A. & Kelly, J. (2009). Taking human capital seriously: Talented teachers in every classroom, talented principals in every school. Madison: Strategic Management of Human Capital. Wesberg, Sexton, Mulhern & Keeling. (2009). The widget effect. The New Teacher Project.
Current SystemProposed System Development of local plans by district and approval of local plans by KDE Common statewide system; district plan option available Frequency of evaluations of certified personnel Non-tenured – annually Tenured – at least every three years Annual evaluations for all certified personnel Non-tenured (formative and summative) Tenured (formative specific to professional growth targets that impact student outcomes) Training for evaluators Annual certification and recertification Training for evaluators Significant changes to components of training based on components of evaluation system National support in development of validity and reliability studies Monitoring of evaluation plans by KDE Annual review and approval of district plans Monitoring of evaluation plans by KDE Surveys, site visits, validity and reliability testing Annual reporting of teacher and principal effectiveness (federal requirement) Equitable distribution reporting (federal requirement) Relationship of evaluation to employment status Due process procedure for tenure and/or dismissal Relationship of evaluation to employment status Due process procedure for tenure and/or dismissal Career pathway opportunities Possible differentiated incentives based on demonstrated effectiveness
The system is based on three primary domains: Learning Environment Instructional Practice Leadership & Professionalism The five/six proposed system measures are: Observations 360 Approach Artifacts and Evidence Professional Growth Targets Student Growth Student voice could be added as an option Note: The components and measures are based on the Kentucky Teacher Standards and the Administrator ISLLC Standards.
Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Professional Practice Jim Stronge’s Effective Teachers Saphier’s Skillful Teaching Pianta’s CLASS Protocol Kenton County Public School System’s Model Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Wallace Foundation
The system is based on three primary domains: Learning Environment Instructional Practice Leadership & Professionalism The four/five proposed system measures are: Val-Ed Instructional Practice Professional Growth Goal Organizational Goal Student Growth Student Voice (optional) Note: The components and measures are based on the Administrator ISLLC Standards.
Murphy, Leithwood, and Darling-Hammond ISLLC 2008 and Ky Cohesive Leadership Continuum Wallace Foundation Studies on Leadership North Carolina, Delaware, Iowa, New York and Ohio Systems
Three-year phased implementation 23 districts to participate in year-one Field test of components through December 2010 Steering committee finalizes rubrics in January 2011 Limited piloting of components in volunteer districts February – May 2011 Pilot finalized components implemented in districts in Validity and reliability studies Statewide pilot
Two Statewide Steering Committees Teacher EffectivenessPrincipal Effectiveness Education Partners: KEA, JCTA, KASC, KASS, KASA, PTA, Great City Schools Education Partners: KSBA, KASA, KASC, PTA, KASS 4 Local Superintendents EPSB, CPE and university representation Teachers & PrincipalsPrincipals