Agenda 07/23/2010 Type 2 Diabetes – When get tested? – Prevention New Vocab Type 2 Diabetes Brochure – Review for test
Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms in children: 1.Increased thirst frequent urination – Too much sugar, blood pulls water from tissue – “Trick” itself into diffusion, but insulin not working so not going to work 2.Increased hunger – No glucose no respiration no useable energy – “Trick” itself into more glucose food! 3.Fatigue – No glucose no respiration no usable energy 4.Blurred Vision – Pulling water from eyes! 5.Areas of darkened skin – Folds/cresses – armpits, neck
When should you get tested? “High Risk” Copy/Pasted from Mayo Clinic: With a body mass index (BMI) over the 85th percentile With a sibling, parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle or cousin with type 2 diabetes Who are black, Hispanic, Native American or Asian- American, as these racial groups have a higher incidence of type 2 diabetes With signs of insulin resistance, such as darkened skin on the neck “To diagnose type 2 diabetes before it does serious damage, diabetes screening is recommended for all children and adolescents at high risk of type 2 diabetes, even if they have no signs or symptoms of the condition.” – Mayo Clinic
Ok, most of us in this room are “high risk” so how can we present Type 2 Diabetes? 1.EAT healthy – Low fat and calories – FIBER!!! – controls blood sugar levels – Veggies, Fruits, Whole Grains, low fat meats…. – Avoid: soft drinks, energy drinks, sugary foods, junk food 2.Exercise – At least 30 min per day, up heart rate – 10 minuets here and there are fine! 3.Lose excess weight – Doctor – Eating Disorders (Anorexia/Bulimia) - prone to Type 2 Diabetes not consuming enough consuming too much sugars body already in stress
New Vocab Mutation Genetic Engineering Why need a lot of “genetic diversity” when using stem cells? Why might people agree/disagree with Genetic Engineering? What body systems work together for Respiration? How does CO 2 get into cells? What are the organs for the Excretory System? What is the function of the Endocrine System?
Type 2 Diabetes What is it? Symptoms? Prevention? Why important to know about it? Respiration – Role of Glucose – Body Systems Excretory System Endocrine System Genetic engineering Make a Brochure to show Understanding of this Disease
Extra Information So, a few more topics for the EOC on Friday… Some we spoke about but did not write down Others, have not mentioned
Unit 1 - Ecology What does bacteria have to do with a food web? – Decomposer – Breaks down dead material – “Recycling” glucose Biological Magnification – Toxins are in higher amounts with the top consumers – As you move up the food chain/pyramid there are more poisons/toxins – Why? Eating 10 times 10 times …. Reverse of Energy
Biomagnification example 2 Who studies this type of stuff? Ecologists Conservationist – Keep Biodiversity HIGH
What makes something living??? Characteristics of Life!!! 1.Requires Water 2.Has a Metabolism (uses energy) 3.Reproduces 4.Made of Cells 5.Reacts to the Environment 6.Grows and Develops
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