Project Management Software Welcome to the presentation for This slide deck has been written to help you get approval to signup and use for managing projects in your Organization. We’ve written it in 3rd person, so you can just read from the notes and present them straight to management as part of your presentation. Feel free to customize these slides and notes as you wish! If you have any questions, then email us at, we’re here to help And remember - email us if you’d like a demo of the software, to give you that award winning edge for your presentation! Good luck
Agenda Introduction 1 Company Overview 2 Product Features 3 Key Benefits 4 In this presentation, I’ll walk through you through the Company overview, the key features that the product has to offer and the benefits in using it.
Online Project Planning Competitor to MS Project Company Overview 2008 2010 2012 2015 80% Market Share Online Project Planning Company Formed Competitor to MS Project Product Live Best Gantt On the Planet 10,000 Customers Organic Growth was founded in June 2008. It’s a New Zealand company with 25 full-time staff The Company is growing at a fast rate (288% revenue growth last year) They have over 10,000 paying customers in more than 100 countries 50% of their customers are in the US, so their 1st level support team are US based They stand out because they offer an online alternative to Microsoft Project, at a much cheaper price Currently, they have a 50% market share – so 50% of people that want online planning features use their toolset They plan to reach 80% market share by 2015
Product Features Portfolio Management Project Management Task Management Work Management They offer the full spectrum of features, from work and task management, to project and portfolio management Where their real strengths are in is “project management” The reason is that their management team all come from a Senior Project Management background, having managed projects up to $1 billion in size So they really understand how projects should be managed. Another thing that makes them different is that they offer their experience for free, by giving away free project management training video sessions and resources each week to customers, to help them manage projects better (see
Product Features Feature Set Visibility Tasks Project Reporting Projects Planning Collaboration Their product is unique for 3 key reasons: It’s easier to use than anything else on the market. While they offer free training, mentoring and support in the product, they say you don’t need it – you can login and create a project and a task list in under a minute. Their project planning tool rivals Microsoft Project. You can import an MS Project plan, share it with your team and update it online. It comes with all of the most commonly used features from MS Project, as well as a few others – like being able to see your planned vs. actual view at the same time. The great thing is that on the Dashboard, you can see the status of each project in real-time. So as teams are all logging in an updating task information, we can see the overall project status update as it happens.
Online Project Planning Product Features Online Project Planning Here’s what the project planner looks like. It’s completely interactive, just like MS Project. So for instance, we can click and drag task bars to change their planned start and end dates and % complete. We can also create large plans if we want to, with over 1,000 tasks and update them easily online. And the best thing is that it’s simple and easy to use. Also, every time we make a change, the system emails all the people assigned to tasks and lets them know of the changes, to keep everyone on the same page.
Virtual Project Dashboard Product Features Here’s what the dashboard looks like Every project gets it’s own dashboard. We can also have dashboards for project groups, and there’s an overall dashboard for the entire portfolio of projects too. The dashboard tells us the health of each project, whether it's on time, under budget and what the overall progress is. We can see the status of tasks been completed, how efficient our resource allocation is and whether there are any risks, issues or changes that need to be addressed. We can also customise the dashboard by changing the layout of the charts in turning charts on and off.
Product Features Ten More Features Happy Customers Task Management Document Storage Customizable Reports Email Alerts Timesheets Roadmap View Resource Workload MS Project Integration Issue Management Security Profiles Happy Customers Right features Quick support Fast platform Extra value Here are 10 more features that are included in the software: Task Management: We can enter our tasks, assign resources, set priorities and send notifications. Document Management: We can upload an unlimited number of documents and everyone can share those documents online. Customizable Reports: There are a whole suite of reports in the system which allows to see the status of projects, tasks, resources, timesheets and expenses to name a few. Email Alerts: The system allows us to set both instant and recurring email alerts to keep people informed and the team at all times. Timesheets: if we want, everyone in the team can complete timesheets online and then we can report on them. Roadmap View: We can see the overall progress of all of the projects in the system, on a single page. Resource Workload: We can check the overall allocation of work across all of the members in our team quickly and easily from the workload page. MS Project Integration: We can import and export MS Project plans quickly and easily so that if users want, they can use MS project on the desktop and then share the plans online with colleagues. Issue Management: We can manage issues, risks and change requests in the system. Security Profiles: We can set different security profiles for different role so that we can choose who can see and edit which pages in the system.
Pricing - Simple & Low Cost It's a really simple pricing model, we simply pay per user logged in to the system. So it starts at $25 per user per month. We can increase and decrease the number of users at any time. We also get discounts if we prepay. So we get a 10% discount if we prepay for one year, 20% the two years and 30% three years. In comparison to Microsoft project licensing which is around $1,000 per user for the desktop version and over $5,000 per install for the server version, it makes it a really cheap and affordable model.
Key Benefits Enables… Greater Visibility Better Planning More Control The Benefits Key Benefits To Organization To Teams Greater Visibility Better Planning More Control Improved Tracking Enables… Open Communication Enhanced Reporting Real-Time Status Project Success By using as the central place to manage projects online, we can really improve the way that projects are planned, tracked and reported on. The best thing is that because everyone is updating projects as they go, we get a real-time view of the status of projects “live”. This means that our Organization has better visibility of our projects and because we can instantly identify issues as they happen, we get better control. It also helps us to communicate more openly because all of the information relating to projects is on one place – so there’s "one version of the truth“ With greater visibility, more control and better communication, we’ll really improve the way we manage projects.
Next Steps 1. Free Trial 2. Setup Project 3. Decision 4. First Rollout Rollout Plan 2. Setup Project 3. Decision 4. First Rollout There are 5 simple steps to trialling and rolling out The 1st step is to take a Free Trial of the service online. We get 30 days to try the service in full, to see if it’s the right tool for us. During this time we'll set up our first project. We'll choose a project that's relatively short duration and one of its fairly easy to track with only a handful of resources. We'll also request a demo from their support team during this time, we’ll watch the video tutorials online and get help when needed so that we can make an informed decision about it’s success once the project is complete. If it's a thumbs up then the next step will be to ask our “1st Tranche” of Project Managers to use the product. If they use the product over a couple of months and find it beneficial, then we'll ask the remaining Project Managers in our Organization to use it. Thanks for listening and any questions before I sign up for a “Free Trial”? 5. Second Rollout
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