EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 1 EUREKA Svatopluk Halada EUREKA Secretariat, Brussels a catalyst for innovative R&D projects Brno, September 22, 2004
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 2 A European programme and network in field od applied and industrial research and innovation activities Integral component of the European Research Area Target group: mainly industry and particular attention to SMEs Involving of research organisations Public funding only from member (national) sources - not at a central level ! Why EUREKA ?
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 3 CERN Positioning frameworks and programmes in ERA Innovatio n Basic research EU FP EUREKA COST European Research Labs JRC National R&D programmes esa
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 5 EUREKA history Historical data Launched in 1985 with 17 member countries from Western Europe and the Commission of the European Communities EUREKA opened its doors to Central & Eastern European countries Encouraged project participation from anywhere in the world, allowing industry to ‘work with the best’ Currently 33 member countries and the Commission of the European Union
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 6 34 Members Including two future candidates for EU accession and non-EU members
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 7 OperationalPolicy / Strategy Ministerial Conference Ministerial Conference Interparliamentary Conference Interparliamentary Conference High Level Group CHAIRMANSHIP CUSTOMERS ENTERPRISES, UNIVERSITIES, RESEARCH INSTITUTES PROJECTS CUSTOMERS ENTERPRISES, UNIVERSITIES, RESEARCH INSTITUTES PROJECTS EUREKA Secretariat E! structure The EUREKA structure Executive Group NPC Network and National Offices
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 8 Why EUREKA ? Time to market reactivity Shared responsibility Opened possibility of public cofinancing Light ex-ante evaluation Flexibility
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 9 Why EUREKA ? Bottom-up project Bottom-up project generation by partners FlexibilityFlexibility to adapt project content and structure Efficiency and limited overheadsEfficiency and limited overheads IPRIPR: negotiated between and owned by partners Exploitation of research results by project partners to develop new products and services: strengthening Europe’s industrial competitiveness Set-up of European standardsSet-up of ‘de facto’ European standards The advantages
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 10 Strategic initiatives for Europe 2 Pillars a common R&D public-private synergy a Network for SMEs
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 11 A pan European decentralised Network for innovative projects by SMEs EUREKA 19 years of experience !
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 12 A favourable environment for European competitiveness and job creationA favourable environment for European competitiveness and job creation Focus on the strength of European industryFocus on the strength of European industry Strategic initiatives (mobile communications, home of the future, smart cards, automotive, aeronautics) EUREKA
a catalyst for collaboration 13 A real public-private R&D synergy increasing the European competitiveness 3% Lisbon objective EUREKA
a catalyst for collaboration 14 EUREKA participation versus total R&D participation by member Contribution of EUREKA to the 3% objective
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 15 What is a EUREKA project? A EUREKA Innovative project is: international - partners from at least two of EUREKA’s 34 members developing innovative products/processes/ services for the market proposed, defined and managed by its partners (the ‘bottom up’ approach) essentially industry led by industry financed locally
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 16 EUREKA’s ‘bottom-up’ pproach The participants decide what the project aims to do who is in it how much it will cost how long it will take how it will be managed how risks and results will be shared
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 17 Setting up your EUREKA project Key factors for success Clear objectives Right partners Project management Resources availability Market opportunities Partnership agreement
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 18 1500 finished projects 600 running projects Investment of 500 M€ each year Building cross-border partnerships
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 19 Financial size of ongoing innovative EUREKA projects BIOCOMENEENVINFLASMATROBTRA No. of Projects In m€ █PC<=1 █1<PC<=3 █3<PC<=5 █5<PC<=10 █10<PC<=20 █20<PC<=40 █PC>40
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 20 Participation of SMEs in EUREKA
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 21 EUREKA Strategic initiatives EUREKA Cluster projects ICT Telecoms Energy Biotechnologies
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 22 Co-ordination of Cluster projects 986 European partners working together! 1 B € each year Microchips Software Interconnexion Micro- & Nanosystems MEDEA+ ITEA PIDEA EURIMUS Partners Countries
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 23 Enhancing European competitiveness Common strategic view of industry Define European standards Prepare ‘interoperability’ End-user focused
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 24 Ongoing EUREKA projects by thematic areas (Innovative projects and Cluster projects)
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 25 Ongoing projects by project initiator
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 26 Research Institute 31% University 33% Others 5% Large Company 11% SME 20% EUREKA FP5 EUREKA and FP5 project initiators
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 27 Rate of success of proposals 65% Overheads of the Initiative <3% More project proposals than funding available The return on investment of public funding by taxes over induced turnover is less than 2 years EUREKA
a catalyst for collaboration 28 EUREKA Success story (1) EUREKA´s support for increasing of European Competitiveness JESSI - Submicron Silicon Process Technology >strategical project in >budget Mio Euro >result: 3 European companies in the Top 10 ranking of microchip manufacturers EPROM – Industralisation of Integrated Circuit Non-Volatile Memory >strategical project in MEDEA – Microeloctronics Programme for Integration Into Selected Application Systems MEDEA Plus - Microelectronics for Europe and Information Society >IT strategical projects from 1998 till present >budget Mio Euro
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 29 EUREKA Success story (2) EUREKA´s support for increasing of European Competitiveness EURIMUS – Microsystems for Information Technology >strategical project in >budget Mio Euro ITEA - Software systems for ICT >strategical project for software-intensive systems PIDEA and PIDEA Plus - Packaging Technologies for Miniaturasation in Electronic industry >strategical project ITC Technology for Packaging and transport in 1999 till present >budget Mio Euro AMADEUS >Reservation, Ticketing and Payment System of Flight Tickets
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 30 EUREKA member since 1995 Czech EUREKA infrastructure EUREKA High Level Representative:Mr. Karel Šperlink EUREKA National Co-ordinator:Mr. Josef Martinec The EUREKA NPC Secretariat:Located at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports The EUREKA Board of the Czech Republic: advisory body to MEYS Association of Innovative Entrepreneurship:support of EUREKA management in CR, project generation, public relations EUREKA in the Czech Republic (1)
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 31 National project assessment and procedures Application for public tender (one deadline per year) National evaluation procedure and EUREKA Project Assessment Methodology (PAM) Obtaining of EUREKA label by High Level Group Contract with MEYS CR Starting of national co-financing EUREKA in the Czech Republic (2)
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 32 EUREKA Project funding Targeted co-financing from budget of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (budget for R&D International Cooperation) Amount of 3,5 M€ in 2004 Subsidy to both public as well as private entities and to all types of organisations (SMEs, LCs, Universities and Research Institutes) Support should cover up to 50 % of relevant budget of involving Czech organisations in project consortium Max. limitation up to € per project EUREKA in the Czech Republic (3)
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 33 EUREKA in the Czech Republic (4) EUREKA NPC´s services Partner search Project management support Financial sourcing Market and technological knowledge and expertise Contact to NPC framework
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 34 Have a look to the EUREKA public website For more information
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 35 EUREKA Web site Project database, Partner search Launch project suggestion/idea Forthcoming events (Partnering/Brokerage, Conferences, etc.) EUREKA contacts
EUREKA a catalyst for collaboration 36 Thank you for your attention EUREKA The European network for industry-led, market-oriented R&D Business Conference: EUREKA and the Czech Republic Brno, September 22, 2004