Lecture 14: Operating Systems Intro to IT COSC1078 Introduction to Information Technology Lecture 14 Operating Systems James Harland
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Introduction James Harland URL: Phone: Office: Consultation: Mon , Thu What colour is my office door? Carpet? Chair?
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Introduction to IT 1 Introduction 2 Images 3 Audio 4 Video WebLearnTest 1 5 Binary Representation Assignment 1 6 Data Storage 7 Machine Processing 8 Operating Systems WebLearn Test 2 9 Processes Assignment 2 10 Internet 11 Internet Security WebLearn Test 3 12 Future of ITAssignment 3, Peer and Self Assessment
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Overview Questions? Assignments 1 & 2 Operating Systems Questions?
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Assignments 1& 2 Assignment 1 Currently being marked Will have marks out later this week Assignment 2 Specification has been published Must be done in groups of 2 or 3 Can change groups from Assignment 1 (if you wish) Must have a blog on Blackboard
Lecture 14: Operating Systems SE Fundamentals Questions? How did you spend 6-8 hours on this course last week? This week?
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Operating Systems operating system kernel device driver open source real time virtual machine desktop publishing
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Operating Systems Operating system
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Operating Systems Manage hardware and software resources Memory allocation Prioritising requests and processes Controlling input and output devices Managing network access Managing file systems Dealing with multiple users …
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Operating Systems HARDWARE USER
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Operating Systems
Lecture 143: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Operating Systems Concurrent execution of processes on a single CPU Memory management Registers, caches, RAM, hard disk, plug-ins,... Movement of data between these File systems Networking Printers, scanners, LAN, wireless, Internet,...
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Operating Systems Graphical User Interface (GUI) Colors, data, cursors,... Device drivers Code specialised for particular hardware device (DVD writer, printer, monitor,...) Controls access to these Security Passwords, file sharing, protocols,...
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Operating Systems Desktop (Windows, MacOS, Linux,... ) Windows around 85% of market Server systems Google “back end”, server farms,... Windows Server or Unix Specialist systems Supercomputers, call centres, real-time systems, PDA systems,...
Lecture 13: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Operating Systems
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Linux Open source Developed in 1991 by Linus Torvalds Written in C RedHat, Mandrake, SUSE, Ubuntu,... RedHat 7.1 has 30 million+ lines of code
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Windows Add-on to MS-DOS in 1985 Most popular OS Known security issues Windows XP 40 million lines of code Vista released 2007 Windows 7 (now!)
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT MacOS Only on Apples Introduced by Apple in 1984 GUI from the start Based on Unix Graphics features Mac OS X Leopard
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Where to begin? How do you start an operating system? Boot it! (or bootstrap) Turn on power ( ) Machine loads bootstrap program from ROM (non-volatile memory) Bootstrap program loads OS OS takes over
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Initial State When Turned On Program Counter Instruction Register 00 ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Load Bootstrap Program Program Counter Instruction Register 00 ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00
Lecture 146: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Bootstrap program loads OS Program Counter Instruction Register 00 ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Bootstrap program loads OS Program Counter Instruction Register 00 ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Bootstrap program has loaded OS Program Counter Instruction Register AA ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00 AA
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT OS takes over execution Program Counter Instruction Register AA ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00 AA
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Starting Up Operating Systems Program Counter Instruction Register AA ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00 AA
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Starting Up Operating Systems Program Counter Instruction Register AA ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00 AA
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Starting Up Operating Systems Program Counter Instruction Register AA ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00 AA
Lecture 16: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Multiple boot scenario … Program Counter Instruction Register 00 ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00
Lecture 16: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Multiple boot scenario … Program Counter Instruction Register 00 ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00
Lecture 16: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Multiple boot scenario … Program Counter Instruction Register 00 ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Multiple boot scenario … Program Counter Instruction Register 00 ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk Bootstrap Program 00
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT OS Software Classification Software SystemApplication Utility Kernel Operating System Shell
Lecture 16: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Processes
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Processes A program is a static set of instructions A processes is the execution of a program, which changes state over time.
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Processes Executing in Context Program Counter Instruction Register CC ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk 00 CC
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Processes Executing in Context Program Counter Instruction Register DD ROM RAM ProcessorMemory Disk 00 CC DD
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Processes Switching Ready Waiting Scheduler maintains process table
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Processes Switching
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Interrupts Signals to the CPU Often generated by timing circuits CPU reacts by jumping to appropriate memory location Dispatcher selects a ready process resets timing circuit starts process CPUs often designed to switch process states efficiently
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Processes Executing in Context Program Counter Instruction Register BB ROM RAM Processor Memory Disk 00 BB
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Processes Executing in Context Program Counter Instruction Register 11 ROM RAM Processor Memory Disk 00 BB
Lecture 14: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Processes Executing in Context Program Counter Instruction Register FF ROM RAM Processor Memory Disk 00 FF
Lecture 146: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Interrupts Provide mechanism to switch processes CPU doesn’t have to wait for I/O transfers Switching leads to faster throughput `Save document’ means CPU does something else while the save takes place
Lecture 15: Operating SystemsIntro to IT Conclusion Work on Assignment 2 Web Quizzes and Web Test 2 Finish reading book!