THE U.S INVASION By: Matthew Swetoha. HOW IT STARTED  On a very sad day on September 11,2001 the U.S was attacked by terrorist also known as the Taliban.


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Presentation transcript:

THE U.S INVASION By: Matthew Swetoha

HOW IT STARTED  On a very sad day on September 11,2001 the U.S was attacked by terrorist also known as the Taliban  They attacked us in a different way. They struck our air transportation group  The Taliban hijacked 4 of our commercial jetliners.  After all the horrible strikes we then would invade Afghanistan

AMERICAN AIRLINES FLIGHT 11  American Flight 11 left from Boston and sadly was the one that struck the north tower  American flight 11 was a operating the Boston-Los Angeles flight  81 passengers, 9 flight attendants and 2 pilots

UNITED FLIGHT 175  United flight 175 is the plane that struck the south tower  The aircraft was flying from Boston-Los Angeles  This flight was operated with a  There were 56 passengers, 7 flight attendants, and 2 pilots.

AMERICAN AIRLINES FLIGHT 77  American flight 77 is the aircraft that crashed into the pentagon  The flight was from Dulles to Los Angeles  It was operated with a 757  There were 58 passengers, four flight attendants, and two pilots.

UNITED AIRLINES FLIGHT 93  United Airlines Flight 93 was the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania. It was believed that this plane was going to crash into the Whitehouse  Flight 93 was a Boeing on a scheduled flight from Newark to San Francisco, with 38 passengers, five flight attendants, and two pilots.

REACTION  This was such a sad day and after it finally sunk in that this wasn’t a accident young adults were enlisting in the marines because of the anger and hate towards the Taliban  President Bush was in Florida on this day. He was talking to children in a Elementary school. Every time a plane crashed you could see the devastation in his eyes  They got the president in the air because they thought that was the safest thing to do  I actual was in Jacksonville the day before and is saw him and air force on land

THE INVASION A War Footing  President George W. Bush signs into law a joint resolution authorizing the use of force against those responsible for attacking the United States on 9/11. Reconstructing Afghanistan  President George W. Bush calls for the reconstruction of Afghanistan in a speech at the Virginia Military Institute. "By helping to build an Afghanistan that is free from this evil and is a better place in which to live.

THE INVASION CONTINUED Major Combat Over  During a briefing with reporters in Kabul, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld declares an end to "major combat.” An International Mission  The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) assumes control of international security forces (ISAF) in Afghanistan, expanding NATO/ISAF's role across the country. It is NATO's first operational commitment outside of Europe.

THE INVASION CONTINUED Obama Commits  President Barack Obama announces plans to send seventeen thousand more troops to the war zone. Obama reaffirms campaign statements that Afghanistan is the more important U.S. front against terrorist forces. A New Tragedy  President Obama announces a new strategy for the war effort, linking success in Afghanistan to a stable Pakistan. The core goal of the strategy, as outlined in an interagency white paper, is "to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al Qaeda and its safe havens in Pakistan, and to prevent their return to Pakistan or Afghanistan."

THE INVASION CONTINUED Osama Bin Laden  On May 1, 2011, al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, responsible for the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington, is killed by U.S. forces in Pakistan. The death of America's primary target for a war that started ten years ago fuels the long-simmering debate about continuing the Afghanistan war.